• @Yurgenst
    821 month ago

    Bruh I’ve been grinding this questline for like 6 years and no drops yet. When do I unlock the health insurance perk?

  • @Apytele
    1 month ago

    My quests are all bard shit / charisma heavy but with intelligence heavy side quests like havin’ to go talk Joe-Bob Sullivan (goes by Bo) from Buttfuck County West Georginia into taking his Zyprexa by mouth instead of as a shot tonight to bring him back down from the Meth Psychosis when he really wants an Ambien (not happen’in with the Zyprexa, I ain’t here to kill a mf) and who knows how to make a shiv out of jello and is also convinced that I will burst into spiders if I come close enough. Also you have 15 other patients and one is a brittle diabetic who’s been sneaking Graham crackers for the past two days.

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        Humans greatly overestimate probabilities which favor them. So, we’re all pretty sure we no one will spontaneously burst into spiders except politicians and billionaires.

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          Haha could you imagine…Trump is spewing hate (the good kind of hate middle American seems to love ಠ_ಠ ) and a all the sudden Vance just explodes into spiders and also some bile.

      • @ricecake
        71 month ago

        When you make jello, the boiling water lets the gelatin form bonds, which trap the water in the little cells because liquid water likes to glom onto it’s neighbors and it makes it hard for it to get out. Hence it wiggles instead of seeping water or splashing.

        If you heat it, the gelatin bonds break and it goes to liquid.

        If you leave it at a low temperature with good ventilation, the water molecules will randomly break their loose bond with their neighbors and fly out of the gelatin cell they’re in. As this happens, the gelatin will contract (it “wants” to be about the size of the powder in the box, but it’s caught squishing water) and get rigid, since the gelatin protein is naturally pretty hard (think bone or cartilage).
        If the gelatin is too thick, the outer layers will get thin and rigid before the inner, and things will crack. It’ll happen to Jello in the fridge after a bit if you leave it uncovered, which is why you put some plastic wrap on it.

        All that to say, get your jello about a quarter of an inch thick and leave it in front of the air conditioning vent under your bed, then file it down on the roughest surface in your room.


        This person starts with a tougher gelatin, but it’s the same principle.

        • @Apytele
          1 month ago

          I said that artistically as part of the story to be hyperbolically absurd, but this is fascinating, thank you for sharing.

      • @Apytele
        11 month ago

        Idk how Bo do it, he just do what he do.

  • @[email protected]
    441 month ago

    This game sucks, the only way to play it is with an invite from someone who is already an extremely high level.

    • @MeDuViNoX
      81 month ago

      Isn’t that just your parents?

      • BlanketsWithSmallpox
        61 month ago

        Depends on how high a level their parents were and if they needed to grind still or already had lots of bank space.

        Legendaries can be shared by all characters in your account.

    • @[email protected]
      01 month ago

      “Extremely high level”

      Preteen parents exist.

      Something tells me this guy never left the tutorial area.

  • @[email protected]
    381 month ago

    I wish didn’t get bored of jobs so easily. Like, getting to use a cutting torch sounds fun, but I know that by the time I was any good at it I’d be sick of it already.

      • @[email protected]
        111 month ago

        This line never made sense. Does anyone WANT to work? I don’t think most want to spend majority of their life making someone else money. Like I’m sure some people find fulfillment in their jobs but for most who are just cogs in a machine, pretty sure they don’t want to work. They HAVE to work to make a living.

        I sure would love to not work and focus on building/maintaining communities, a job in public works would be ideal but they don’t pay enough and require too much.

        • @CareHare
          31 month ago

          I’m a nurse (in Europe), and I do have a lot of fun at work. Sure, it can be hard or a grind sometimes, but at the end of 95% of my shifts I feel satisfied that I helped people. The atmosphere is good among colleagues and we have a killer union. It’s ridiculous how secure my position is.

          All in all, I truly enjoy what I do and after a long period of absence from work, whether it was to study, get better during illness or simply after a week or two off, I long to work again; help people; have a laugh with my colleagues.

          Not all jobs are the same and I know that, I’m just lucky to be doing ‘my dream job’ and that I found it early in life.

      • @[email protected]
        51 month ago

        I feel like the only way to respond to that shit is with a simple, “Nobody has wanted to work ever.

        If either: people had the option to get paid at their current rate but not have to do their current job at all anymore…or the opposite, that they were expected to keep working at their current job but were told they’d no longer receive any pay for it ever again…how many do you think would still keep working at that job?

        Way less than 1%.

        Because (very nearly) nobody wants to work. They want money, and the most common way of getting money is… you guess it…to work.

        The whole point of employment is that you’re performing a task that nobody is going to just do for free because they like it…so whomever wants that task to be done has to offer an incentive to get people to do it instead of literally anything else.

        • @sugar_in_your_tea
          41 month ago

          Idk, once I have enough to retire, I’ll certainly quit my job, but my hobbies look very similar to my job. The thing I don’t like about my job is the obligation, not the actual work itself, and I’d probably end up spending a similar amount of time if I didn’t need the paycheck, I’d just do it at different times in the day (like 2-3 hours in the morning, 5-6 hours in the evening).

          I’m a software developer and my hobbies are FOSS projects. I like my job, but I love my hobby projects even more. I’d even take a modest pay cut if I could work on FOSS full-time.

          • @[email protected]
            11 month ago

            So if your job sent you an email tomorrow that said they were going to stop paying you from here on out, indefinitely, you’d quit working for them and do something you wanted to do instead, even if it was broadly similar to what you are currently doing for them?

            Thanks, that’s exactly what I’m talking about.

            • @sugar_in_your_tea
              1 month ago

              If they gave me a lump sum such that I don’t need the money anymore, I’d probably keep working there for a year or two at least, but reduce my hours a bit. I like my company, team, and project, so it’s nice to have something steady to work on. It’s not my ideal setup, but it’s consistent and good enough.

              But longer term, yeah, I’d probably replace that time with FOSS work once I get onto a really interesting project.

              • @[email protected]
                01 month ago

                That’s a very creative and roundabout way of saying you do expect to be paid for your work and would quit your job if they quit paying you.

                • @sugar_in_your_tea
                  11 month ago

                  No, I’m saying I would stick with my job for 1-2 years if I didn’t need the money and they stopped paying me. I’m not going to work for free while I need money, but I’d be happy to work for free once I no longer need money.

  • THCDenton
    291 month ago

    Todays quest was drive the company truck down from a mountain top on a dirt road with air in the brake lines. RESPECT +

  • southsamurai
    231 month ago

    So, at the point I became disabled, I was a level 520 buttwiper.

    That’s actually not a positive lol

    • @[email protected]
      81 month ago

      Oof, that sounds like a shitty job. CNA or equivalent? I hear those jobs often lead to disability as well, having to lift patients regularly and such.

      • southsamurai
        61 month ago

        Exactly that.

        And, yeah, it wrecked me. I would have had to deal with the same stuff eventually, since the arthritis and back issues are a family thing, but I would likely have been still working until around now instead of then without the rigors of the job.

        There was a lot of good in the job, but the price was high.

        • @[email protected]
          31 month ago

          Condolences. I fucked my back up without wiping asses. I’m sorry you have the bad back and the ass xp

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          Oh, for sure. It’s good and necessary work, just not good for the person doing it, unfortunately.

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    I got off the main quest line, have now time for my sidequests.
    Though not much EXP to make there.

    • @[email protected]
      31 month ago

      side quests are terrible for farming gold but i find they allow you to build your character in ways you wouldnt be able to otherwise.

      • @sugar_in_your_tea
        11 month ago

        One great thing about side quests is that you can do them alongside main quests. So while the side quest isn’t great for farming gold, they can fill in the gaps in the main quest.