• @[email protected]
    723 days ago

    That was me on Friday. Thought I just irritated my throat, but nope. Two days later I tested positive for COVID. >:(

      • @[email protected]
        2 days ago

        Thank you! This is actually unfortunately my second time having it. Definitely nowhere near as bad as the first. I took the whole week off out of paranoia of infecting my coworkers, even though I probably don’t need to be out that long. One of them had weekend plans that I don’t want to mess up for them. Mostly I’m bored as fuck but I feel basically better!

        • @Mouselemming
          162 days ago

          You did the right thing taking a week. You know about the one with plans, but there’s probably someone’s grandma or cancer kid you’re helping too.

          • @[email protected]
            2 days ago

            Yeah my coworker is going to be seeing at least 2 vulnerable people. I’m sure there could be more out there as well.

            Just feels a bit odd and simultaneously wasteful using an extra sick day (we have a limited amount) when I am not even sick. And look, this is totally stupid, but I also don’t want people to think I’m a wimp that needs more time to recover than I actually do. Or I don’t want people to think that I’m lying and using sick days for no reason.

            I know those last two are kind of nonsensical, but I can’t help how my brain works lol!! I’m getting cabin fever in here!

  • teft
    323 days ago

    Go gargle some salt water. It will help.

    • @[email protected]
      92 days ago

      I am not a medical professional of any sort.

      I have found that when I get the scratchy throat that typically leads to a cold I start a regimen of ibuprofen, pseudoephedrine, and fluticasone (allergy nasal spray). About half the time it avoids the cold altogether.

      Does it actually work or am I fooling myself? I don’t have hard data but I’m convinced it works for me.

      Oh, and get some rest. I tend to get sick when I’m sleep deprived.

      • @[email protected]
        142 days ago

        None of those meds do anything to prevent or end a cold, just treat symptoms. So you may be fooling yourself, or you may be treating your symptoms well enough that it feels like you avoided the cold altogether.

  • @jballs
    102 days ago

    I got Strep last week for the first time in my life. The doctor was surprised. Apparently most people stop getting Strep once they’re in middle school.

    • @[email protected]
      82 days ago

      Lots of people carry it asymptomatically, which is how it spreads. Its not a moral failing on your end. If you were a carrier already, it may be a sign that your immune system had a downturn for a while. Or you may have contracted one from someone else which was slightly different and your immune system has to update it’s adaptive response to the new variant

    • @[email protected]
      2 days ago

      One of my coworkers without children (I think she is in her early 40s) got strep last year and she was out for a whole week! That shit is no joke! I also don’t hear much about adults getting it (especially when they don’t interact with kids) but I guess it happens! You doing better now?

      • @jballs
        22 days ago

        Yeah, but shit is persistent! I lost my voice entirely for two days.

    • @[email protected]
      2 days ago

      Most STDs begin with cold like symptoms.

      One of my most expensive adventures was with a stripper. I had a blast that night, then I woke up with a cold, a sore throat, fatigue. Google made me have a panic attack. I went and got tested, came back clean. Was very very very lucky.

      I got too drunk and played explorer with that woman in a way a person should only play with a life partner.

      Wasn’t worth it. 3 out of 5 stars.

      I later found out that the local clinic would have tested me for free. Go figure. No insurance and a visit to a regular doctor made that my 3rd most expensive lay.

      Last part was kind of a boomer joke. :p

      • @[email protected]
        92 days ago

        if you didn’t go and get tested 2-3 months, 6 months, and 12 months after the fact, you should go get tested again. bc of window periods, it’s likely your clean test could have been a false negative. even if it’s been a long time, some std’s are asymptomatic and sit in your body for years. just in case you should get tested again, and specifically request tests for things like HPV that are not included in a standard “full” panel test

        • @[email protected]
          52 days ago

          Oh yeah it wasn’t immediate. It was months down the road when my ex and I decided to work it out.

          I’ve had three children since then and my wife has been tested so I think we’re good.

          Thank you for the advice and information though.

          • @[email protected]
            42 days ago

            sorry not to come off as didactic, i just get worried about when i hear people talk about testing. i see a lot of young people not understand how to actually confirm negative results and it scares me

        • @[email protected]
          32 days ago

          Oh it was really just a joke about ex wives haha.

          As ex wives go, I actually didn’t do terrible. We had our issues and got past them for the most part.