• @[email protected]
    427 months ago

    It would be nice if we could see a day where people drop the entire Bible from their list of reasons why people should or shouldn’t do things.

    You know, instead of just the parts that aren’t convenient to them like they do now.

    • Flying SquidOP
      327 months ago

      I especially love how they cherry-pick from the Old Testament. How much bacon do you think Greg Kelly eats in an average year?

      And then there’s their hero Trump. How many of the “big ten” has he violated at this point?

      • @[email protected]
        207 months ago

        The whole “I hate you because you don’t follow the Bible!” schtick goes directly against what Jesus taught. It’s like the whole identity of the “religious right”.

        • Flying SquidOP
          77 months ago

          The fun thing is they claim Matthew 5:17-18 says that Jesus claims you don’t have to follow Jewish law when it says the exact opposite:

          Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

          He comes to fulfill, but he hasn’t actually done it yet. And the Bible never says he does, so the presumption is it happens when he returns.

          • HACKthePRISONS
            27 months ago

            wasn’t pauls letter to the hebrews in direct contradiction with your interpretation?

            • Flying SquidOP
              107 months ago

              Wow, Paul contradicted Jesus?! Holy fuck! That never happens in anything else Paul ever wrote!

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              Hebrews was almost certainly not written by Paul. However it’s purpose does indeed seem to be to assure the early Jewish converts to Christianity that they could more selectively follow the laws of the OT/Torah. The author accomplishes this by using 3 verses from Genesis to “prove” that anytime Jesus’s teachings contradict Moses, Jesus wins.

              Edit: It’s an incredibly shaky argument. Genesis 14:17-20 . Look that verse up and then try to make it make sense.

    • @[email protected]
      307 months ago
      • Adolf Twitler

      • Benedict Donald

      • Cheeto Benito

      • Cheeto In Chief

      • Cinnamon Hitler

      • Comrade Cheetolino

      • Con-Hair

      • Despot Cheeto

      • Diaper Don

      • Draft Dodger Don’

      • Fanta Menace

      • Hair Furher

      • King Mierdas

      • The Manchildian Candidate

      • Mango Mussolini

      • Orange Julius Caesar

      • President Gold Man Sucks

      • Prima Donald

      • Pumpkin Pinochet

      • Tangerine Toddler

      • Tangerine Tyrant

      • Trumplethinskin

      • Tweeto Toupee’to

      • The White Pride Piper

      Leader of the…

      • 101st Chairborne

      • Aloha Snackbar 

      • Al Qanon/Al-Q-da  

      • Alt-Reich 

      • Ameristani

      • Antifact

      • Balsamic Jihad

      • The Can’twalkqani Network

      • Constipatriots

      • Coronazis

      • Cosplaytriots 

      • The Coughedaracy 

      • Covihads 

      • Delta Farce 

      • Fartilery 

      • FisherprISIS 

      • Flu Klux Klan 

      • FriedSIS 

      • GI Sloppy Joes/GI Doughs

      • Goutlaws 

      • Gravy Seals  

      • Green Buffets/Beignets

      • HamAss

      • Hicksbollah

      • Howdy Arabia   

      • InchErectionists

      • Irrational Guard

      • IslamHicks 

      • Juice/Chew/Flu-saders 

      • Klandemics

      • Koup Klux Klan 

      • MAGA-hideen

      • The Mayonnaise Militia 

      • Meal Team 6

      • MethamphetaMarines   

      • Methanised Infantile Division 

      • 'Murikahadeen 

      • The National Lard

      • O-Dunkin-30

      • OnlyKlans (Parler/Truth Social) 

      • Operation Dessert Storm 

      • The ParaMealitary 

      • Patridiots 

      • Qanonsense

      • Q-cuks-klan

      • Qcumbers

      • The Secret Serving

      • Sons of Qur’anarchy 

      • Spetznecks

      • Talibama

      • Talibanjo

      • Talibangelicals 

      • Timid McVeighs 

      • Traitor Tots

      • The Turd Reich

      • Vanilla ISIS

      • Veteran: Normandy Beached, Cold Cuts War, Vietnaan and Dessert Storm 

      • Walmartyrs 

      • Whisky Tango Foodtruck 

      • Y’allQaeda 

      • Yeehawdists 

      • Yokel Haram

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    I kind of wish images like this could be plastered around grocery stores, in shopping carts or something. Some neutral place where literally everyone goes.

    Anyone ever read Every Man Dies Alone by Hans Fallada? It’s inspired by resistance efforts to the war in Nazi Germany; one small way of pushing back was writing postcards critical of Hitler.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      I would have no problem with people doing guerrilla marketing with this kind of thing. I think sticking them over those shopping cart ads is a great idea. And it certainly wouldn’t be illegal to leave them in your shopping cart face up when you return it.

      What is really like to see though is a crowdfunded grassroots campaign to put these on billboards. Maybe not this one per se - billboard design is its own thing - but basically just getting the agitprop out there where it can do some good.

      That, and ai gen / bot farm these things and post them to twitter and facebook.

  • [email protected]
    197 months ago

    The resurgence of newsmax in the last few years has been equal parts disheartening and panic-inducing. Seeing it on Lemmy every week or so feels similar to metastasis.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      There’s this sweet little old lady who comes in my store and buys a powerball once a week. I’ve known her for years. She always says, “if I hit, you won’t have to work anymore. I probably won’t, but if I win you win.”

      All these years and she’s never talked to me about anything but powerball dreams.

      Last week she came in and said, “I seen on newsmax where illegals are coming across the border without a worry in the world. They’re just taking care of them with our money.”

      She went on this ku klutz klan krant and I couldn’t believe it. It broke my heart.

      I don’t watch tv so newsmax wasn’t something I heard of before she said that. I looked it up. Damn. What a mess.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      I wouldn’t say to be part of the GOP you would have to be stupid. It helps but the real problem is you have some sort of moral deficiency. I’m not perfect, trust me. I just haven’t sunk as low as joining the GOP.

  • @[email protected]
    167 months ago

    I haven’t read it since I was a teenager, so it’s been a while, but I’m pretty sure that Taylor Swift isn’t mentioned even once in the Bible.

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        The Old Testament (Taylor’s Version) :

        “… and Moses said unto them, ‘look what you made me do’.”