Also on the show were right wing figures Jack Posobiec, Laura Loomer, Mike Flynn, Vivek Ramaswamy, Andrew Tate, and others.

So that’s who Elon hangs out with now.

  • @[email protected]
    967 months ago

    That cocksucker shouldn’t be allowed to say shit until he pays off his judgment to the Sandy Hook parents.

    • @brbposting
      497 months ago

      He was just asking questions. Playing devil’s advocate. He’s just a guy. He’s apologized over 500 times.

      That was the gist. Plus some strawman: he never peed on graves! How could he be sued if he never personally peed on a grave, and merely incensed listeners into showing up at victims’ houses when he never specifically advocated for such behavior?

      Thanks Elon!

  • FoundTheVegan
    737 months ago

    I’d be embarrassed to be on the same stream as Tate, Musk or Jones. Literally every single person on that list is aggressively terrible person. They’ve created basically an unintentional crabs in the bucket situation, these people can only associate with each other and they all drag each other down.

  • Reality Suit
    627 months ago

    Why was Alex Jones seen selling military secrets to Iran? I’m just asking questions. I haven’t really seen him do it, but if I did, why was he? Just asking questions. Why has Alex Jones never denied being a pedo? I’m just asking questions.

    • @[email protected]
      97 months ago

      I heard he exposed himself to minors in a dressing room. Or was that some other fuckwit? Hard to keep track. Anyway, just asking questions.

      • @[email protected]
        67 months ago

        I heard he is an antifa deep cover agent attempting to ruin the credibility of The Honorable Donald Trump. He was even spotted at the Jan 6 psyop. I don’t have confirmation, yet, just asking questions.

    • chaogomu
      367 months ago

      He’s no longer under house arrest, but cannot leave Romania before the trial.

      He has been indicted on charges of rape, human trafficking, and forming an organized crime group to sexually exploit women.

      I can’t find a trial date, but it’s in the works. Some sources are saying that the entire process could take years, and at the end, it will be about a 10-year sentence for both brothers, and two other accomplices.

        • @Saledovil
          57 months ago

          After which Tate would go and brag that he got off thanks to his wealth. Then whoever took the bribes would be embarrassed, and possibly in trouble themselves, needing to use some of that bribe money to get out of trouble themselves. Could easily be that guy’s superior wanting a cut. I’m optimistic that any official would at least try to take Tate for everything he’s worth. E.g. not 5 digits, but at least 6 or 7.

        • chaogomu
          27 months ago

          If Tate had never bragged about the corruption in the first place, then he might have gotten off with some bribes, but now. No. No one will accept bribes here because there’s too much attention on this case.

        • chaogomu
          17 months ago

          Most countries don’t send people to prison for the rest of their lives.

  • Dr. Dabbles
    327 months ago

    Just putting this fact out there- A US presidential candidate was on a twitter space with a self-admitted rapist. These pieces of shit can all hang out all they want, and be total dipshits together. But they should carry that stigma forever.

  • @can
    177 months ago

    I’m sure the two of them and Rogan get together and share wild ideas.

  • squiblet
    27 months ago

    Jesus fuck, he also had Posobiec, Loomer and Flynn on? What a disgusting spectacle of villainy. It’s like he’s going for the absolute worst people he can find.