We’re watching US democracy dying right before our eyes.

If Biden and the Democrats had any mental coherency and a spine they’d be using this ruling to their advantage and fuck over conservatives before conservatives get into office to kill democracy and the opposition parties.

  • @[email protected]
    5 days ago

    So, the United States is no longer a democracy. If a president wants to remain in power despite losing an election, they can, as long as they get the right people behind them, which is how every dictatorship works. What makes democracies different is that they have laws to stop that, and the supreme court just ruled those don’t apply to the president. There is no mechanism to stop them. You can say impeachment, but the results of an impeachment against the president are as much of a foregone conclusion as a North Korean election. The trappings of democracy does not unmake a dictatorship.

    We’re no longer a democracy, and the only way we can ever return to being one is if we elect a string of dictators who feel disinclined to push their power as far as it can go. If we can do that long enough to get this decision overturned, we can have our democracy back.

    • @[email protected]
      155 days ago

      This is why this election is so important. I know it’s said in every election but this one may be the last free* election.

      That * is there because I know that Republicans have made inroads in red states, with many secretaries of state either vowing to not verify a Biden win or not affirming that they will certify the election.

      Please, for the love of democracy and our Republic, consider volunteering as an election official or as an observer.

      • @[email protected]
        115 days ago

        Not just the next election, either. We can’t afford to have a Republican president again until this has been overturned, or the party has undergone a radical reform

        “This is the most important election of our lifetime” is gonna be true for every election until the GOP stops using any power they can get to inoculate themselves from voters.

        • @[email protected]
          35 days ago

          I came to realize this sometime around April of 22, I kinda had a complete mental breakdown, as in I quit my job and tried something crazy career wise because it gave me a feeling of control over my life again. I landed on my feet but that’s not the point. The point is that we are now locked into an ever repeating cycle of stopping the fascists. Which means it will be decades, until after all the ancient occupiers of power have passed. But by the time that comes I don’t even know what the world will look like, we need a general stirke

    • @[email protected]
      85 days ago

      The whole process could be foreshortened by rapidly shrinking the count of filled seats on SCOTUS. Make it dangerous to be a conservative on the bench and see how many fuckwits still decide it is a career move they see as valid.

      • @[email protected]
        65 days ago

        Is it an official act to order drone strikes on over half of the supreme court? Nobody knows! Sounds like a case for the remaining justices to figure out.

    • @minibyte
      5 days ago

      We’re no longer a democracy, and the only way we can ever return to being one is if we elect a string of dictators who feel disinclined to push their power as far as it can go

      The right to bear arms is provided to protect yourself from tyranny, both foreign and domestic. Less than 250 years ago we gave Great Britain the finger.

      One thing I admire about the French is their ability to remind those in power who they should be working for, forcibly.

      • @[email protected]
        5 days ago

        The notion that a civilian militia could plausibly overcome the US military was outdated over 100 years ago. The only viable path toward a violent revolution in the United States is getting all or most of the military on board.

        • @minibyte
          4 days ago

          I haven’t considered a militia. I figure a lone gunman could do a considerable amount of damage, assuming they had good timing and were a decent enough shot.

          Navy SEAL Chris Kyle has 160 confirmed kills as a sniper. There are only 100 members of senate and 9 in the Supreme Court.

        • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
          14 days ago

          It’ll be parts of the military versus other parts of the military, and both sides arming guerilla fighters.

      • @[email protected]
        -505 days ago

        I wish. I saw the debate. His people might do some shit on his behalf, but Joe’s mind has gone. I wouldn’t want him managing a Denny’s. I doubt he’s been calling the shots himself for months.

        • @[email protected]
          25 days ago

          Naw joe won the debate. Who gives a shit if he talked like an 81 year old tired granddad. People who didnt watch the whole 90 minute debate dont get a say on it. You’re just as bad as maga idiots repeating media drivel.

          • @[email protected]
            15 days ago

            I know what early dementia looks like. I’ve watched it happen to more than one of my close family members. Be as left leaning as you want to be, but don’t bury your head in the sand over something as obvious as night and day. Neither one of those guys should be running the country. Not in their best years, and sure as hell not now.

        • @[email protected]
          -155 days ago

          “He is sick”

          Bullshit, that’s how dementia works - first you have bad days, then you only have good days left, then… it’s just days.

          I am no doctor, but I do worry about what I see, as someone who has eyes? 👀

    • @[email protected]
      425 days ago

      This will not happen. Democrats are fucking pussies and I keep voting for their pussy asses even though they don’t do anything.

      • @[email protected]
        235 days ago

        If they were as freaked out by the democratic agenda as they say they are, they would never have made this ruling. It really shows that there is nothing to fear from the democrats.

      • @[email protected]
        45 days ago

        Democrats aren’t pussies. Democrats are another arm of the ruling class (aka the 0.1%). There’s a reason they act inept on these things. It makes for good theater which people eat up, but it’s all for the rich. That’s the biggest reason they’ve been remiss to move to the left. The only ones fighting for us are ones that are considered “progressive”, which are greatly in the minority. Once you realize this, a lot more of the democratic leadership actions (or lack thereof), makes sense.

      • @[email protected]
        45 days ago

        Gotta elect that string of dictators disinclined from exercising their powers 🤷

        Fuck this is so bad.

    • @[email protected]
      175 days ago

      Bastille Day is next weekend. I think that’s enough time to order and assemble a guillotine. IKEA has those, right?

    • m-p{3}
      115 days ago

      So you’re telling me Biden could imprison SCOTUS and he’d be free from prosecution?

      • @[email protected]
        95 days ago

        I guess they would need to decide if it’s an official act or not. But if they’re no longer in SCOTUS, and/or in jail/dead, how could they decide?

  • @[email protected]
    695 days ago

    How can Thomas say both anything a president says to the DOJ is an immune official act AND ALSO SAY that Jack Smith is not legitimate?

    It seems Biden has carte Blanche to sic the FBI/CIA/DOJ/ST6 on Trump. His very life may depend on wielding this power. Thanks everyone.

  • @[email protected]M
    645 days ago

    Seems simple enough…

    Biden’s actions on the Southern border are official acts, he has immunity.

    Trump’s actions leading to 1/6 are not official acts, no immunity.

    • @[email protected]
      235 days ago

      According to you, a person thinking logically and operating in good faith. All an authoritarian needs now is the judge, who can be appointed by the authoritarian themselveswith little oversight, to say whatever they want to do is an official act. We have an irrefutable king again in other words

      • @[email protected]
        105 days ago

        This reminds me of another circular argument: Anything the president does can be considered “acting presidential” simply because they’re president. You might’ve thought that shitposting on twitter was unbecoming of a world leader, but once a president does it, it’s okay for a president to do.

        An argument to protect a fool from public criticism now doubles as a defense against legal action.

    • @[email protected]
      65 days ago

      That’s theoretically the structure here. The case gets sent back for the first judge to decide what acts were official, time passes, they say none of them were, an appeal happens, time passes, the appeals court agrees, an appeal happens, time passes, Trump is president so the question is moot. Or they decide they were all official to kiss the ring. Far right cabal rule America indefinitely.

      The key thing they needed to do was introduce a new question to the original court. Outright declaring it all immune might cause riots and electoral consequences, but saying “it might be immune” means idiots will still think the engine of justice is moving along enough for the consequences both for Trump, the justices, and the larger fascist team to be irrelevant.

  • @[email protected]
    395 days ago

    Outraged enough yet? No?

    Expect a LOT more of this if you keep urging people to not vote this year. Because this is a tase of what’s to come.

  • @[email protected]
    225 days ago

    “When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution,” Sotomayor wrote Monday in dissent.

    “Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune,” she continued. “Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.”

    This is so bizarre. It’s just blatantly partisan & corrupt.

    • @[email protected]
      5 days ago

      “take a gratuity after dismissing a case? Immune”

      It’s really been a 1-2 punch of “fuck you, citizens”

  • @[email protected]
    255 days ago

    Biden should dissolve the supreme court and re-appoint the 9 most activist judges possible.

    They made this bed, make them sleep in it.

    • @[email protected]
      -165 days ago

      I hope you can appreciate that this would be the move of a tyrant. You don’t dissolve the cornerstone of law and order without actually destroying the foundation.

      No matter how corrupt, this would be unconscionable.

      • @[email protected]
        135 days ago

        Unconscionable, yes. Necessary, most likely. There are times when someone must wear the mantle of villain in order to be the hero who can actually do what is needed.

        Also, the unconscionability of the act does squarely depend on one’s philosophical definition of “justice”. The conscionability of any decision is predicated on how one values the world around them. Personally, I lean towards a form of altruistic utilitarianism. As long as an act does not genuinely do harm, and it is for the benefit of the majority of people, it is good. If an act is harmful to some, but benefits the whole, it is justifiable. If an act harms many, but benefits few, it is unconscionable.

        As for what OP said, I believe he mispoke or misunderstood the ramifications of the word “dissolve” in this context. What he described is not a dissolution of SCOTUS, but a forced full reset. Dissolution would be to eliminate it as one of the 3 federal houses of government, leaving only the Presidency and Congress to govern. Removing all members and pursuing filling the seats as the constitution dictates would not dissolve SCOTUS. It would be the same resultant event sequence if something happened and all of the justices died simultaneously. All sitting justicesl being replaced by the Democratic process of the country would be fine, and indeed, would be a good thing. As much as I love Sotomayor and Kagen, removing them would be necessary for it to not be a political action, but one which recognizes that the body is no longer able to do its sworn duty in its current state and it needs replaced.

      • @[email protected]
        45 days ago

        You’re right, but what is the solution?

        The cornerstone of law and order destroying democracy, that can’t stand.

  • @[email protected]
    135 days ago

    Someone needs to do Project 2029 figuring out all the most effective ways to abuse all of this bullshit. We need to detail how to define fascists as enemies of the state under their own rules. Figure out how to use their rules to place the nuts of every landleech in a vice and spin the wheel like we are on the Price is Right. We need to put every religious tenent on the walls of every school, starting with the Satanic Temple. Just point for point find the abuses in their entire plan, then we all make sure to kick as many of them out of congress and state and local governments as possible and start going ham on flipping every abuse like we are Jesus chasing lenders from the temple.

      • @[email protected]
        35 days ago

        Yeah, but then we could have it copyrighted so if he does lose they can’t just change the me to 2029. Attack everything.

  • @[email protected]
    65 days ago

    FFS, Presidents have ALWAYS been shielded by official acts. The real issue here today is the 6 months of delay they handed to trump.

  • @[email protected]
    35 days ago

    Biden needs to order the execution of Trump.

    It will be the only way to make the MAGA people understand.

  • VådFisk
    -205 days ago

    9 people decide to allow presidents to act as dictators

      • VådFisk
        -395 days ago

        The 3 who voted against were also part of the decision makingjgroup. What blows my mind is, that decisions like these are left to be decided by so few

        • @[email protected]
          25 days ago

          And while their dissents were blistering and explicit, this ruling warrants more extreme actions. They should have be in the senate right now ringing all the alarm bells and calling the ruling and the court illegitimate. This is an “end of democracy” ruling.