• Flying Squid
    651 month ago

    I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that it’s way up mostly in states that border states that make it entirely illegal.

    • Tar_Alcaran
      141 month ago

      But it’s up WAY more there than its down elsewhere.

      • Flying Squid
        511 month ago

        Because women are a hell of a lot less likely to carry a fetus to term if they know they might die if they do.

    • @Socsa
      51 month ago

      This is why I’ve added abortion access funds to my charitable giving portfolio. Especially ones in border states like Virginia and DC.

      I wish I could find a way to host travelers or forward pills but those programs are understandably kept really on the downlow.

  • @[email protected]
    451 month ago

    abortion should be free for whoever wants one, no questions asked. that would still cost less than the state subsidizing raising unwanted kids for 18 years. and unwanted children wouldn’t have to grow up being unwanted. and before anyone talks about adoption: the absolute fucking shitshow of trying to adopt needs to be overhauled in a major way before that’s even a suggestion

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      Yes but you see, 2,000 years ago God told some random dudes to write a book that says almost nothing about abortion, which of course means today that abortion is very very bad and we should never do it. It’s important that we write our laws keeping in mind what God told these guys 2,000 years ago, even though the book they wrote doesn’t actually say abortion is wrong.

      • Icalasari
        261 month ago

        Oh, the book says things on abortions

        Like God not considering babies as alive until birth, giving instructions to outright abort in some cases, and to dash baby heads against rocks if the babies are of the enemy

      • @darkdemize
        181 month ago

        IIRC, the only mention of abortion in the bible is instructions on how to perform one.

      • @[email protected]
        61 month ago

        abortion: eeeeeevil we must stop all abortions at all costs regardless of anything!!!

        school shootings: meh. it is what it is, whattayagonnado amirite?

    • @[email protected]
      21 month ago

      Unfortunately, it’s not in the interests of those who benefit from the poor and uneducated to decrease the number of poor and uneducated.

    • @[email protected]
      11 month ago

      Adoption is a tough thing to control. If they make it easier, corporations could eventually find a way to take advantage and profit from it.

      • @[email protected]
        21 month ago

        Eh I dunno about all that. As far as I know, state-run adoption and foster programs really just need the funding to employ (and adequately pay) the right number of people to do a good job. As it sits, most caseworkers and admin staff are so overwhelmed by the kid to staff ratio that they don’t have the time to ensure everything is copacetic in each individual case.

        The solution to your point is to keep the private sector as far away as humanely possible.

  • @[email protected]
    381 month ago

    You don’t have the luxury to wait anymore now. Especially when you have health issues. If you wait to see if your pregnacy is viable or if your body can do it they might just let you die when urgent complications arise.

    I would be scared shitless, being pregnant in one of these anti-choice states. This would probably make me work out a plan for a save termination somewhere rather sooner than later.

  • JackbyDev
    11 month ago

    Y’all better reinstate it then so there’s less abortions. Think of the children!

  • @[email protected]
    -381 month ago

    Overturning Roe simply brought A LOT of attention to the abortion topic. Now you have a lot more women becoming addicted to having abortions.

    It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure this stuff out.

    • skulblaka
      231 month ago

      Now you have a lot more women becoming addicted to having abortions

      What in the actual fuck are you talking about? People becoming addicted to an invasive medical surgery? Jesus christ, you people are actually unhinged. 100% chance you are a male with no fucking idea what you’re talking about, and you need to go get addicted to a vasectomy. Addicted to abortions, fuck sake…

    • Diplomjodler
      171 month ago

      I guess the brain surgeon cut a bit too deep during your last operation.

    • palordrolap
      71 month ago

      There are people of all genders who enjoy being kicked repeatedly in the crotch.

      Would you like to volunteer to see if you are one of those people? How about we do it a few times to see if you get addicted?

    • @[email protected]
      51 month ago

      Addicted to having abortions? That is hilarious. 😂

      Oh you were serious? Well…as a straight white man that has never had to deal with an abortion, let me tell you something…Shut up. You’re an idiot and definitely not a “brain surgeon.” 😂