• AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
    1112 months ago

    Can we not have an existential threat to democracy every four years? That would be neat. Here’s an idea, actually fucking punish people who already tried to overthrow the government, and have promised to do it again. It’s utterly crazy that he is in the running again instead of behind bars.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Now you know how two thirds of Germans felt in 1933.

      Hitler should have been hanged for trying to overthrow the government, but instead got just a cozy few months in prison (where he wrote Mein Kampf).

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        Also a reminder that the Germans who couldn’t be bothered to vote in that election didn’t get a chance to do so again for over a decade. And that was assuming they were even still alive after the holocaust and war.

        • @[email protected]
          62 months ago

          That’s not how Hitler rose to power.
          This idea of blaming voters and not the system and the parties who pushed to do anything to punish the communists means you don’t get how this time around is already rhyming and you are blame the wrong people because it’s easier.

          • @[email protected]
            -12 months ago

            You don’t think Hitler was elected? Because that was their point. Regardless of the broader forces at work, how is it not the responsibility of the electorate to elect the right government?

            I do not believe he was attempting to blame anybody though. In my view, he is warning us ( well, Americans — I am not one ). He is saying that there is one chance to defend the future and, if you do not take it, you may be denied another opportunity.

              • @[email protected]
                2 months ago

                That’s not quite true. The NSDAP did get the largest percentage of the vote, just not the absolute majority. So they needed other parties to form a coalition for a government. The conservative party and their figurehead Von Hindenburg made that move thinking they could control the Nazis this way.

                Hitler still won the election, democratically (although their thugs did intimidate a lot of people to vote for them).

        • @merc
          22 months ago

          Also, how a lot of the Germans who did bother to vote got dragged into the madness despite it, because too many of their countrymen were idiots who could be misled by the obvious lies of a fascist.

    • @[email protected]
      152 months ago

      Not an American and I would normally agree with your “every 4 years” thing. But given the Supreme Court decision on Presidential Immunity, you absolutely have an existential threat to democracy right now.

      Not only in the US either. This could topple the whole world order.

      I would welcome the old level of threat with open arms at this point.

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
      22 months ago

      Can we not have an existential threat to democracy every four years?

      No, we live in a democracy.

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        22 months ago

        I know it’s difficult to understand for people coming of age in this era, but elections used to be pretty routine things, and the peaceful transition of power was a point of pride for our nation.

    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      oh no, that’s is something that a first world country would do, like brasil, be happy in your corporatocracy that’s how your system is designed anyway, there’s a very fucking good reason why any democratic country outlaw company donation to politican party

  • TunaCowboy
    582 months ago

    This interview really sealed in the flavor of debate failure.

  • @[email protected]
    462 months ago

    I don’t get why people are getting so incensed with this answer. It’s an election, it’s not fully in his control. If he thinks he’s the best candidate to beat Trump, and he runs his campaign the best way possible, and he still loses, then that is democracy and the will of the people has spoken and there was nothing he could have done.

    It IS about saving democracy, and bodily autonomy, and the Supreme Court appointments, and he isn’t saying that it isn’t. He’s just saying all he can do is run the best campaign he can, and if the people still vote Trump then he accepts that decision.

    You can quibble with his assumptions here, he might not be the best candidate to beat Trump anymore, but that’s the right answer.

    • LustyArgonianMana
      2 months ago

      They are asking him how he felt and he’s giving the same answer a fucking middle schooler would give about losing a track race. Don’t you think he should have other feelings and be a little more concerned?? He could be executed by Trump, or he and his whole family imprisoned. He is so far gone mentally he can’t even recognize this. It’s shocking and horrifying. It’s okay he’s accepting the “will of the people,” but it’s a very very very shallow answer for a very serious topic, to the point where I question his mental capacity.

      • @decisivelyhoodnoises
        92 months ago

        You should question his mental capacity for numerous other reasons other than this answer. And the fact that this guy is the only reply to Trump, should had forced you to question the mental capacity of the majority of the population

  • @[email protected]
    342 months ago

    Jesus fuckimg Christ this is NOT what we need right now. Motherfucker you are a King now. It’s time to put your god damn immunity at work and fix this country.

      • @[email protected]
        92 months ago

        Remember when rich people all wore ridiculous powdered wigs? Well now I know how that silly kind of trend starts.

        • @DoctorWhookah
          62 months ago

          I would REALLY enjoy it if spray on Cheeto dust became the rage for the magats. Maybe someone will start airbrushing that into photos. One step closer to OompaLoompaism.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    I am not American so treat this comment with the low bystander value that it deserves.

    That said, I feel like Biden needs to do a lot more.

    Honestly, if I was him. I would be considering massively extreme options.

    Perhaps he should address the nation and say this:

    “I believe the Supreme Court has made a grievous error that threatens the Constitution, our Republic, and the freedom of the American people. They have bestowed the Presidency with powers that it should not have - powers that I as President should not have and do not want. Powers that will surely lead to our destruction.

    A President is not a king. According to the Supreme Court however, I am effectively your king at this time. Based on their new law, I can in this moment, if I choose, order the execution of not just Donald Trump but every Republican in Congress. According to the Supreme Court, I can never be charged or prosecuted for these acts. The next President could order the execution of me and my family. They could execute you and your family and there would be no accountability for doing so. The next President can ensure that we never have an open and fair election again. These are not exaggerations.

    It is clear that the Supreme Court intended these unprecedented legal protections to shield Donald Trump. However, as President, these powers now rest with me.

    As sworn defender of the Constitution, I have taken action tonight to right this wrong and to provide a small demonstration to the American people of just how destructive these new powers are and why we can never allow the Presidency to become above the law.

    As we speak, all nine Supreme Court Justices and their families have been detained and will be held without trial at an undisclosed location. Donald Trump and his family have also been detained.

    The issue of Presidential Immunity will be put before the Supreme Court when they meet again on November 4th. If they find that, in fact, President’s are not above the law and do not have absolute immunity from criminal prosecution, everyone will be released. Their future, and ours, is now in their hands.

    God Bless you all and God Bless America.”

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Their future, and ours, is now in their hands.

      And ideally, just to be extra clear, he should continue with “Should they maintain their original position, that future will be in mine.”

  • wagoner
    192 months ago

    His answer works in the context of the question. That’s what this is all about.

  • @[email protected]
    142 months ago

    Of course not. We’re discussing a politician.

    It doesn’t matter what politician. It’s about them, money, and their ego.

  • Butt Pirate
    112 months ago

    Wtf do you want him to do? He loses the election in this hypothetical scenario. Do you want him to stage a coup? Refuse to leave office? How would that make him any better than dump?

    His best is literally all he can do. If you feel that isnt good enough, that’s a completely separate discussion.

    • @[email protected]
      72 months ago

      Well we want him to step down now so someone else with a better chance of winning can run instead. I think this attitude of well if I lost and all the bad stuff happens it’s alright cause I tried my hardest is just infuriating cause it would be literally his fault for not stepping aside and he’s not even willing to accept blame for that.

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        It’s the almost same shit that happened with SCOTUS/RBG, just the presidency this time.

    • Cowbee [he/him]
      22 months ago

      His best would be to promote a far more electable candidate and step down immediately. Continuing to stumble to the finish line and ultimately lose because of it is foolish.

  • JokeDeity
    82 months ago

    Personally I think this whole thing is a psyop, but if I were to humor it for a moment: he’s exactly right. There’s no reason to not vote for him over Trump, age really means nothing when it’s against the literal reincarnated Adolph Hitler. If Trump gets elected, it’s not Biden’s fault, it’s ours.

    • Time
      2 months ago

      How is Donald Trump ‘literal reincarnated Adolf Hitler’?

      • @merc
        02 months ago

        It’s almost like that person doesn’t know the difference between “literal” and “figurative”.

  • @[email protected]
    72 months ago

    What a stupid question to ask. What’s Biden supposed to say “I will refuse to leave the office”?

    You mean like Trump? They’re fishing for a soundbite.

    • @[email protected]
      12 months ago

      Afaik the correct answer is something along the lines, “We’re not going to lose, but even if we did we would keep fighting for the American people.”

  • UFO
    52 months ago

    10$ if Biden drops out some states will refuse to certify an alternate ballot. Resulting in a split vote and Trump winning the election.

  • Queen HawlSera
    42 months ago

    Exactly, this is about “Decorum” and their silly religion about following “Da Rules of Politics” it has nothing to do with the country.