After the article was published, Rick Wilson personally responded to Donald Trump in a video.

  • @[email protected]
    1081 month ago

    Sending a cease and desist over a political ad? Pretty snowflakey weird beta behavior.

    Id be so embarrassed if he were representing me.

    • CoelacanthOP
      861 month ago

      Considering one of The Lincoln Project’s favourite tricks is targeted ad buys in Florida and New Jersey on Fox when Trump is golfing at Mar A Lago/Bedminster I wouldn’t put it past them to put part of it in their next attack ad.

  • @Varyk
    431 month ago

    aaand subscribed to the Lincoln project and motivated beyond my expectations.

      • @CaptDust
        1 month ago

        There’s Republicans that believe in democracy and align themselves with US interests. They’ve been pushed out of the party for not supporting fascism but I never had to question if Romney, McCain or Kasich were working for Russians or Saudis.

            • Aniki 🌱🌿
              -430 days ago

              You think bain capital is free of Saudi blood money? Are you daft or just 12?

              • @[email protected]
                630 days ago

                Still doesn’t make it a wrong statement. McCain was a war hawk, and flawed in many ways, but to suggest they were not seeking American interests is simply untrue.

                Save the childish name-calling, it does nothing here.

      • @[email protected]
        231 month ago

        I dunno, maybe if they larp it hard enough they actually will become good people.

        There used to be decent republicans in office; I’m old enough to remember some of them. Our former state treasurer was pretty awesome, for example. Sadly, even his daughter has been bit by the looney republican bug. So now we have a democrat in that position.

      • @Varyk
        1 month ago

        oh i don’t know anything about them, is the Lincoln project republican?

        I’m assuming not, but I’m just looking for some context for your comment.

        why is the Lincoln project your enemy?

        • CoelacanthOP
          391 month ago

          Like others have said, very much “enemy of my enemy” thing. Old school republicans, Rick Wilson for example worked on George H.W. Bush’s campaign.

          I love what they’re doing getting under Trump’s skin, but once he’s no longer a threat they’ll return to being the enemy. For the moment we can enjoy their work, though.

          • @Varyk
            1 month ago

            jesus, okay. thanks. HW, gross.

            guess i have to listen to the “know your enemy” podcast instead.

              • @Varyk
                230 days ago

                I’ve had it in my feed for a while, but I’m still listening to so many others that I haven’t started listening to “know your enemy” yet.

                but i will, I listen to 5-4 a lot and whenever they guest on that it’s very informative.

        • @eestileib
          261 month ago

          Yes it’s led by four veteran Republicans.

          • @Varyk
            51 month ago

            okay, thank you

            • @[email protected]
              41 month ago

              The useful idiots are the Dems who donate to this group. Sure, they’re a thorn in Trump’s side but they’re also doing very nicely out of this hustle.

          • @Varyk
            41 month ago

            ohhh got it, thanks.

        • Billiam
          1330 days ago

          why is the Lincoln project your enemy?

          Okay, cut the cult of Trump out of the GOP, and what are you left with?

          A party that wants to cut taxes on the rich, privatize public services (read: funnel tax money to the rich), privatize education (read: funnel tax money to the rich while removing education from the poor at the same time), ban women from getting abortions, infect what remains of the government with Christofascistism, shove the LGBTQ movement either in the closet or out a window, stuff the judiciary with unqualified partisans who issue rulings based on conservative ideology instead of sound jurisprudence, and roll back all progress made against the wealthy for the last hundred years. All of these policies predate Trump by decades, and he is more than happy to enforce these policies as long as he can enrich himself while doing so.

          You know all the noise that’s being made about Project 2025 and how borderline treasonous it is? Trump had nothing to do with it- the think tanks that wrote it basically just compiled a wish-list of conservative policies, and are just waiting for the next Republican president to enact it. It’s much like the US/Soviet Union at the end of WWII- we’re happy to have their help against the greater threat, but that doesn’t make them not a threat themselves that need to be dealt with.

        • @[email protected]
          81 month ago

          Yes, the Lincoln project exists to make people forget how bad regular republicans are because they’re also against the fascist orange asshole.

  • @[email protected]
    201 month ago

    “It is a really bad feeling to have your Constitutional Right to Free Speech, such a big part of life in our Country, so unfairly taken from you” -@RealDonaldTrump.

  • @[email protected]
    30 days ago

    TBH I don’t watch Fox News so I’ve got zero context on any of this. At least this article actually talks about it instead of posting the mad twitter rant from Lincoln Project after the cease and desist.

    • AFK BRB Chocolate
      101 month ago

      Came here to post that - the response from TLP directly to Trump. Also, the ad itself is in the middle and you don’t have to skip a commercial every five seconds to see it.

      • CoelacanthOP
        51 month ago

        I wanted to post that video directly initially, but the community has an article-only policy so I had to find an article about it and link the video in the OP text box.

        I really hope Trump sees that response video.

        • @[email protected]
          530 days ago

          There is a 0% chance Trump will ever watch that video. His aides would take away his phone and have it melted down for scrap before they let him watch that video. He would be triggered, his dime-store-twitter response would be nuclear, and he would probably attack pediatric cancer patients nationwide in response because lashing out with unprovoked attacks aimed at random groups of people in order to draw attention to himself is literally the only play he has.

          • CoelacanthOP
            430 days ago

            Well, they probably can’t afford to put the whole 10 minute video on TV, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they put some parts of it in their next attack ad. They like buying ad slots on Fox in Florida/New Jersey whenever he’s golfing there to make sure he sees their stuff. That’s probably how he saw the previous ad to begin with - the one that lead to him furiously throwing them a cease & desist for being big meanies.

    • @[email protected]
      101 month ago

      Rick Wilson and I dont agree on a lot, but his vendetta against Trump is a righteous one and I wish him the best of luck. Burn everything in your path buddy.

  • nifty
    30 days ago

    Ugh this is just the Lincoln project trying to distance itself from its messiah trump because they know the name Lincoln project is the ass taint of Satan and no one sane or reasonable likes the Lincoln Project. The republicans and conservatives are still ghouls for spewing the vile shit that’s the Lincoln project and it’s goals into American politics

    Edit that’s project 2025, fuck I am still buzzed oops

    Edit2 lol my deleted comment on one instance is getting views and votes on another, oh well