• @[email protected]
    1102 months ago

    There are only so many nouns that start with G. Everyone knows all Linux programs must be a noun and an acronym that starts with “GNU” (which is itself a noun and an acronym that starts with GNU)

      • @[email protected]
        162 months ago

        KDE is not an abbreviation, and not in the same way than XNA is not an abbreviation. Originally it was the Kool Desktop Environment which was quickly dropped not for the obvious KDE Desktop Environment but K Desktop Environment, which kinda makes sense given that KDE replaces 'c’s with ‘k’ all over the place – such as, to wit, its name as it’s a reference to CDE. Nowadays it’s plain KDE though.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          a long time ago I’ve heard that maybe the only reasoning behind the “K” is that it comes before “L” in the alphabet (L, cause of “Linux”)

          Idk how true is this, but I’ve found this “explanation” amusing.

      • z500
        92 months ago

        KDE Komedy Klassic? That’s not good…

    • @[email protected]
      152 months ago

      When they finish the words with G they can just add another layer of recursion and create BIG, an acronym for “BIG Is GNU”. And from there go on like a word chain game

  • @[email protected]
    1062 months ago

    Being free from megacorps let’s humans be humans, to express themselves, I love it, the jokes are nice (and are jokes, unlike the nightmare abominations like Clippy and their AIs).

    • @zarkanian
      622 months ago

      I was part of a coding bootcamp, and one day the class was talking about git. Somebody mentioned that “git” is also a word used as an insult, like “That guy is a total git”. When I revealed that was where the name came from, several students audibly gasped, and a couple said something like “Oh, how embarrassing!” I had the weirdest sense of culture shock, and I had no doubt those students would make very good corporate drones.

      • @[email protected]
        172 months ago

        Yeah it’s weird how computers are still so grounded in weirdo cultures but because everyone has to use them and they’re the foundation of modern society and economy these people often run into something they aren’t prepared to deal with whether it’s copy left and the open source movement or it’s terminology and naming with an irreverent flair.

        This is also how you wind up with me casually talking about linux and home servers with a bunch of anarchists as we fix up old bikes while I know engineers and tech chasers who are scared of such things.

        • @zarkanian
          72 months ago

          That’s what I heard, too. He has a habit of naming his software projects after himself: Linux, git.

        • @zarkanian
          142 months ago

          For them, I guess. I can imagine some folks would be embarrassed to tell people that they use GIMP for the same reason.

      • @[email protected]
        52 months ago

        They were already assimilated at that point, changing their culture would be futile.

        But we must try anyway.

      • @[email protected]
        92 months ago

        Really, huh, that’s … kinda nice to know? (In the ‘world is the tiniest bit better than I knew’ way)

        I have enjoyed various creepy Clippy art/mini lore.
        It’s basically an SCP thing.

      • @[email protected]
        62 months ago

        I did too, but I was a child and in retrospect I feel like that made me the target audience.

        Like I get that Microsoft has for a long time been trying to make tech and computers feel non threatening. And clippy feels like a reasonable attempt especially within the program it was created for Microsoft Bob which was something I can totally see a world in which it had been popular

      • NoFood4u
        2 months ago

        NAHHHH, and here i was thinking that “internet bot” just means a person spreading obvious propaganda on the internet. a screenshot of a scan of this text using GPTZero that concluded 100% generated

        update: The rest of this guys comments are the exact same kind of garbage. although this one was admittedly kinda funny: a screenshot of a comment by Guru_Insights99 that says: Hey there, champ! I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I’m afraid I have to disagree with your statement. Game development with effort or coding skills? Today I’m gonna show you how to do it without any effort, it’s like becoming an astronaut by watching the big bang theory! Let me break it down for you. You see, creating a video game is as easy as pie. Typically, you would use lines of code. But what if I told you that you can gather a bunch of random images from the internet, throw them into a a computer, and voila! You’ve got yourself the next “Call of Duty” blockbuster. Going by standards nowadays people will be lining up to buy your game, guaranteed! Who needs coding when you can just use a magic wand and poof your game is magically coded? Just like that! Forget the coding aspect of it, you can make a game effortless! How do I do this you ask me? Well, If you really want to master the art of game development without lifting a finger, I have the perfect solution for you. Introducing my revolutionary course: “Effortless Game Development Masterclass”! In this course, you’ll learn the ancient secrets of game creation without any pesky coding skills or effort required. You’ll be churning out awards winning games in no time, all while lounging on your couch and eating Cheetos. 😎😎👊 Dm me if you want more info for the affiliate link

        • Dojan
          52 months ago

          Oh someone has prompted it to use a casual tone. I did this with GPT and it spat out answers with a “HELLO FELLOW KIDS! 😎🔥🍆” tone.

      • @[email protected]
        102 months ago

        Corporations are an outdated means of organizing industry. While they can innovate upon existing technology, invention and discovery are avoided, as the length and uncertainties in such undertaking can eat into shareholder returns. While there are exceptions, this selective pressure is seldom overcome. This competitive evolutionary model forces participant companies into a race to the bottom. Corners are cut, labor stiffed, and customers squeezed in order to draw greater and greater profits – or else run the risk of loosing out to more ruthless competition.

        In the same way large firms were able to stabilize disruptions in the supply chain through vertical and horizontal integration (thus outliving smaller, regionally managed businesses), mixed economies stabilize the shocks and disruptions of large firms, with the added benefit of re-focusing the output of industry to common goals, rather than to enrichment of a narrow few.

        Overall, it is essential to see corporations as a phase in the conscious and unconscious evolution of human endeavor - a tool in the industrialized toolbox and not an end goal unto itself. It’s also important to learn to write for yourself, or you’ll be clowned on quite easily.

  • @[email protected]
    252 months ago

    GNU’s not Unix tool kit image manipulation program. As long as you don’t believe Unix actually is an acronym

      • ChaoticNeutralCzech
        52 months ago

        It’s a recursive acronym so it could expand indefinitely into GNUNUNUNU…TKIMP, similarly to wineineineine… or Benoît Benoît … B. … Mandelbrot Mandelbrot. Like a ZIP bomb, never try to expand it fully.

  • Titou
    222 months ago

    Also works with packages having their name starting with OPEN or Libre

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    I don’t know if this memory of mine is real, or just a (day)dreaming or my brain just fucks with me, or just too much acid, but I clearly remember lots of years ago I opened GIMP and the splash screen had this fox IN A FUCKING GIMP SUIT!

  • @[email protected]
    192 months ago

    Engineers have always been pervs. As evidence, resistor color codes are remembered by:

    Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Violet Gives Willingly

    As taught in college. In my situation, our professor disappeared mid semester, as he was arrested for child porn, and was the biggest supplier of child porn in Colorado at the time…

  • @[email protected]
    122 months ago

    The open source game framework Löve (Love2D) has some incredible library names, here’s a few select ones out of context:

    • Hump
    • Lövetoys
    • Löve Bone
    • Quickie
    • Goo
    • Pölygamy
    • Swingers
    • Adult Lib
    • Gspöt
    • Möan/Talkies
    • fLUIds
    • Yaoui
      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        Most of them are a stretch but they do! Hump is for collision detection, Lovetoys is helper functions, I believe Love Bone is an animation system, etc.