• @[email protected]
    202 months ago

    The fossil fuel industry is a drag on energy innovation. Though it will be hard to unseat them from their position of power.

    • @[email protected]OP
      162 months ago

      They could have used their wealth to pivot into clean energy a long time ago, but decided on this path instead. Stupid.

      • @[email protected]
        42 months ago

        They’re probably planning to pull a big tobacco and buy the largest alternative energy companies once they face industry revenue decline.

  • Coelacanth
    162 months ago

    I wish it was possible, but I’ll settle for a better energy policy than Trump’s - and I quote - “drill baby, drill!

      • @xmunk
        22 months ago

        You may need cataract surgery if the world looks that black and white to you.

        • @[email protected]
          02 months ago

          Look at their post history and tag them in Lemmy so they stick out and you will start seeing a clear pattern

        • @[email protected]
          -22 months ago

          Their only differences is how they deliver the message, the end result is the same. Democrats hate Trump because he says the quiet parts out loud. Biden, like Clinton advised, keeps a public policy and a private policy. The public policy is the gaslighting propaganda bullshit, the private policy is what ends up getting passed.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    I mean you should dream big, but forget it. Nobody that tries to fuck with big oil survives it. Politically and sometimes literally.

    Maybe small changes but nothing close to whats necessary.

    • @Scubus
      32 months ago

      Yeah, I’d like for her to make references to it while campaigning, but not go too hard on it.

      Then once she’s in office, she makes an executive order immediately allowing all oil refineries to be exploded in an environmentally friendly manner.

  • nifty
    62 months ago

    Climate change is a hydra. I think policy makers need to tax corporations for the damage they do instead of giving carbon offsets, and work with other countries to demand fair wages for all types of workers. No more .50 cent jobs for someone working for an American company in Africa or South East Asia.

    Globally, workers also need to unionize, that’s the only way people will get the climate and environmental policies which favor sustainable societal and national growth over short-term vision policies which only favor a few. Tbh, I see a lot of merit in some capitalist ideology, but there needs to be more solar punk capitalism.

    • @[email protected]
      32 months ago


      Like, the Democrats finally learned ONE EFFECTIVE THING with “weird”.

      It would be super cool if we didn’t ONCE AGAIN torpedo the ever-living fuck out ourselves by saying PROVEN STUPID SHIT THAT ALWAYS GUARANTEES THE SAME RESPONSE.

      We have at least ten more years before talking about gun control will have the opposite effect it does now.

      Currently even mentioning it does nothing demonstrable FOR the person who says it (because it’s typically hand waving instead of problem solving) but it sure as hell drives up ammo sales and gun afficianado panic levels.

      It’s a footgun, not a soapbox.

  • @Varyk
    2 months ago

    If the US didn’t start producing more oil than Saudi Arabia in 2018, that fight might make sense.

  • Optional
    12 months ago

    Climate activists §, could we keep that on the DL for about twelve weeks? I mean - wink wink nudge? Harris declaring the destruction, nationalization, or other all-out existential attacks on oil isn’t necessary right now and we’ll have a much better chance of doing those things if we don’t throw soup right now.

    § “climate activists” are, of course, corporate news - desperately casting about for some rift to exploit for the horse race coins. Intraparty-interparty, they don’t give a shit. “Find Those Clicks!” the Corporate News Barons shout.

    • @[email protected]
      42 months ago

      Would it actually change anything though? All of the oil companies have already come out in support of Trump and are funneling money towards him. They already don’t want Harris and are doing what they can against her.

      If she publicly called them out and indicated she would be taking a stand, it might help to further motivate Democrats and leftists.

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        Right now they’re just waving fistfuls of money in Trump’s direction and he gets to pick up whatever falls out of their hands as they’re waving. It’s definitely big money that he’s getting, but it’s ultimately castoffs to the people who attempted to BUY GOLF ON A PLANETARY SCALE just because they felt like it.

        Right now any mumbling about climate change is status quo for them.

        Drawing direct ire would be an INCREDIBLY STUPID CHOICE right now. Get into office FIRST, then go after the oil barons.

        Publicly call out poorly designed cities, under funded public transportation, and corporate resistance to working from home.

        Do not publicly call out the oil barons by name.

        Not right now.

        Do not summon what you cannot banish.

      • Optional
        12 months ago

        Asterisks format for italics and bold, and bullet points, so i can’t use them for footnotes. That was one I figured wouldn’t be confused for formatting.

        And yes I could escape it, but that just poses other problems.

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