• The Picard ManeuverOPM
    195 months ago

    investigation of the human spirit.

    yoink - don’t mind me, just stealing this phrase for the next time someone asks me about Star Trek.

    • @[email protected]
      155 months ago

      Q: You just don’t get it, do you, Jean-Luc? The trial never ends. We wanted to see if you had the ability to expand your mind and your horizons. And for one brief moment, you did.

      One of my favorite quotes from all Trekdom, where they come straight out and say it’s about the inner voyage.

      • NegativeNullM
        115 months ago

        Every series tends to have a character who’s main purpose is to explore “human spirit”, through the eyes of anther species.

        • Spock
        • Data (and maybe Worf)
        • Odo
        • Neelix
          • @gravitas_deficiency
            75 months ago

            It’s one of the things that makes it so good. Content that makes you step back and genuinely question yourself and your assumptions is objectively good content - change my mind

            • @[email protected]
              55 months ago

              I really agree. Neelix’s obnoxious behavior and strange jealousy / possessiveness of Kes was a real disservice to his character for the first few seasons and initially I couldn’t stand him. He improved a lot once he and Kes broke up. It was an uncomfortable relationship to watch anyway because Kes was maybe the equivalent of a very sheltered, naive 18-year-old human, and Neelix was clearly a middle-aged dude who had been around the block a few times. He was half controlling parent, half controlling boyfriend and it was just weird.

              He became such a wonderful, warm person as the series went on. Godfather to Naomi, took his jobs as chef and morale officer seriously (even though everyone ungratefully complained about his cooking!), trained as a security officer, and always a friendly ear to anyone who needed him.

              I’ll also make this argument in his favor: Neelix didn’t have much of an ego, whereas the Doctor was unbearable at times. Neelix’s EQ was much higher.

              • Flying SquidM
                45 months ago

                I think you can explain most of Neelix’s behavior in the first few seasons on severe PTSD considering what happened to him before he went on the run.

              • @[email protected]
                5 months ago

                For many people Neelix is a write off because of just how gross his relationship with Kes is. It’s a shame too, his introduction to the series is 100% wildcard. I was most excited about his character when I watched the first time. And then all my excitement was spoiled by constant couch talk about how Neelix is just a gross pedophile.

                Some real whacky choices were made with voy.