

“As of today, 28 settlements are under enemy control, the depth of penetration into the territory of the Kursk region is 12 kilometers, and the front’s width is 40 kilometers” - Kursk region acting governor told Putin. Putin interrupted him and said not to mention numbers.

  • @Aurenkin
    771 month ago

    28 settlements… so far

  • Poot
    631 month ago

    The Soon to be Defenestrated Governor of the Kursk Region. He made Pootie mad.

  • Tug
    531 month ago

    I heard they had elections already and they voted to join Ukarine.

    Lol, this is a parody of the rushed elections in Ukraine.

  • @[email protected]
    251 month ago

    Yeah…he should stay away from windows and tea.

    That’s a good chunk of land Ukraine just annexed.

    • Tar_Alcaran
      101 month ago

      No, they’re a bunch of splitters. It’s the Kursk People’s Republic.

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    I think they mean that 28 previouslty occupied settlements in Kursk have been de-Nazified and reincorporated into the Kyivan Rus by their rightful owners.

  • @[email protected]
    41 month ago

    Pretty sure that video is from the 8th of August? If so, the information presented here is outdated (not that the Russians were credible in the first place). Or has there been a more recent briefing?

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    I’m a bit worried that Ukraine will avenge Bucha and the others. That would be a bad thing in many levels.

    Then again, I’m not sure how we could get reliable data about such a thing anyway: if they are forced to retreat from those areas, Russia will certainly accuse them of atrocities. Perhaps even make a few of their own and blame Ukraine.

    • @[email protected]
      231 month ago

      Ukraine needs Western aid. They are not going to risk that for some stupid revenge. That kind of revenge would have the very serious consequence of loosing the war, turning it into no revenge at all.

      • @[email protected]
        81 month ago

        To play thee devil’s advocate, Israel made the bar quite high for atrocities that will have the west stop supporting you.

        • Al
          131 month ago

          @bouh @MrMakabar Ukraine do not seem to be playing the revenge card at all. Quite the opposite, in fact. Israel, on the other hand, are only playing the revenge card, they could learn a lot from Ukraine.

          • @[email protected]
            61 month ago

            I know that. Ukraine soldiers are actual soldiers, not bandits on a crusade. Still, Israel still has full support of US and France for example, which is a shame. I wish even half of what’s meant to Israel went to Ukraine instead, they deserve it much much more.

            • @index
              -71 month ago

              I know that. Ukraine soldiers are actual soldiers, not bandits on a crusade.

              Unfortunately war turns everyone into a bandit, the horrors of this war are well documented. This post kinda imply that the meat grinder has now moved in russian territory too.

              • @Nythos
                31 month ago

                However anecdotal this may be, I speak regularly to a Ukrainian, who whilst not fighting on the frontline helps with R&D and stuff like that towards the effort.

                Every time I speak to him and the war comes up he only ever speaks of wanting the Russians out of his land, and to just return to his normal life and says that this is the mindset behind every man in his group.

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        Also those atrocities early in the war seem to come from units from the backcountry of Russia, places with ethnic minorities and extreme poverty, probably not very well educated. Closest thing we have to barbarians in the modern day. I don’t think we’ll find that mentality in any ukranian units

        • @[email protected]
          41 month ago

          That’s not totally true. There were lists of local political elites to be killed in Ukraine once they establish control. And this is what happened in Bucha. They wanted to purge all Ukrainians who will have influence under occupation. Occupation that didn’t go according to the plan.

        • Tar_Alcaran
          31 month ago

          Of course they will. You will absolutely find individuals who had their family and friends killed who are going to take it out on Russians. They’re still only humans, and country is composed entirely of saints.

          The difference is that they’ll be individuals, who will hopefully be court-martialed for it, not the widespread ordered pillage and rape without reprisals you see with Russia.

    • RubberDuck
      61 month ago

      I’d imagine they where all very strictly instructed to be courteous but direct and not accept Russians fucking with them but also to leave the locals alone. This will show Russians the sharp contrast with the MOD goon-squad if the Russians manage to take Kursk back.

      • @[email protected]
        51 month ago

        And record it all. Did you see the video of the older ladies asking for a ride? Clearly the Russians in that area are aware of who is violent for the sake of being violent and who is defending their homeland against a violent intruder.

    • andrew_bidlaw
      51 month ago

      Do you know why Bucha happened? It’s the key for your question.

        • andrew_bidlaw
          61 month ago

          It’s an easy jab, but there’s probably a place for a three-part documentary why they (and other historical butchers) deteriorated to such a state.

          What matters is the difference in conditions between ukrainians under Kursk and russians in Butcha. UAF now has experience, discipline, logistics and clear goals, not to say they know they are under a constant threat of enemy’s forces and under a surveiliance from the whole world. Bucha’s troops who had no previous experience, no plan to stay there for long, were left to their own devices, without discipline, logistics and objectives, so these armed frat-boys who were indefinitely placed there started small with looting food and gas, but as it progressed, they started to feel safe and like they own the place, and as you can read in many accounts about occupation, they quickly normalized violence and dehumanized local population not only for the sadists in them who ignited the fire, but for everyone in here. Alcohol, drugs, paranoia, boredom and a lack of any responsibility for the power given to them by weapons created the pests who loot, rape and murder at a whim, like the worst hordes we can read about. And I can’t see how a tight operation with a precalculated strategy can turn into that nightmare. As a lowest common denominator for those who believe these troops are equal: don’t worry, ukrainians just don’t have time to degrade like this even in theory, they have too much on their hands, so Bucha 2.0 is impossible.

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    Nothing good will come of this.

    At best this is a risky incursion which the Russian people will forget about in the coming weeks, that’s if the Russian propaganda machine hasn’t already spun it in their favour.

    We seem to forget that making Putin look bad is a fool’s errand when we’re talking about a country where the state controls the media and where dissenters are either locked away in a remote gulag, or punted off a third-storey window in a way to vaguely look like suicide.

    And at worst… this could lead to an escalation…

    The closest we’ve had to a decisive blow against Russia was Prigozhin’s revolt.

    • @[email protected]
      131 month ago

      You’re assuming that the goal is to shock Russians. Other possible goals are:

      1. Force Russia into a “dilemma” where it has to stop the offensive in Donetsk to deal with the attack
      2. Strike targets deeper in Russia
      3. Cause economic strain for Russia by capturing/disabling key infrastructure like the Kursk powerplant
      4. Flank Russian forces in Luhansk
      5. Capture and hold Russian land to use as a bargaining chip
      6. Humiliate Putin

      Which of these goals are the reasons for this incursion are unknown outside of Ukraine’s command structure.

  • @index
    -591 month ago

    This will lead to nothing good. Russia will now play the defense card and this war will continue even further and deadlier.

    • @TheMightyCanuck
      461 month ago

      Lmao are you even paying attention? The whole point is to keep Russia on the offensive. They took Russian land and dug in.

      Now Russia has to get them off their land or look like even more of a fucking idiot

      • @index
        -411 month ago

        Lmao are you even paying attention?

        I took a peek and as rheinmetall profits are ramping up smoke is coming out from Zaporizhzhia.

        Now Russia has to get them off their land or look like even more of a fucking idiot

        This isn’t a videogame, many people will die an horrible way and the war will just get fueled.

        • Tar_Alcaran
          321 month ago

          Well damn, maybe Russia should stop invading a sovereign nation and commiting genocide. That would stop the war instantly, I’m sure going back to the 2012 borders would suit Ukraine just fine.

          • @index
            -241 month ago

            Neither russia or the west seem to have any interested in ending this war as politicians and rulers are making big profits and gaining wealth and power.

            • @[email protected]
              1 month ago

              One option is for Russia to end its invasion.

              The other is for Ukraine to cease to exist as a country as Russia continues for the 3rd 4th 5th time to continue taking land despite any existing treaty or ceasefire agreement

              One of these is a reasonable request, the other one is not.

              Russia can continue to punch itself in the face until it sees reason. We do not expect Ukraine to sacrifice itself to Putin’s non-existent mercy.

              • @index
                -61 month ago

                There are other options that would help this war to end such as the west stopping doing business with china who is refueling russia in this war or with turkey who is helping russia dodging the sanctions. Guess what? they don’t give a shit, politicians and rulers are benefiting from this war, they send peasants to die in the front, they don’t fight their wars. The west has been trading weapons with russia before the conflict the same way they are doing it now with saudi arabia or egypt.

                • @[email protected]
                  31 month ago

                  Chinese arms companies and banks involved in military aid are subject sanctions. That’s why China is mainly limited to supplying dual-use equipment but even that’s being reigned in. But nothing is going to stop Russia from going through 2 or 3 shell companies to get what they need, it’ll at least cost them more.

                  But sure let’s double down and go off and completely crater US/China trade by trillions in hopes it’ll vaguely impact Russia instead of just directly supplying Ukraine the weapons/aid they need until Russia is ready to stop invading them.

          • @index
            -261 month ago

            I think not cheering up for actions that will not lead to the end of this war is the most intelligent thing to do in this case.

              • @index
                -211 month ago

                Invading them back give them 0 reason to stop it

                • @[email protected]
                  1 month ago

                  Right back at ya, my vatnik friend ;)

                  Edit: See, if you’re gonna (try to) apply logical reasoning, you have to apply it consistently and objectively. Otherwise it stops being logic and turns into dogma.

            • @[email protected]
              81 month ago

              Strengthening Ukraine’s position in any way imaginable is the only thing that has a chance to lead to an end of this war.

              • @index
                -121 month ago

                Strengthening authoritarian ukraine government in any way imaginable and squeeze them against russia will only result in war and misery for people.

                • @[email protected]
                  1 month ago

                  squeeze them against russia

                  Russia is kinda doing the squeezing, sorry mate. Their actions are what’s resulting in war and misery. Letting them have their way would lead to more war and more misery for even more people.

        • andrew_bidlaw
          1 month ago

          Smoke from Запорізька АЕС (Запорожская АЭС) (not запорижжия or whatever) is questionable for the black smoke we’d seen is pretty weird for that kind of facility.

          What can end this war in your opinion? As it seems, if Ukraine give up, after a period of violence and filtration against locals, it won’t stop Russia from planning another SMO on Kazakhstan, Georgia, Lithuania, Moldavia or other countries state officials officially threatened. If Russia give up in this war and stop this bullshit there wouldn’t be any conflict and it’s own standards of living would slowly return to pre-Crimean levels.

          added Ukrainian naming as the first one because for some reason I thought it’s in contested russian territories, because, well, why our news scream about it that much?

          • @index
            -131 month ago

            What can end this war in your opinion?

            Not fueling it is a good way to go toward an end. Politicians and rulers are benefiting from this war, they don’t fight their wars they send others to die while they drink champagne.

            If Russia give up in this war and stop this bullshit there wouldn’t be any conflict

            The cold war never officially end

            • andrew_bidlaw
              81 month ago

              Yeah, okay, but that means China, Iran and NK would keep pumping Russia up with weapons to keep obliterating Ukraine. One-sided cutting of supply wouldn’t work now or in the future.

              No one officially said it even started, lol. There wasn’t a note to proclaim it from either side. Yet, you can notice it wasn’t like in the 50s when in the 90s and 00s the relationships between countries got warmer.

              • @index
                -61 month ago

                The west is doing business with china perfectly fine even as even you are aware that they supply russia in this war.

                One-sided cutting of supply wouldn’t work now or in the future.

                The west is the side that spend more and by a huge margin. Cutting the spending would work great for people now and in the future.

                • andrew_bidlaw
                  61 month ago

                  You know these countries profit from Russia too, right?

                  What’s this margin vs their GDP, for example?