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Beautiful, but noisy as fuck. When I was growing up, we called then Screeching Jays
Yeah we had those things in our backyard all the time too. Surprisingly loud lol
They’re gorgeous
And make the most obnoxious sounds. I’ve got them all over in my area and they flock up on the trees in my yard every spring.
I need a new lens because I badly want to get some photos of them but my 200mm just isn’t enough and it kills me. They’re so gorgeous.
Will be getting a new name soon
Maybe emo jay?
I know yours was a joke, but I’m kinda curious what names they might consider. Western Jay? Mountain Jay? Screamo Jay? Western Mountain Screamo Jay?
A beautiful jay here.
Gorgeous bird.
Beautiful birds, intelligent too as I believe they’re related to corvids. Just watch your lunch around them
Fairly clever, more bold than the average crow. Not as aggressive as gulls but yes they’ll try to steal from people.
It’s stellar
Cool bird
What a gorgeous bird!! 🥰
They are beautiful, and difficult to observe. We have them around here and if they’ll sense you watching them from inside the house and fly off. I managed to get a couple pretty comfortable with our feeder and we can safely observe them from the house. But when they’re rooting around in the rain gutters, they’ll skedaddle as soon as we set eyes on them.
Thank you for reminding me how beautiful these birds are. I mostly just silently yell at them in my head to SHUT UP. It’s not their fault they have a less than beautiful song.
I’ve lived in the south east of the US my whole life. When I went west and saw them for the first time I was stunned
Beautiful assholes.