The Airmen Battle Uniforms were decent. Better than the Army ones at least. They used tiger stripes instead of the digital blocks so they at least blended in a bit more to the environment.
I like the cut and feel of the current ACU unifoms issued in OCP. I would like the ABU pattern if the colors actually made sense. Thankfully rit dying (apple green) helps a lot and the stripes give it a touch of contrast even though it’s all one color
Someday someone will think ABU is nostalgic drip and I won’t be ready for it
The Airmen Battle Uniforms were decent. Better than the Army ones at least. They used tiger stripes instead of the digital blocks so they at least blended in a bit more to the environment.
I like the cut and feel of the current ACU unifoms issued in OCP. I would like the ABU pattern if the colors actually made sense. Thankfully rit dying (apple green) helps a lot and the stripes give it a touch of contrast even though it’s all one color