• @[email protected]
    1171 month ago

    Why can’t we just get rid of gendered restrooms altogether?

    Just have a room with fully enclosed rooms for a toilet and then a common area for the sinks. Get rid of those stupid flimsy walls with cracks everywhere and two feet of space beneath the door and just have a bunch of individual rooms with a toilet in them. Guys can pee in a toilet, they don’t need a uniral.

    • Justin
      461 month ago

      A lot of bathrooms in Sweden are like this. It’s so nice to be able to go to the bathroom without people peeking at you through the stall cracks and hearing your every movement.

      • @[email protected]
        -21 month ago

        I’ve peed and shit in so many bathrooms with questionable walls in between the stalls. I have no shame when it comes to this. When I went to a summer camp, I would even use the stall without a door because it was the cleanest.

        In my 46 years of life, I can’t remember a single time anyone was “peeking” on me in the bathroom. What’s going on in Sweden where this is a common occurrence that needs to be stopped?

        And in my office now, even with floor to ceiling walls you can still hear am everything. I don’t think it solves that problem at all.

    • @AlligatorBlizzard
      131 month ago

      There’s at least one high school in Minneapolis that’s done this. Apparently it’s actually going really well.

    • @[email protected]
      91 month ago

      My college dorm was like this. Every bathroom was ungendered. The stalls weren’t fully floor to ceiling, but were slightly better than the average public bathroom. 99% of people got over it after a little culture shock at the very beginning (maybe 2-3 days).

      There was still one women-only bathroom in my building; I believe it was for a few students who asked for religious consideration. No biggie though for almost every student.

      It only led to one embarrassing moment for me: I (a guy) was singing Frank Ocean at the top of my lungs while showering. When I came out of the shower a girl was brushing her teeth and made eye contact with me and kind of snickered/giggled. Racewalked back to my room 💀

      • @[email protected]
        21 month ago

        My college dorm wasn’t like that. It was mixed-gender housing, but there was only one big bathroom per floor. So half the students had to go up or down when they wanted to go to the bathroom.

        But of course that’s not how it worked in reality. After everyone got comfortable, a lot of people just started using the one on their floor, regardless of how it was signed. Turns out most people really aren’t pieces of shit.

    • Anti-Face Weapon
      81 month ago

      I will not give up urinals. They’re so much faster and more efficient. Have you SEEN the lines for women’s restrooms?

      • @[email protected]
        -11 month ago

        just put urinals in every stall kinda like how outhouses have a urinal and a seat. We have the technology to do this!

      • @[email protected]
        -11 month ago

        Yeah, that’s the one down side, but instead of two restrooms with 4 stalls + 2 stalls & 2 Urinals you can have one restroom with 8 stalls. Probably won’t have as big of a line since it’s not as limited.

    • Neuromancer
      61 month ago

      I’ve starting to see more of those and I love them. They have shared sinks but closest for toilets. It’s nice.

    • @[email protected]
      61 month ago

      As much as I agree, that will cost money, therefore it won’t happen. I feel the only way a place will do anything that I beneficial to the end user/customer is if it is profitable for them.

    • @[email protected]
      -21 month ago

      You can also have cameras in the hand washing area without violating anyone’s privacy this way.

      Such a simple solution to this whole stupid thing.

  • @PrincessLeiasCat
    621 month ago

    “She believes that referring to another person using pronouns that do not correspond with that person’s biological sex is harmful to that person because it is false and harmful to herself because it forces her to lie by denying her religious beliefs and scientific evidence,” it continues.

    Do you need another strand of pearls because you clutched the first one too hard, Karen?

    • Flying Squid
      51 month ago

      I would support this lawsuit. With an added provision that if it must be a shared public bathroom, if someone talks to you for a non-emergency reason: 10 years to life. Especially if they try to have an actual chat. That’s just felonious.

  • @[email protected]
    341 month ago

    There’s no previous cases of assault or harassment of cis people by trans people for using the bathroom. Their fears are not valid. It’s as valid as a student suing because they have a phobia of the color grey and can’t be forced to use a bathroom that has any grey in it.

    • Flying Squid
      171 month ago

      The stupidest part to me is that cis women could also potentially assault other cis women in public restrooms but these bigots haven’t even considered that possibility.

      Also, if you are a cis man and are just desperate to sexually assault a woman in a public restroom, I would think that a janitor’s uniform and a mop would be enough.

      • Jojo, Lady of the West
        21 month ago

        Or even the concept that trans men exist. They are demanding to share restrooms with men, on the grounds that otherwise they may have to share restrooms with people they think are men.

        • Flying Squid
          11 month ago

          Absolutely. And when I see one of these white knights (and it’s almost always a man) talk about how women have to be protected from men in public bathrooms and locker rooms and therefore people should only be forced to use the room corresponding to their biological sex, I show a picture of a man like this and ask them if they think the women they are desperate to protect would feel comfortable changing around him, despite his two X chromosomes.

      • Flying Squid
        121 month ago

        And if you can’t trust the Mormon government of Utah when it comes to queer people… really, can you trust anyone?

        • Neuromancer
          -181 month ago

          Not sure what the Utah government has to do with news clippings but ok, you do you

          • Flying Squid
            101 month ago

            It’s almost like the clippings alone don’t tell the full story.

            But come on- would Mormon leaders ever be deceptive?

            • Neuromancer
              -171 month ago

              Mormon leaders have nothing to do with the document. That’s why I’m baffled by your comment. It’s like you didn’t look at the document.

              • Flying Squid
                1 month ago

                I did, in fact, look at the highly selective and edited document with no really good way to confirm every story. Or even more than one or two.

                You, on the other hand, either didn’t notice the URL, don’t know who runs Utah, are incredibly naive or just dishonest.

                The first article is from the Christian Broadcasting Network and many of the others are from Fox News.

                • Neuromancer
                  -181 month ago


                  The statement is there has never been a case and that’s false.

                  Anytime someone says there has never been… it’s almost always a false statement.

  • @[email protected]
    321 month ago

    Cab I, a cis person, sue for being required to share a bathroom with other cis people?

    I don’t want to share bathrooms, thank you. That’s a violation of my religious beliefs (in my religion, pooping is a sin).

  • @[email protected]
    311 month ago

    Why are we letting conservatives into public restrooms? They are notorious child-rapists and are known to attack innocent people in bathrooms if they don’t like the look of them.

    There is no room for conservatism or other hate-based ideologies in a modern civilization.

  • @Apytele
    1 month ago

    None of this would even be a problem if bathrooms had stalls that went floor to ceiling, and so much of why that’s the case boils down to people thinking it’s important to police what people are doing in the bathroom. I’ve heard people say the bathrooms can’t be private for all kinds of things including this, drug use, sex, interpersonal violence, homeless people taking sink baths, and more.

    Like it’s actually my job to watch people shit and piss sometimes for various reasons, even when they don’t want me to, but I have to have a specific reason that applies to behavior that specific person has already done or explicitly threatened (usually suicidal behaviors, hidden weapons, or somebody just being too bull-headed to recognize that they need help walking to not smash their head into the porcelain throne) and I don’t even like doing it then because of how much of a massive pain in the ass it is for everyone involved and it’s just absolutely wild to me that there’s people out there doing it more or less for funsies and often specifically to children. There was a gym teacher at my highschool that made it their mission to stop the saggy pants fashion trend that would go around tugging on boys pants to see if they would just fall down. Thank god our admins were smart enough to realize they couldn’t just let a teacher wander around ripping kids clothes off in public (although I guess in private would be even worse) and quickly put a stop to that.

    Its even a disability thing, people will police people using the disability stalls not realizing that some people who can otherwise walk need the handrails to sit and raise from the toilet without falling, among other inobvious disabilities (I’ve got IBS, I’m taking whatever stall is free first and if it’s the handrail one so be it; I’m a human being who deserves the dignity of not shitting myself in a Walmart). This isn’t to invalidate the unique struggles of the trans experience (I’m starting to look masc enough that I’m getting weird looks in the bathroom myself), but like. LET HUMANS SHIT IN PEACE 2k24!

    • @[email protected]
      31 month ago

      Agree. Some people just need to mind their own business. Unless someone is getting hurt, then just mind your own business and don’t get involved.

      I remember a woman entering a men’s bathroom before because the queue was long. The only reason I was upset was because if a man did they same he may get in trouble.

      • @Apytele
        1 month ago

        At least it rarely happens that way, most men can get through the urinals pretty quick, I have to stop and clean the seat and everything.

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        Next up trans and cis waterfountains.

        Ugh it made me cringe writing that. Hateful people ruin everything

    • Flying Squid
      141 month ago

      That’s exactly what it is. “These children could be raped by a trans person!” Or they could be raped by a cis person. Of their own gender or another gender.

      In general, it’s not hard to find a time to sneak into a bathroom when no one’s looking. It’s not like they’re usually in some prominent place.

  • Neuromancer
    161 month ago

    “She believes that referring to another person using pronouns that do not correspond with that person’s biological sex is harmful to that person because it is false and harmful to herself because it forces her to lie by denying her religious beliefs and scientific evidence,” it continues.

    I hate this argument. I’m conservatives and I will try to use the pronouns of choice. To me it’s just being polite. It’s like a name preference. You try to respect it. If you religion teaches you to be an asshole to everyone then it’s time to rethink your religion.

  • @[email protected]
    161 month ago

    The American right: “I am so aroused by pissing and shitting and farting that I cannot pee downward if trans children are in earshot of me!”

  • @[email protected]
    121 month ago

    It is amazing how few problems people have that they have the time and energy to spend on non issues like this.

      • @[email protected]
        41 month ago

        Nah, I am be a Swede, but I can definately see that Americans have stuff to complain about.

        The problem is that the right people are complaining about the wrong thing.

  • nifty
    101 month ago

    Can the trans students sue for being harassed and bullied? That would be great

    • Flying Squid
      91 month ago

      My daughter has a very close trans friend (who the school forces to use the girl’s room anyway). A girl was being a bigot to him in the bathroom, so he slapped her. Guess who did not get in trouble?

      Hint: not the openly queer one.