• Patapon Enjoyer
    7518 days ago

    I wouldn’t drive 1600 miles to meet my long lost family, let alone do racist shit

  • @[email protected]
    17 days ago

    For my fellow Europeans: 1600 miles is roughly 2575km.

    For comparison, the distance between London and Istanbul is 2498km or the equivalent of about 1,250,000 large bananas.

    Edit: corrected decimal error to protect secrecy of banana warfare project for accuracy

    • Match!!
      1217 days ago

      Where do you get your 20 meter bananas? Askinh for a friend who wants to make his dick look tiny

      • @[email protected]
        517 days ago

        It’s not like that far fetched when you consider that ‘‘bombingham’’ Alabama was being hit by KKK terrorist attacks only one grandma ago.

        Timothy McVey or however he spelled it, was also trying to spark a race war, had copies of pages from The Turner Diaries in the van, so if he died in the process people would get why. Thats only two thirds of a dad away.

        • @the_crotch
          115 days ago

          Timothy McVey or however he spelled it, was also trying to spark a race war

          No he wasn’t. He suffered from PTSD from the Gulf war. He was convinced that Ruby ridge and Waco were examples of the government turning against the people and became radicalized. His.motive was to send a message to the people that they were living in what he perceived as a tyrannical fascist state causing them to rise up. Race wasn’t a factor.

    • @[email protected]
      417 days ago

      125,000 large bananas

      I see you have some American in you, if you are using nonmetric units of measurement.

      • @Klear
        417 days ago

        Kangaroo hops? Is that what you use to make beer down under?

      • @[email protected]
        317 days ago

        Every time I see a geo block I get more radicalized against copyright laws, corporate profiteering and corrupt politicians.

        And I was already at an 8 on a scale from Hakeem Jeffries to Burn It Down when they became common a few years to a decade ago…

    • @[email protected]
      17 days ago

      US President Donald Trump’s remarks about the rally [a 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia “Unite the Right”] generated negative responses. In his initial statement following the rally, Trump condemned the “display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides.” This first statement and his subsequent defenses of it, in which he also referred to “very fine people on both sides”, were criticized as implying a moral equivalence between the white supremacist protesters and the counter-protesters."


      Just in case anyone doesn’t get the sarcasm or reference.

  • @[email protected]
    17 days ago

    Edit: read og source, he’s from Prescott in Yavapai county, lovely county but lots of that attitude there.

    And the person who posted it is no better, apparently a state the size of AZ is one place, so no mention of WHERE in AZ this person is from.

    For reference, one county in AZ, Cochise, is larger than the states of Rhode Island and Conn combined, but we’re all the same and why let details get in the way.

    Easier on s.media to elide over useful details for emotional impact.

    Why does location matter? That county I mentioned, Cochise, is red ag country, while Coconino, where the Grand Canyon is, and the Navajo rez, is blue.

    They’re 6 hours drive apart at the borders and thousands of feet different in elevation, e.g. Coconino has skiing. Could it be that different people populate those places?

    So some readers might like to know, for their safety, where that maniac is from, beyond vague handwaving.

    If I ran an instance, I’d delete every one if these airheaded detail-free posts that are simply for angering rather than informing.

    I think Lemmy can do better than Reddit, which also seems populated by posters who haven’t been anywhere beyond mom’s basement.

    It would be great to see the 5 W’s provided in every post here.

    • @[email protected]
      917 days ago

      Forest for the trees, here. Oops, I’m sorry, the guy isn’t 1600 miles away, maybe it’s 1800 miles, maybe it’s only 1500, but what it is is a whole fucking long way to go to kill people because you don’t like what they look like.

      This isn’t about Arizonans, or whatever you call people who live in Arizona, it’s about a guy who lives a long way from Atlanta who wants to kill black people enough to want to go that far to do it. It certainly isn’t unique to that county, or that city in that county, and it is pretty fucked up.