• @[email protected]
    901 month ago

    This shit actually hurts my soul. This is the type of shit as to why we might not make it. We have the technology to mitigate climate change yet we don’t because those in power don’t want to see their power decrease. It’s a serious reason why we might not make it. How do we even begin to take direct action? I really have no clue, this entire planet, life as we know it, is entirely fucked if we don’t do something soon. The US government gave billions to implement charging infrastructure and the corps did jack SHIT with it, the government has become the corps fuck pig, bent over dishing out money while getting fucked.

    • @[email protected]
      231 month ago

      Might not make it? Sorry man we’re literally looking down the barrel of end times.

      Human greed can only be stopped when the earth has nothing left to give.

      This is the reality we all exist in and 99% of us are powerless to change it, unless we all collectively agree to (spoiler we’re not gunna).

      • @[email protected]
        -31 month ago

        Nah, we’re not powerless, and we don’t all have to collectively agree. We have so many technologies that have been developed over the past several decades that can help solve this problem. Change is constant, this kind of shit is just another bump in the road.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          this kind of shit is just another bump in the road.

          I assume you are younger.

          I am in my 50s. The risk of this shit was known and tought to children in schools in the 1980s.

          Yet at every level. Things have gotten worse. We had solar in the 80s. Less efficient but only about 15% rather then the 20% we see now. But tax payer money in all western democracy. Was still funding oil research not batts wind or solar.

          Cars became bigger and less efficient as we watched. GM was known to have destroyed its own ev production pack in the 90s.

          Nothing at all was invested in building inferstructure to support other fuel types. Again dispite huge public investment in oil.

          And at every 0ossible point. What little that was done was aimed at indeviduals who have the least control. While corperations were allowed to keep expanding there use. Without facing any of the costs for replacement.

          Its a bump. But a 40plus year bump built intentionally to slow and limit changes in the way wealth is made.

          With so much false science and outright lies from corperations its insane.

          Exxon the plastics industry and many other. Behaived much worse the the cigarette industry did before them. And have not had to pay anything for there intentional and informed damage to billions of lives. Where as at least in nations with real health care options. Tobbaco companies have lost lawsuits and paid a fortune since discovery.

            • @[email protected]
              51 month ago

              Because they’d rather live their life believing they couldn’t change anything than believe they had a chance to change something and missed it.

              • @[email protected]
                11 month ago

                Shit no dawg. We’ve had loads of chances to fix it, but one half of the political divide actually wants to end the world so they can get raptured and shit cuz they only believe lies. Most of the population is just people doing what they’re supposed to and assuming others are doing the same. Apologies for not joining a radical cell and blowing shit up i guess… short of that, i mean, you can’t even talk about killing the people who need killing in any public forum let alone make a plan for it, and actually doing it would require, you know, snipers and shit, so…

                I mean, you’re probably American. Y’all the ones with weapons out the wazoo. If that were useful, somebody would have paired up and done something about it by now. Obviously it’s not, which is good news, cuz it means you can put all that gung-ho rhetoric away and join the rest of us, but i mean yeesh, that was a lot of sound and fury just to signify nothing, nawm sayin?

    • @[email protected]
      141 month ago

      EVs are garbage anyways. The only way to actually save anything is to migrate most of the commonly occurring transportation to public electric systems like trains.

      EVs are made in a non sustainable manner by raping the earth for the last scraps of rare earth materials, they’re hardly the answer

        • @[email protected]
          -111 month ago

          Technology isn’t going to save humanity. Greatly reducing population size by limiting reproduction is the only chance for a long future for humans. Thats the most direct path, but also at odds with all of our forms of government and economics. China couldt afford to keep doing it and they understand this. Its the same with the earths ecology. We would need a massive enlightening and there are far too many material and lifestyle choices and campaigns to sway people away from our staus quo. Humanity is doomed by human greed and jealousy, it always was. But thats fine, once you come to terms with it, and if you caught it before having kids, its a pretty freeing understanding.

            • @[email protected]
              01 month ago

              you are wrong, nowhere am I advocating for anything. I’m saying human overpopulation will lead to our doom. This response is why I don’t really care about sustainability anymore. I’m not having kids, feel free to keep your head buried in the sand. Asshat

    • @LappingDog
      71 month ago

      Is there a number on the break even point where it’s better for the environment to buy a new EV than to keep driving an old ICE vehicle? I bike most days when I don’t need to buy more than a backpack of groceries or go more than 3 miles. Surely when you consider the carbon cost of refining materials and constructing a whole new vehicle, it doesn’t make sense in most situations for people who drive less than 30 minutes a day on average. This is of course assuming you have a current vehicle, new vehicles should have to be hybrid/EV in the modern era.

    • @[email protected]
      41 month ago

      bro we’re so far past this lol

      it’s been too late for probably a decade now, get ready to starve cuz there’s only a couple years left

  • Infamousblt [any]
    761 month ago

    More of that capitalist innovation I keep hearing about huh. Finding innovative new ways to stop new technology that threatens their business from reaching a broader market! Great job

    • suoko
      191 month ago

      I guess one last year has been allowed. After that a flood of cheap (true prices) chinese EVs will arrive.

  • @[email protected]
    421 month ago

    Nothing surprising.

    EVs have been developed since the 90s at least as far as I know, and progress on them has been sabotaged at nearly every turn by the industry.

    • @[email protected]
      81 month ago

      Technically the first one was developed in the late 1800s, but it had a range of about 5 meters.

      • @[email protected]
        31 month ago

        Wasn’t aware of that. My thoughts were more towards the EV1, although I assume there were many others before that.

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          They’re referring to how Thomas Edison created the first electric vehicles back in the 1800s. They might have had a future until Ford introduced assembly lines. Then the rest is history.

          The EV1 was the first commercial development in the US following the World Wars, but even before then you had solar EVs being made for science and eclectic racing before then. Think of those weirdly shaped cars only made for 1 driver that have solar panels covering the entire body of the car.

          Funny thing is that we’re now seeing some commercial (or soon to be commercial) manufacturers add solar panels in the same way. Just look to Hyundai and Aptera.

    • @[email protected]
      71 month ago

      I remember an early Saturn EV that was never sold, only leased so GM could maintain ownership of them. Even with a limited range, the drivers all loved them for commuting and running errands, and many tried to purchase them outright, which GM refused. Eventually, GM issued a mandatory recall for all the Saturn EVs, mothballed the project, and then they released the Hummer… made me sick even at the time.

  • @[email protected]
    321 month ago

    Japanese car manufacturers actually sell a lot of EVs… in Japan. They don’t seem to be interested in selling those mini EVs abroad.

  • suoko
    271 month ago

    And people don’t really care about it . Let the wheel spin and get as much as you can while you ride, don’t think about next drivers.

  • groundling20XX [none/use name]
    211 month ago

    Japan in japan sabotages cars. The real issue is that Japan went deep on hydrogen power combined with the large increase in electric prices after 3/11 any future of electric car died for the Japanese domestic market. Toyota in particular put its money in hydrogen buses, cars and other things which lead to a galaoagos tech like half of the rest of the crap in japan. Theres also some general resistance to electric over the past decade to create a parallel technology stack to china which fizzled out.

  • @[email protected]
    191 month ago

    is that purely because they can’t make them well or is there another reason?

    honestly the japanese EV ive been in felt decent?

    • @[email protected]
      181 month ago

      I know Toyota is still ragging on EVs because they invested a lot into hydrogen tech and want that to be the next big thing instead. But I didn’t know Honda, Mazda and Suzuki also under-invested.

      • Code_a
        91 month ago

        It isn’t about development investment. It’s about engines. Engines have long tail after sales profits from maintenance and parts. It’s why Toyota recently unveiled their ammonia fueled engine and declared electric vehicles are dead. Electric engines remove a ton of after sales profits in the form of servicing, spare parts and upgrades.

      • @[email protected]
        31 month ago

        Toyota may be cranky about EV’s beating out hydrogen, but they’re the company claiming to have invented some new solid state battery that has an 800 mile range and can charge 80% in ten minutes on a fast charger, which would be huge for the EV market.

      • @[email protected]
        -21 month ago

        I don’t really understand the hatred for hydrogen honestly.

        It seems like a great tech. There are huge hydrogen facilities being built in Western Australia to crack hydrogen from sea water.

        • @[email protected]
          141 month ago
          1. Almost all hydrogen is made from fossil fuels, it’s much cheaper than green hydrogen, so you can guess what people would fuel their hydrogen cars with
          2. Electricity to hydrogen to electricity is really wasteful, you get less than a third the energy than you would if you went electricity to battery to electricity
          3. It’s really difficult to store and transport, it is very very low density. Being the smallest atom hydrogen can leak from practically any container or pipe, but that doesn’t compare to (2) above

          I think Toyota only promoted hydrogen because they knew it would give internal combustion more time. Toyota are really good at internal combustion engines

          • @[email protected]
            -41 month ago

            Almost all hydrogen is made from fossil fuels,

            Presently yes. It’s a by-product of natural gas production. There hasn’t been much of a market for it. In Australia there’s $230b of green hydrogen production projects on the table. Just one of which in Western Australia is going to produce 3.5m tonnes of green hydrogen per year.

            Electricity to hydrogen to electricity is really wasteful,

            Yes but electricity transport is very wasteful. There’s plenty of sun in Western Australia, falling in desert areas where land for solar arrays is practically free.

            It’s really difficult to store and transport,

            There’s problems yes, but the industry believes these are solvable problems. Toyota is the largest vehicle manufacturer in the world. Japan has several other very large vehicle manufacturers. They’re all betting on hydrogen. They’ve invested $2.3b in a hydrogen supply chain which is already shipping hydrogen.

            I think Toyota only promoted hydrogen because they knew it would give internal combustion more time.

            Hydrogen doesn’t provide power through “internal combustion”. A hydrogen fuel cell produces energy by running hydrogen over a catalyst which produces water and electrical energy.

        • @[email protected]
          71 month ago

          I’ll layer on to the other replies which are spot on…

          One reason I’ve soured on hydrogen is that it’s overall much less efficient than battery as an energy storage mechanism.

          This is a really in depth article about a study that found that “well to wheel” efficiency of battery EVs was 70-80% and with hydrogen it’s 25-30%.

          I was initially excited about hydrogen as energy storage for renewable sources, but battery tech has improved and is improving.

          Also, one of the major advantages of a BEV for me is the ability to charge at home, possibly from energy generated by my own panels. Even if there were solutions for me to generate my own hydrogen, I’d rather lose 20-30% of that energy with a BEV than lose 70-75% with a FCEV.

          • @[email protected]
            -11 month ago

            I’ve provided a rebuttal for the other replies which you might find interesting.

            In a scenario where you’re considering using roof-top solar to produce hydrogen for your car then yes, the inefficiency of cracking hydrogen from water makes it unappealing.

            The thing is, I don’t think most of the world has access to roof-top solar and the portion that does will diminish as population and population density increases.

            If you consider for example this project in Western Australia covering 15,000km2 it makes a lot more sense. The land (and associated sun light) is practically free. Hydrogen is a far more cost effective method of energy storage to get the energy from middle-of-nowhere-west-aus to market.

            I guess one way to look at it is that hydrogen is a better option if the cost of the solar energy is less than a third of what it would be if you produced it nearby.

            • @taladar
              11 month ago

              Counterpoint, most of the world does not have access to “middle of nowhere” regions with lots of sunlight, that is just Australia and a few places near major deserts.

              • @[email protected]
                11 month ago

                If only there was some way we could transport energy from these areas of the world with cheap land and plentiful sunlight to those areas where the energy was required.

                • @taladar
                  11 month ago

                  Yeah, ideally a way that doesn’t leak out of pretty much anything like hydrogen does.

        • @[email protected]
          11 month ago

          It probably has to do with some of the engineering problems with containing hydrogen.
          It definitely has a lot to do with influential people bandwagoning onto Elon Musk et al. trashing EVs

          • @[email protected]
            01 month ago

            Every tech has problems.

            “Oh we couldn’t possibly make an electric vehicle because there’s nowhere to recharge it”

            There are problems storing hydrogen but we’ve been working on mitigating those problems.

            Australia has $230b worth of hydrogen projects on the board. Do you think no one involved in any of those projects has realised that it’s not possible to store hydrogen?

            • @taladar
              11 month ago

              Do you think no one involved in any of those projects has realised that it’s not possible to store hydrogen?

              You say that as if it is completely ridiculous but have you seen how many companies jumped onto impractical technologies like the hyperloop or self-driving cars or even replacing half their workforce with LLM-based AIs?

              • @[email protected]
                01 month ago

                Who jumped into the hyperloop?

                Self driving cars are going to be worth infinite money. Great investment.

                Sure some companies were over-exuberant about LLMs, but not to the same scale of national infrastructure we’re talking about.

                Failed investments are not evidence that all investments will fail, but large investments are an indicator of economic viability.

            • @[email protected]
              01 month ago

              Do you think…

              No I’m not thinking about that.
              I’m just trying to reason between public sentiment and over here, trying to say that public sentiment has less to do with actual technical viability and more to do with random comments from influential people.

              There are actually, many directions in which people are trying to find ways to make the H2 storage viable for specific applications…

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        yup that was the one! and it wasnt even that old. which is why i’m confused, it seemed good enough.

        japan seemed to me like one of the places where great EVs would consistently be coming from.

          • @[email protected]
            21 month ago

            The good thing about modern batteries is that in a decade after they are new and are down to 80% capacity, if that’s not enough for you and you want to keep the car, a new battery will be cheaper and/or better

            Leaf owners got twice the range from new batteries compared to the car when it was new

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      Japan doesn’t have enough electricity. After Fukushima, they lost most of their nuclear. The country is densely populated, and the parts that aren’t populated are covered in forested mountains, which all makes building the required amount of renewables very difficult. So today and in the future, Japan runs on coal and natural gas. So they make cars that run on hydrogen (which is more efficient to create out of their imported natural gas than burning the gas for electricity) and then sell those abroad greenwashed as “but you can produce hydrogen from green electricity!”

      • @[email protected]
        61 month ago

        First of all EVs do not need that much power. We are talking something like 25% more electricity production for a country like Japan. Then Japan has rather a lot of onshore and even more offshore wind potential. Mountains are a problem, but hardly something which can not be overcome. Solar can easily be installed on roofs and mountains are even less of a problem.

        Also really important to say it. Combustion engines in cars are massivly inefficent. So an EV is still better for the climate, even if run with coal electricity. The other factor is that Japans population is falling. So they will need less power over the long term.

    • Maoo [none/use name]
      41 month ago

      Japanese carmakers were trying to go with hydrogen fuel and did a big grift on their government to get it subsidized. I think the idea was that Japan would have a national disadvantage with EV production as they don’t have the material base for batteries but they could have an advantage with hydrogen.

      Those failed, or course. Now they’re a decade behind - there were only two Japanese EVs sold internationally just a few years ago.

    • @[email protected]
      01 month ago

      The margins are thinner. There’s almost no resale value. Someone might buy a 60k car and eat the payments for a few years, knowing that they can sell it any time for a decent price.

      Buying a 60k EV is more like setting your money on fire. The car might be fine, great even, but it just won’t hold it’s value.

        • TrumpetX
          01 month ago

          This is what I’ve done on my last 2 cars. First was a Leaf that I leased dirt cheap. The second was a used Tesla at more than 1/2 off. I’m looking at a truck now and finding amazing deals on the '23 F150 lightnings. I’d prefer a Rivian and I’m not quite ready to let my Tesla go, but soooooon.

          Someday, the deals will be harder to find, but for now take advantage!

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        why is that? i don’t think lithium batteries degrade THAT fast?

        if the used market had these dirt cheap evs here id probably be considering them. scratch that there is no way to charge them in my country unless you live in a house, or unless you can use regular power outlets hahaha

        • @[email protected]
          31 month ago

          You can use regular power outlets if you drive less than a couple of hundred kilometres a day. I charge mine on a 15 amp 240V plug and it charges from 30% to full in about 10 hours. I charge about weekly

      • @[email protected]
        31 month ago

        Those are reasons people don’t want to buy EVs, not reasons for companies to sabotage the change over.

        • @[email protected]
          31 month ago

          Companies give zero fucks about anything but money.

          Completely retooling for EVs is expensive with a lot of risk. And they’ll make less money afterwards…

        • Schadrach
          11 month ago

          People not wanting to buy them seems like an entirely normal reason to be lukewarm.about making and selling them.

          • @[email protected]
            1 month ago

            Not at 60,000 dollars they don’t. But too bad, between the IRA and the Chinese EV tax the administration is making sure we aren’t ever burdened with EVs cheap enough for mass adoption.

      • @taladar
        21 month ago

        There’s almost no resale value.

        That is not an EV thing, that is a new, rapidly developing technology thing.

    • @[email protected]
      241 month ago

      The tariffs were explicitly to protect them. To prevent them from having to compete. We’re about to eat a lot of shit.

          • @[email protected]
            21 month ago

            The issue I’m seeing here is that there isn’t anything to protect legacy auto does not make a product that is remotely comparable

  • @[email protected]
    121 month ago

    We’re all going to fry in old age. Our children are going to become sterile. Who tf knows what’s going to happen to whatever ppl make it past that.

  • Margot Robbie
    121 month ago

    The Japanese car companies put all their eggs in the hydrogen basket, despite their early head start in EV with the Toyota Prius and such, and as hydrogen looks to be more and more of a dead end due to transportation and safety concerns, of course they are going to be sandbagging EV adoption to buy time and catch up.

    • @[email protected]
      71 month ago

      Gotta love the Japanese culture of holding onto tradition until you can’t anymore.

      Gotta remember that Japan was still mostly feudal up until the World Wars. Pretty recent in human history.

    • @[email protected]
      61 month ago

      China being a massive producer of EVs is also a large part of it. Japan and China have a long hatred of one another, but will sometimes set aside differences for simple things.

  • CrimeDad
    121 month ago

    Seems kind of spurious to call lobbying sabotage as if the politicians being lobbied are machines and not human beings doing what they’ve been elected to do as nominally bourgeois party members.

    • @[email protected]
      31 month ago

      Seems weird to assert politicians do anything they were elected to do. They’re far more worried about what the donor class wants.

      • CrimeDad
        31 month ago

        Politicians from bourgeois parties are going to serve bourgeois interests. Nobody should expect anything different from them.