• Nougat
    3151 month ago

    She’s said she’ll be at ABC on Sep 10, and looks forward to debating Trump in the time and place he previously agreed to. She’s holding his feet to the fire on this, I don’t expect there to be any agreement on any other debate until this one is over.

    • @[email protected]
      1541 month ago

      Explains why he was so antagonistic toward the ABC reporter at the National Association of Black Journalists. As bad as that makes him look outside of the MAGA bubble, it lets him make the pathetic argument that ABC was mean to him so he won’t go debate there. His fragile little ego is more important to him than winning the election. Good news for democracy lovers.

        • fmstrat
          271 month ago

          The biggest mistake that can be made is to consider your opponent dumb, thus underestimating them.

          Assume it was a purposeful play, and counter appropriately.

        • Rob T Firefly
          1 month ago

          He is the dumbass face of it all, but he serves his purpose for the really smart bastards in the party who know full well what they’re doing when they push his buttons, send him out to rile up his (their) base, and unleash him and them on all of us.

          The core of the Republican party isn’t the blustering dumbass out front, it’s the fascism machine at the heart of Project 2025 and all the rest of it pulling his strings. Trump is a useful idiot to very smart people doing very bad things, and we should all be appropriately worried and alert.

          • @[email protected]
            91 month ago

            Ohh, I fully agree, but I also think that Trump’s mental capacity has decayed so much that he couldn’t stay on script for more than 2 minutes if he were left without his handlers. That’s why I doubt this interview was part of some grand plan to get out of the debate.

        • @[email protected]
          151 month ago


          His behavior during the NABJ interview was classic Donny: a narcissist doing everything he could to deflect and avoid been held to account for his prior words/behavior.

          Just happened that he let his racism shine through as he tried to worm his way out. Which shows how cognitively impaired he is.

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        Fucking exactly!

        They and any other network that wants to be considered “journalism/news” should NOT be allowed to have their opinion entertainment shows on the same network/channel as their journalistic programs.

        It’s absolute bullshit that they’re allowed to get away with this crap where working hours when no one is home to watch is when we have our journalists on, then primetime is when we lie with impunity on our opinion shows because It’S EnTeRtAiNmEnT NoT NeWs!

        I’m really sick of the fact that Fox has had this decade long run of “The Days of our Trump’s” drama…

    • @[email protected]
      121 month ago

      From his description he wants it to take place in the MAGA THUNDERDOME.

      Still think Pete Buttigieg would slay regardless.

      I have to admit I don’t know how Kamal would do, but that’s just my ignorance of her real time media savvy

  • Lemminary
    1111 month ago

    Between this and her openly calling him a criminal in her public statement, I can tell dis gon be gud. Oh, I’m cackling.

    • worldwidewave
      1131 month ago

      “It’s interesting how ‘any time, any place’ becomes ‘one specific time, one specific safe space,’" she wrote on social media platform X. “I’ll be there on Sept. 10, like he agreed to. I hope to see him there.”

      She’s definitely signaling that she’s going to give him a spanking at the debate. I really hope it happens, and he gets into his defensive mode where he really scrambles.

      • @[email protected]
        261 month ago

        We have already seen what he will do. He will call her rude and nasty and then try to argue she isn’t black. He’s a brocken record at this point.

    • @Kecessa
      131 month ago

      What is gonna be good? She’s going to the ABC debate and he’s not

  • Ghostalmedia
    1071 month ago

    He wants Fox? Fine.

    Do a two moderator combo. One from Fox, and the other is Jon Stewart or Rachel Maddow.

    And if you want to get really messy, make the audience a 50/50 recruitment spit too. And assign seating at random.

  • aramis87
    911 month ago

    He was counting on the audience to yell over Kamala when she talked, and Faux to have mysterious technical issues when it came time for his mike to be muted.

    • @[email protected]
      31 month ago

      I think agreeing to debate an agile who can’t have an honest discussion about even the color of the sky was a mistake from the start.

      You’re giving a lying narcissist more of what they want. Attention.

  • @[email protected]
    861 month ago

    Maybe jussssst maybe we don’t need to hand piece of shit billionare owned media exclusivity? Like mayyyyybe we use a college campus and have the signal aired and all so-called “media” can broadcast it to their audiences? The moderators are more than likely the issue they’ll argue about, but all they did last time was read off a card and hit a mute button (sometimes)… A janitor and the weekend maintenance person could handle that shit.

    Nahhh… That’s like commusocialvezuelaism or something.

  • Kokesh
    611 month ago

    He is afraid to be alone in a room with her.

  • @[email protected]
    581 month ago

    Trump wants a forum where he is free to spout lies without fact checkers and his supporters can scream over any objections

    • @[email protected]
      81 month ago

      I mean, it’s not like they’ve really used fact-checkers in any of the debates before, maybe after the debate is over, but they rarely fact-check them on the spot. I wish they’d have a running tally in front of the candidates that was updated throughout the debate with a general “truthiness” indicator. Just a dial gauge that gave an indication of how many statements the person had made vs how many were lies. It could be a way to attach a quantifiable “score” to a person’s debate performance outside of just quips and one-liners.

    • @[email protected]
      51 month ago

      She could turn it around though by mentioning all the campaign promises he didn’t do like put Hillary in prison, building the wall was mostly done by Biden, drain the swamp when he just cut taxes for the rich…

      Like really hammer home the promises he made to Fox viewers that he broke.

      • @[email protected]
        51 month ago

        If she says “You didn’t ‘lock her up’ like you promised” he’ll just turn it around on her and claim that she should be locked up. Chats of “lock her up!” will begin as they completely ignore anything negative said about him.

  • @[email protected]
    561 month ago

    I hope they are doing a ton of debate prep with her. He’ll be hopped on drugs to keep him going. He may be a liar but he is also a bully and very bombastic. He doesn’t have to beat her on the issues he just has to overwhelm her.

      • @Mouselemming
        441 month ago

        In court there are rules even he had to obey. On Fox with a handpicked audience it would be chaos.

        • @Kecessa
          131 month ago

          Good thing she refused to go, right?

          • @Mouselemming
            81 month ago

            Fyi, I’m not the_joeba, and my comment that such a situation “would be chaos” still applies, it’s the reason she refused.

    • @[email protected]
      321 month ago

      Do you remember the VP debate? She shut Pence up with “I’m speaking…!” I hope she gives Trump a haymaker like that

      • Jackie's Fridge
        151 month ago

        Women raising their voices makes Pence wet himself in fear (or possibly joy) so that’s probably not a good metric.

    • @[email protected]
      81 month ago

      I hope so too. I’m sure they are.

      That said I honestly expect Kampala to wipe the floor with trumps toupee even on her worst day.

      His last performance really showed he’s a one trick pony, and his one trick isn’t that good.

      Even if she just ignored the moderator, and ignored trump, and just talk about his shady dealings, legal problems, and shitty record as pres.

  • @Aurenkin
    521 month ago

    Seems reasonable. There is already an agreed upon time and place, anything other than that is back tracking by Trump. Even if they try to spin it to say he “agreed” to do it on Fox, to try and put the ball in Harris’ court. The reality is he already agreed to the ABC debate and any change is him backing out of that and pivoting.

    • Bone
      1 month ago

      I may have missed something, and I don’t think it should really matter, but did he agree to debate Biden, Harris, or just generally “his opponent”? He still needs to do it, but I wonder if there was a specific agreement.

      Edit: punctuation

      • modifier
        221 month ago

        Biden was the presumptive nominee at the time he originally agreed to it, and you’re right, it shouldn’t and doesn’t matter.

        It is especially odd that his counter-proposed date ia before the previously agreed on date, which completely undermines the already weak claim that the change in candidate somehow inconveniences the Trump campaign.

        I mean, it does, but only in the sense that the new crew are running circles around Trump and Co.

        • @[email protected]
          81 month ago

          To be fair, he was okay with the format when he was the least sundowned participant. Now that he’s the most it’s not in his favor.

          The person you’re replying to is the first I’ve seen point out that Trump didn’t agree to debate Kamala when someone says he did, so obviously some people think it matters since it’s not actually a true statement but keeps being repeated.

          I want to see both debates myself. Let each fight while the other has advantage.

        • @[email protected]
          41 month ago

          I figured they want her to look bad by not showing up first. I’m actually not sure how she can avoid the Fox debate without looking like she’s avoiding him.

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        From what I understand it’s anyone with over 15 percent or something in certain polls.

        Edit: Could not verify electoral college vote requirement so I took it out.

  • @[email protected]
    491 month ago

    Him: Come, fight me in my lair where they feed me endless energy and fight in my behalf!

    Her: How about fuck you.

    Him: Waaaah!

    Her: points and laughs

    • NutWrench
      111 month ago

      This. We couldn’t get a neutral debate on CNN. They didn’t enforce any time limits on Trump, let him ramble on as long as he liked and never shut him up when he went over it. And this happened on that so-called “liberal news media” that conservatives keep yammering on about.

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    David Plouffe, an adviser to former President Barack Obama who recently joined the Harris campaign, posted on social media: "Now, he seems only comfortable in a cocoon, asking his happy place Fox to host a Trump rally and call it a debate. Maybe he can only handle debating someone his own age.

    Exactly. Can you imagine trying to conduct a debate with him at one of his rallies?

    Moderator: Would you choose the shark or electrocution?

    Trump: I’ll take electrocution every time

    Harris: I am the shark

    • @[email protected]
      101 month ago

      The only thing they messed up is calling it a “happy place” instead of a “safe space.” Excellent to see this.

    • @[email protected]
      81 month ago

      If gaming has taught me anything over the years, it’s that you should never fight a boss in its own lair. Kite that thing out where it no longer has home field advantage.