I thought we were moving to this Lemmy instance but the /r/Noncredibledefense mods are linking to this Lemmy instance: [email protected]

That instance of NCD has fewer subscribers, older posts, and less activity.

There can only be one so is it here or there. Does anybody know which it is?

  • ✖️ 🇨 ✖️ 🇨 🐝
    3611 months ago

    What you’re witnessing in real time is why “just creating your own subreddit” rarely worked. You can’t compete with an overwhelming existing userbase being told to go to their alternative that they control, it doesn’t matter what was first or better either.

    • @Shit
      2211 months ago

      Honestly I wouldn’t mind making them mods here if the community approves. They just ignored me everytime I’ve tried…

      • @Daefsdeda
        1111 months ago

        Annoying. But you are a king in our eyes tho

        • @ShitM
          1411 months ago

          This is a democratic republic with juche characteristics!

          • @Daefsdeda
            711 months ago

            Exactly. I made some marketing comments for this community. Hate power tripping people/mods.

            • @ShitM
              811 months ago

              Yeah I would rather delete the community than bend the knee (pending community approval)…

        • @verity_kindleM
          1211 months ago

          Ya. I ain’t leaving. It’s called shitjustworks. Our mod is called Shit. It’s kismet. Don’t go against fate!

  • @[email protected]
    2211 months ago

    Are the Reddit mods also mods in the Lemmy instance, If yes that might be the reason. Also feddit.de defederated not long ago for a while from Sh.itjustworks because of Moderation Problems.

    • @selfOP
      2311 months ago

      Two of the reddit NCD mods are mods on the lemmy.world instance. None seem to be mods here. I guess that’s why they’re promoting that instance over this bigger (for now) one.

      • @Shit
        1711 months ago

        ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I tried to reach out to them over Lemmy two times in the last month and never heard back. I don’t really have a problem making them mods if the community here wants.

        • @selfOP
          211 months ago

          2 of them are already mods at Lemmy.world

  • @sbv
    2111 months ago

    Ah. Drama, my old friend.

    • @verity_kindleM
      1611 months ago

      Or all three. I can’t get enough of the cold greasy gas station pizza that is NCD. There is one on kbin.social, one on lemmyworld and one here, my favorite. I migrate, grazing on dumpster sushi seasonally…

  • Dodecahedron December
    1311 months ago

    There can be many more than one, or are you forgetting about decentralization?

    • @selfOP
      1411 months ago

      “There can only be one” isn’t literal. Obviously there can be more than one otherwise why would I be asking which of 2 instances should we use.

      But network effects will tend to grow one at the expense of the other and it’s a feedback loop that will likely end up with one being dominant by far. I’m just speculating on which that will be.

      • Dodecahedron December
        611 months ago

        Ok, consider matrix which is federated e2e chat. There are a few instances but the “dominant one” is matrix.org, the public test instance setup by the matrix devs. You probably do not want to use this one unless you absolutely have to. The reason being is that the instance is so large that chats take a while to load and sync and there can be some downtime as the servers are overloaded lots.

        You can instead run your own little instance with no sign ups, just you, and still chat to everyone on matrix.org as well as the other federated matrix instances. Bonus, when matrix.org goes down, you can still chat with users on your instance and other federated matrix instances instead of waiting for matrix.org, your chosen, “dominant” instance to come back online.

        This is a mental trap folks get into. Centralized services suck and are antithetical to the web’s design.

        Think of these federated instances like email and ask the same question: “which will be the dominant email service? Gmail? Fastmail? Aol? Protonmail?” The answer is you choose the one you want for the reasons you want, and don’t sweat it because it will likely communicate across the rest of the internet (unless blocked by spam filters).

        Things to consider in an instance:

        • do I like the end result of my handle (e.g. [email protected] vs [email protected])?
        • does the instances values somewhat align with mine? I mean to say if you consider joining threads as your fediverse instance, you mind find less content or a worse interaction with content in general? If you join a right wing server as a leftist, you might find the only content you can access is content you don’t want to see, as other instances have blocked that instance…
        • think they will be around for a while? Think again! All of lemmy instances are run by volunteers. If you don’t mind instance hopping when one goes down, just pick one. Guessing which instance will have the resources to continue in years time isn’t something you’re going to get a good feel for years to come. Lemmy content isn’t going to easily monetized meaning likely most instances will need to rely on donations in some form to pay the datacenters who literally keep the lights on.
        • @selfOP
          511 months ago

          The content on the lemmy.world NCD isn’t shared in this NCD and vice versa, so even if I can subscribe to the other NCD from this account I can only view the post from both NCDs is to go to the Lemmy equivalent of my frontpage. But from there I see all of the posts from all of my subscriptions. Is there an equivalent of a multi-reddit? Where you can view a feed that combines two communities, but only those communities?

          • @[email protected]
            311 months ago

            That’s a good question. I’m new here too so I don’t have the answer, but isn’t there some sort of filter? I’m not sure if that would do the trick or if it just filters everything else out.

          • Dodecahedron December
            111 months ago

            Subscribe to both as see them in your feed? I mean, if you only wanted to see those two you could only subscribe to those two.

            What you are specifically asking for can be built into clients for individual users, but isn’t something which is going to work like a public multireddit, at least not that I know of, not right now.

            • @selfOP
              211 months ago

              I am subscribed to both. I assume nmy feed will eventually have many communities so subscribing just to those 2 is a non-starter.

              Yeah I could write my own client to be able to show just 2 communities, but I’d rather not have to go through all that trouble*.

              ^* I’ve been thinking about taking an open source reddit android app and adapting it to work with lemmy

  • @emergencycall
    1011 months ago

    It looks like @[email protected] is a mod of this community. I will stay subscribed to both, doesn’t mean anything to me.

  • @[email protected]
    811 months ago

    Weren’t the Reddit mods recently complaining that the Lemmy.world instance was run by communist or something?

  • CommunityLinkFixerBotB
    611 months ago

    Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: [email protected]