• @[email protected]
    761 month ago

    Yet their base will just accept the flip flop because they seem to just be endlessly content with hypocrisy.

    • Zier
      181 month ago

      Hypocrisy is the name of the religion they follow.

    • @[email protected]
      21 month ago

      How dare you! They are not hypocrites!! Democrats are always wrong about everything, so who cares if you have to abandon logic, reality, and consistency in order for the world to make sense?!

      Being objectively wrong is an insignificant price to pay when it still feels like you’re right!


    • @[email protected]
      11 month ago

      No, the base will not accept the flip. And that’s why the GOP is so concerned.

      Once a person gets a bad taste in their mouth, it’s all but impossible to wash out. It’s now a gut feeling, and it’s not going away.

      • ThrowawayOnLemmy
        411 month ago

        Your bias is showing.

        This is you in another thread.

        Btw, Trump didn’t just make it up about the MSM lying. It’s pretty obvious to anyone willing to venture outside the MSM bubble. Things like the Russia hoax, the burying of the Hunter laptop story, waiting until campaign season to bring every case they’ve got and then saying it’s not political, or spending 3 years telling everyone the border is secure and closed, refusing to say certain words or phrases such as illegal alien, and anytime someone calls them out on something they just tell everyone you’re a racist MAGA supporter, etc. are all examples of the fake news that Trump talks about.

        Bolded for emphasis.

        You have drank way too much of the Kool aid, bud. Trump isn’t gonna let you suck his dick.

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          You’re arguing with a grown-up six-year-old who’s perpetually afraid and looks at his guns to feel brave. I appreciate the thought, but he’s here to argue.

          • @Socsa
            11 month ago

            Removed by mod

      • @[email protected]
        351 month ago

        Unsurprising, yet predictable. There was not, in fact, any confirmation of fraud committed in the events of that story. Republicans remain opposed to, well, whatever they’re told to oppose; petty concerns such as empirical evidence have no meaning to them.

        • @[email protected]
          -91 month ago

          Here you go bud, here’s a video that shows the fraud taking place and that’s just one short video they show. I watched all of the video on Epoch Time. A judge even ordered a redo in the election because of it. Video showed that 420 people put 1200+ ballots in the ballot boxes and this case has also caused lawmakers to write up a bill to increase election security in CT.


          • @[email protected]
            41 month ago

            Don’t bother. Without any details about the ballots, this means literally nothing. I’m not wasting any more of my time on such rage bait. Heck, I’ll bet money it was Republicans doing it just cause they were that afraid of losing.

            You may feel free to ignore my account; I certainly won’t be noticing yours anymore!

          • @Captainvaqina
            21 month ago

            Epoch times is not news. They’re the enemies of American democracy.

      • Flying Squid
        331 month ago

        Leading up to the Sept. 12 primary election, 420 people cast 1,255 absentee ballots at four drop boxes, the Deseret News reported. Under Connecticut law, absentee votes must be delivered either by relatives and caregivers or sent by mail, but surveillance footage shows a woman on Ganim’s campaign staff, allegedly Wanda Geter-Pataky, stuffing a ballot box with white envelopes.

        As long as the votes are cast by registered voters, this just sounds like a stupid law that should be done away with, not a fraud issue.

        • @[email protected]
          -41 month ago

          It’s definitely fraud if you have a person filling out ballots in other people’s names without them knowing about it. How is that not fraud?

          • @[email protected]
            1 month ago

            You’re jumping to conclusions. How many of those people were dropping off their and their spouses (or adult children, or whathaveyou) ballots? Is it really necessary for all of them to not only go to the drop box, but also get out of the car and place it into the slot themselves? Is that what’s keeping us from freedom?

          • @Captainvaqina
            01 month ago

            Your outlandish fantasies do not constitute reality. Fuck your fuhrer and fuck every single anti-american magat.

          • @Socsa
            1 month ago

            So your conspiracy is that Biden won Connecticut by 800 votes?

        • @[email protected]
          -81 month ago

          Lol, it’s not a lie. There’s literally more than 100 news reports and articles about it and most would argue that ballot box stuffers are the enemies of democracy

          • @Captainvaqina
            51 month ago

            Your failed fuhrer copied that lie from his hero hitler. It’s a bald faced lie, proven absolutely false in 30 some court cases.

            Magats are the enemies of democracy full stop.

            They’re attacking our constitution every chance they get, trying to overthrow any election they can stick their grubby thieving paws in.

      • teft
        121 month ago

        Ironic a bootlicker like you would choose a revered individual like Cincinnatus as your handle.

      • @[email protected]
        111 month ago

        we’re left with no choice but to start using it

        What exactly does that mean? You have no choice but to use it to also commit fraud since you believe that’s the reason it’s used? In person poling places exist so it seems another choice exists.

  • @[email protected]
    551 month ago

    I still remember the GOP trying to dismantle the USPS while trump was in office. Even destroying perfectly good equipment! Guess they had a change of heart?!?

        • @[email protected]
          181 month ago

          Biden can’t fire DeJoy. It’s a 9 member committee that has control.

          That committee can have only 5 members of one party. Biden also can’t just remove someone from the committee, there needs to be specific cause.

          It’s that committee which would need to remove DeJoy.

        • @[email protected]
          -111 month ago

          Because apparently Democrats also don’t care if the Post Office is destroyed and privatized. They may say they do, but in terms of action there is none.

            • @[email protected]
              31 month ago

              There are literally still two vacant seats on that board, unfilled, four years into Biden’s presidency. And Biden has put a democrat and a republican in already. Guess what, if he had just done exactly what Trump will do and filled all of the vacancies with democrats, they would have the majority. But he didn’t, and he won’t, so we all have to sit around and watch while the post office dies

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    Trump’s handpicked chair of the Republican National Committee, his daughter-in-law Lara Trump:
    “In this election cycle, Republicans will beat Democrats at their own game, by leveraging every legal tactic at our disposal based on the rules of each state.”

    So…taking part in an election according to the laws is the Democrats own game?

  • HuddaBudda
    121 month ago

    This was a huge problem even when Trump was running.

    It’s not like people tried to warn them, but I guess the idea that older generation that have a harder time moving around might actually want/need mail in ballots to vote.

    You know, being considerate of your voters and such.