• @[email protected]
    383 months ago

    The loopholes are there by design, it’s not a mistake. Just look up lobbying in the United States.

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      It’s funny watching whatever whacko shit politicians have to say any time theyre asked a question that challenges the status quo. Thes3 people truly suck.

  • @[email protected]
    293 months ago

    The problem isn’t that they want to ban Tik Tok, it’s that they completely ignore ever other questionable app. Let’s make laws that address both data harvesting as well as platforms that use misinformation to manipulate large groups of people in exchange for money. We already know Facebook has been guilty of this but as an American company they can offer campaign donations to make politicians forget the problem. Sigh.

    • @[email protected]
      73 months ago

      Absolutely. Is apps using addictive based systems to hook people in and then harvest their data aggressively to turn around and sell it to groups who use that data however they want an issue?
      It sure feels like it should be. And if it is then it should be an issue of any app doing so.

      But it’s keeping the wheels on this economic disaster of a ride. So only the ones that don’t pay directly back into the country letting this run full scale without restrictions because of small kickbacks, aren’t ok?

      It becomes abhorrently two-faced. And it should be apparent by now that the wealth generated by these American companies are not actually being shared with the American government or people. But getting to be close to it and get small feedings from them is enough to appease our geriatric/out of touch ruling class.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      This is how elites can keep bamboozling us. How the fuck our life would improve without tiktok? At least If you ban every personalized social network or add strong regulation to them, but no, just ban tiktok and pretend you are doing something. CCP can eat shit, I’m worried about what is happening around me and not in a country in the other side of the planet.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          An adverserial nation in control of an algorithm that influences and effects behaviors here in the united states effects you.

          Have you not once considered the NSA or silicon giants a potential adversary?

          At least with NSA you could say for the purpose of national security, but Google would happily kill people for money if they figured out a way to not get caught.

          • @[email protected]
            13 months ago

            No because if these silicon giants want to continue to do business in the USA, they would not try and influence the American people for a foreign adversary.

            Tiktok’s intent is not to make money. It’s to influence us and use our data to spy on us. Did we all forget about the Forbes journalist that was tracked on Tiktok?

            • @starman2112
              43 months ago

              Yeah, they’ll only have to influence the American people for a domestic adversary

          • @[email protected]
            63 months ago

            Simple. When the bill was first introduced, TikTok blasted a notification telling people to call their congressman to stop them. We then had literal lemmings doing that exact thing without understanding the entire scope of the bill and why it’s being done. Good fucking thing it was mostly younger kids.

            Now imagine the same scenario where we have 18 year old voting adults. It can and would be able to sway an election or worse.

              • @[email protected]
                03 months ago

                I completely understand why these companies are assholes, but we ALL understand why they are being assholes. Money. Greed. You gotta keep sqeezing the bottom half of Americans to get that fucking G6.

                But Tiktok’s intent is not money. Its power and intel. Power and influence on our American citizens. They don’t care about your money. They want your data and so they can better influence you into thinking how they want you to think.

                And what they want you to think directly benefits China. A weaker America is a stronger China. Fuck the CCP.

                • @[email protected]
                  -13 months ago

                  Uber and Lyft were telling voters to vote against their own interests and it worked. If you think that US companies aren’t using your data to influence how you think then you’re a prime example of their success. It’s not just “innocent” money-making schemes, it includes manufacturing consent for wars.

            • @[email protected]
              13 months ago

              Not to mention common lemmy shills post this garbage up constantly to keep the youngins riled up. All ploys. All benefiting not us.

              I would prefer legislation towards protecting our data rights too, but that ship sailed after we pissed net neutrality away, and that talking point is merely used as wedge between us. All to keep us mad at each other, ineffectual, and unlikely to vote.

          • @[email protected]
            23 months ago

            For starters, TikTok algorithms are made to downweight any topics relating to subjects censored in China. HERE is a link to a study on the subject from Rutger’s University and nonprofit NCRI. Since NCRI also directly advises Congress, it’s a big part of the information available to legislators making this decision to force TikTok’s sale.

              • @[email protected]
                03 months ago

                I’m not going to click that, but idk probably. That’s the point, downweighing can’t be easily observed without a large dataset.

                • @[email protected]
                  33 months ago

                  It’s a video covering all sorts of forbidden topics in China and tagged with hashtags like #uyghur and #tiananmensquare but the video showed up on people’s “for you” page and engagement/views was in line with most of his other videos. On the other hand, his videos where he brings up other topics like the CIA get outright censored. He uploaded a video about Palestine and tagged one with tags like #freepalestine and then uploaded the same video again without those hashtags and the one with the hashtags has <70k views versus the >930k views of the video without the hashtags.

    • @[email protected]
      03 months ago

      Reading your other comments, it reminds me of boomers on facebook. Have you ever used instagram? Try reading the comment section of a black guy or a woman or a muslim or worse all combined.

    • @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      This is the part where everyone ignores the fact that, once again, Biden has already done the good thing.

  • @starman2112
    73 months ago

    They’re gonna get it banned just in time to disenfranchise young voters immediately before the election

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago


      I’m no authority on words, I am an anarchist when it comes to words and so are all my favorite authors but I feel like this word is very commonly used in exactly the way you are using it.

      I reckon 99% of people reading your post understood what you meant.

      It’s a word, and it is the correct way to use it. If you disagree, fight me, I will open an alot-sized can of Ouchies on you.

      • @starman2112
        3 months ago

        Holy shit you’re right I’m too tired for this shit

        I’m looking for dis-something. Dissuade? Disillusion? Disinclined? Man fuck English the Democrats are gonna piss off young people is what I mean

        This could be a slam dunk year for either party and they’re both insistent on keeping voter turnout as low as possible. Democrats are saying “yeah, let’s complain about illegals killing Americans and give some more weapons to Israel” and the Republicans are doing so dogshit that Haley lost to None Of These Candidates in her own state primary, and she was still the person with the most votes

        Democrats are like “youngins like TikTok? Let’s ban it, that’ll get em to vote for us” and the republicans respond with “oh yeah? Well we’re gonna ban porn!” And the average American has less reason to vote in November than the average Russian did this month

        • @[email protected]
          53 months ago

          Discourage? I dunno.

          I guess I could say that young people are such flaky voters, it’s not worth caring about what pisses them off too much. Breathing the wrong way, a made up deepfake, mercury being in retrograde, all of these are unforgivable offenses to young voters. Young voters are like that crazy girlfriend who has a dream you cheated on her so she’s pissed at you for weeks.

  • @[email protected]
    -13 months ago

    Oh fuck off with all these tiktok apologetics posts. It’s a shitty app comtrolled by a shitty government. Move on.

    • @[email protected]
      213 months ago

      In what way is this a TikTok apologetics post? It’s calling out the governments inability to close tax loopholes for billionaires. No one gives a fuck about TikTok. Or are we just moving on about the billionaires tax evasion?

    • mozz
      3 months ago

      Two things can be true

      It can be nakedly hypocritical, this Kabuki theater of oh woe is me it’s so difficult to do anything of substance to reign in these companies, it’s just politically very tricky what with the free market and all-- oh it’s Chinese and they don’t give me money? Fuck 'em get 'em out of here, 50-0, fuckin ban it.

      And at the same time Tiktok can also be legitimately a much more dangerous company than Facebook or Lehman Brothers or whatever, even as regular-criminal dangerous as those two and the rest of the bunch are.