• @[email protected]
    348 months ago

    It just never ends if there are 3+ people in the house. There’s always clothes to gather, load, wash, move to the dryer, unload, or fold. Each individual load is maybe not that big a deal. But the ever present work lurking in the periphery… Ugh.

    • @starman2112
      48 months ago

      If you have a place to hang them, I recommend hanging everything but socks. You can even consolidate entire outfits on one hanger if you have the normal kind with the bar across the bottom to drape your pants over

      • @CancerMancer
        48 months ago

        I started hanging all my shirts, now I don’t even need a dresser. Just put socks in underwear in little bins on the floor, ez. Pants get folded and put in two piles: work and home, on a shelf. Welcome to ADHD clothing storage.

    • @CancerMancer
      8 months ago

      wife and 2 kids, I do laundry once or twice a week. Wife and I fold kids clothes and put them away, takes like 15 minutes of actual effort for everything? As for “ever present work lurking in the periphery”: the only moment that needs to stay on mind is switching clothes from washer to dryer. The rest doesn’t have a time requirement, so let it go. Empty the dryer next time you need to shit or something.

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      My girlfriend and I do a total of 1 load of laundry a week. If we had a kid or two, that would add another 1 load.

      Growing up with my family of four, still just 1-2 laundry loads a week.

      Honestly, it has never been bad. I’ve also been doing my own laundry since I was 11.

      • @can
        168 months ago

        You our new resident incel or something?

      • @Jakeroxs
        98 months ago

        Fair but also who doesn’t complain about work too?