• @[email protected]
    802 months ago

    Assassination > WWI > Hitler’s rise/WWII > US reconstruction of Japan and merging cultures > Anime. Tracks.

    • The Snark Urge
      82 months ago

      The time I was ambushed by shitting dicknipple hentai as a teenager is a consequence of one dude picking the wrong sandwich shop a century ago.

      • @Ashyr
        42 months ago

        Brotherhood then. Dope.

        • @starman2112
          2 months ago

          Damn, guess it’s time for me to rant

          '03 was so much better than Brotherhood. The homunculi’s origins in '03 are cooler, the reveal of Pride hit so much harder because it happened so much later in the series so you had more time to get to trust them, and I like the story around Sloth and Wrath ('03) so much better than the lack of story around Sloth and Pride (Brotherhood). Having fewer important characters also helped the story feel more concise. The only thing Brotherhood has on '03 is the ending, and even then I don’t think it’s better, only less weird. '03’s ending was a strong decision, and I like my tea strong. Brotherhood’s was nicer to watch because it’s not bleak and heartbreaking, but that doesn’t make it better

          • @[email protected]
            42 months ago

            I like both for their own interpretations. Brotherhood kept to the story the creator wanted to tell and when 03 caught up to the original story, instead of making insane amounts of filler to wait for more story (looking at you dbz), they took their own direction and it goes wild in all the best ways.

            The only thing I don’t like about brotherhood is the lack of absolute fucking gutpunch of finding out what happened to create the talking chimera

          • @Ashyr
            22 months ago

            I obviously don’t agree, but I absolutely love that you feel strongly enough about it to rant a little. I’m sorely tempted to re-watch ‘03 based on the strength of your conviction alone.

            That ending though. It was a big miss for me and I’m not sure I’m willing to sit through it again, knowing where it’ll go.

  • @[email protected]
    32 months ago

    I blame King Louis 15th. He dropped the ball after France’s best king. The financial problems associated with his reign set the stage for the French Revolution. And most importantly, he annexed Corsica. From which a young Artillery officer would rise to terrorize Europe.

    Then after that guy, whose name nobody remembers, was properly exiled the Continental Monarchies agreed on a balance of power system. This was largely influenced by the fact that so many of them were actually related via the Habsburg family. And more than a few didn’t have any other family line… Look there’s a reason for the “Habsburg Jaw” okay?

    Which brings us to the entire reason Serbia was stuck with the Habsburgs ruling part of what they thought should be Serbia. It was part of the Balance of Power idea from that period. The idea that was put in place to prevent any more unnamed Corsicans from conquering large swaths of Europe.