Edit: For transparency sake, the original image was only the first tweet and none of the follow ups. The negative nancies compelled me to point out their nonsense.

  • @restingboredface
    486 months ago

    Based on her description of what the guy said it sounds like he was genuinely trying to just say something nice and she took it that way. As long as the email didn’t follow up with a “so are you still single, let’s get together” or whatever it’s fine.

    I think all the news of creepers out there and the Incel crowd makes it hard to see things through a positive lens, but there really are good folks out there. We all would benefit from assuming good intent when we see things like this.

  • cheer
    386 months ago

    Wow, most of the people in this comment section are sad to watch.

    • StametsOP
      6 months ago

      Really though. “Oh my god it’s so creepy!” they say on behalf the girl who did not find it creepy but found it endearing.

      Do you know what? Fuck it. I just went and found the entire chain and am editing the main post to have the whole chain instead of the first message.

  • @pastermil
    46 months ago

    Wow, this is more wholesome than I thought it would be.

      • @[email protected]
        276 months ago

        Don’t post this! All the incel white knights who have deemed that person creepy have already spoken!

        Seriously. That you posted her actual reaction and people downvoted you because it goes against the narrative they themselves made up is fucking weird

        • StametsOP
          126 months ago

          Chances are it’s just the person who I responded to downvoting in a kneejerk response to being told they’re wrong. Can’t say I haven’t done it. I try not to but it happens. I don’t judge on that. The rest of the behavior? A little.

          • @[email protected]
            6 months ago

            So lame really terminally online people here, Jesus. If people think this was creepy, they need to go touch grass and talk to some real people.

            They’re gonna go to a class reunion and call the damn cops lmao

    • @[email protected]
      386 months ago

      Someone remembering you as a human being with hopes and aspirations and congratulating you on accomplishing them without attaching any weird come on? Absolutely lovely.

    • @Noel_Skum
      216 months ago

      No. No it isn’t. Is called social interaction. I’m sorry you feel the way you do.

    • HornyOnMain
      196 months ago

      Could be either sweet or stalkerish. Depends on the vibes and the person honestly. With the right person especially if they have a memorable name then it wouldn’t be too weird, especially if they talked for a while and it didn’t end poorly. If it was really awkward talking to them and they just messaged you out of nowhere, yeah that’s sketch.

      • @[email protected]
        -476 months ago

        After 4 years it’s only not creepy if it’s an acquaintance and they wouldn’t message on instagram for something like this.

        It’s funny how these feel “good stories” are what people try to do and it’s always don’t be a creep, in real life it’s weird. This isn’t a fantasy story. Straight up fucking weird in every level after that amount of time.

        • Jo Miran
          526 months ago

          Person is chillin’ reading about their favorite sports team. Gets to the bottom of the article and sees the standard Photo/Name/Title signature of the author many sites use. Recognizes the face and name of the lady they had a nice chat with on a dating app. Remembers author mentioning they wanted to be a sports writer. Sends DM saying congrats.

          If you think that’s creepy, the problem might be you.

        • Orbituary
          226 months ago

          Bro, chill. You have no real context into the situation. Hell, her tweet might even be fake. Stop virtue signaling about shit you’re not even involved with.

          • StametsOP
            196 months ago

            Stop virtue signaling about shit you’re not even involved with.

            For fucking real. This has become a far too common thing for people to get upset for shit on behalf of people who don’t care.

          • @[email protected]
            -246 months ago

            Yes except for 99% of the time it goes the opposite way, we shouldn’t be glorifying the one in a billion times it doesn’t.

            • @spacecowboy
              106 months ago

              Bruh admit you were wrong and move on. This isn’t a good look for you.

    • @funkless_eck
      56 months ago

      I’ve matched with people in the same industry as me and then have gone on to see them around (I’m married now). Not that weird.

    • @[email protected]
      -486 months ago

      Yeah, I don’t know what course of action she should take but may wanna block him and let some people know about it.

      • @Noel_Skum
        126 months ago

        JFC. Really? Not everyone in the world is a freak. Some people are just decent and when they see someone from the past succeeding they big them up.

      • @can
        96 months ago

        Why though? It’s not like he followed the sports section looking for her all these years and clipped them on the the wall by his bed.


      • @[email protected]
        86 months ago

        Oh no are you gonna inform the Knight’s council, light the signal fires and assemble a posse?