• magnetosphere
    19023 days ago

    I can be a pretty naive guy. I am continually amazed not just by the volume, but by the varieties of creepiness that women have to put up with on a daily basis. WTF, Anon?

  • @[email protected]
    10623 days ago

    Oof. There’s fucking up, and then there’s getting banned from Wal-Mart. The only lower position is getting banned from the dollar store.

    • @[email protected]
      6023 days ago

      In order to be banned from a dollar store, the one employee working there would have to Home Alone the place to keep you out

        • @taladar
          823 days ago

          Well, they have to hand over the single key to the store at some point from one employee to their successor when they retire.

  • @[email protected]
    6423 days ago

    Good thing he offered though. That was finally big and explicit enough an offense to allow her to report him and end the smaller, subtler harassment she had to suffer until then for the sake of customer service.

  • @[email protected]
    23 days ago

    I can see how someone would make this mistake. On the other hand, it’s not hard to see why this is a bad idea.

    Here’s the situation. Approaching or propositioning anyone while they’re at work is going to come off poorly since they’re backed into a corner. They’re a captive audience, as they must be in that space in order to get paid. In the case of retail, not only are they supposed to be nice to you, but they often can’t physically avoid you lest they get in trouble for poor service. In the end, the already hard job of saying “no” is made much worse by compounding it with proper workplace behavior. And even if they would find your advances interesting in any other setting, it’s the workplace that’s likely to sour things.

    Edit: Anon needs to do this in a setting where everyone can come and go freely, in a place where people deliberately go to be social.

    • @[email protected]
      923 days ago

      Plus a footrub… is quite something as a first. I mean, what happened to asking someone out for a drink for starters.

      • Jazzy Vidalia
        222 days ago

        Anon went from 0-100. Dudes really need to learn how to slow their roll.

      • @[email protected]
        122 days ago

        Agreed. And “would you give your mother a foot-rub” is not a good self-assessment for whether or not it’s an appropriate opener, either.

        Anon should know that suggesting physical contact with a total stranger is a red flag, possibly two if we consider it’s about feet.

    • @[email protected]
      622 days ago

      I gave a girl at her work my number and she messaged me back saying she got a boyfriend but we can hang out.

  • @[email protected]
    1922 days ago

    Better than the one I worked at. There was a dude that worked there that was harassing one of the cashiers and instead of firing him they moved him out to the tire shop with us. He had 0 experience with cars and wasn’t qualified for that even by Wal-Mart standards. A couple weeks later he got fired for fucking up too many cars but in the mean time we bullied the shit out of him for being a creep and walked him out after we closed to make sure he actually left and didn’t try to wait around for her to get off.

    • Who knew?
      822 days ago

      That’s the shittest department to pawn him off on lol, auto doesn’t even make a profit, it’s a dog to get people in and stuck shopping while they wait. I think they must have done it to get him canned because tech and service writer were super high turnover in my market because you need actual skill to do it right and the job doesn’t pay enough if you do. I personally used to roll on Douglases and get all my oil changes there because of employee discount but only because the auto techs were all attending the nearby technical school and working with a degree of pride guaranteed by their TL who ran a tight ship, I trusted her, women who can thrive in that environment have to both know their shit and be tough lol.

  • @[email protected]
    1623 days ago

    This is giving Asperger’s as fuck. Someone should have told him to just give her his number then walk away.

  • @[email protected]
    1422 days ago

    This all reminded me of the before times when I worked retail. I’d seen this guy who creeped me TF out for years over the course of a few jobs in the same town. His gf was very clearly in highschool and he was probably 30 the 1st time I encountered him. He was a regular at this smoothie shop I worked at, and I tried to avoid dealing with him at all costs. A few years later he’s in the grocery store I work at all the time with the same gf (hey, at least she was definitely 18 by this point).

    One day they propositioned one of the cashiers for a threesome. She freaked out and got the guy 86’d from the store. Eventually they compromised to let him back in as long as he didn’t approach any female employees for anything.

    Fast forward a few years and I was working a desk job and working on trying to get a promotion to manager. I screwed up one day and overslept and was late. That fuck up took me out of the running and my boss said he was going to look for external hires. Who comes in for an interview but that fucking guy. I pulled my manager aside and told him all the history he had at the grocery store, the underage gf, everything. He thought I was making up an elaborate story because I was mad I wasn’t getting promoted, and went ahead with the hire.

    6 months later (after I had quit) he got canned for sexual harassment for trying to kiss the lady working on night shift. (Shocker) Life can be fucking weird sometimes.

    • @[email protected]
      22 days ago

      Walmart sucks. It’s designed to keep you wandering around and picking up shit you don’t need. You’ll go in for one thing, and leave half an hour later with 14 things you didn’t come in for and don’t need. And also they didn’t have the one thing you needed. And the shit you did buy is junk. And any perishable food items you buy will be moldy within 36 hours. Walmart sucks.

      And they only can provide that useless compulsive junk so cheaply because they bulk order everything and then just change their offering price after the product is manufactured. So the manufacturer can’t just say “No deal” when they already produced massive quantities that they don’t have the logistical means to sell to other buyers. Walmart bleeds everyone dry. Smothers competing business with their price models, ravages towns, fuck Walmart.

      • Who knew?
        122 days ago

        You dont get it bro it’s called EDLC which drives EDLP, lower prices for everyone /sarcasm

      • Gloomy
        22 days ago

        And they only can provide that useless compulsive junk so cheaply because they bulk order everything and then just change their offering price after the product is manufactured. So the manufacturer can’t just say “No deal” when they already produced massive quantities that they don’t have the logistical means to sell to other buyers.

        I’m not saying that this isn’t true, but how does that work more than once? Wouldn’t any manufacturer quit working with them after this happened once? Isn’t the agreed price for a bulk order set down in writing before the manufacturing starts?

        Have you got a source for this?

        • Who knew?
          722 days ago

          Walmart’s literal trainings when you work for them reference this by a different name. They call it “everyday low cost” and say that when they “get a volume discount from a supplier” they can “roll back prices” and they offer scenarios in which this happens which are identical to the process timeworntraveler is accurately describing. I worked there 5 years in many different positions around the store and made sure to learn everything I could and I can indeed confirm this is how Walmart works. It’s actually a really easy to understand business model. For all its flaws and despite being quite dated the documentary “The High Cost of Low Price” https://www.bravenewfilms.org/walmartmovie from all the way back in 2005 is still a good explainer of how Walmart became so dominant as to be able to completely set prices for all aspects of its suppliers and often its labor market. I personally witnessed everyone on my team get a $3 raise overnight when Fred Meyer threatened to poach some of our employees as scab labor to fight their union which was on strike. Now I am a union worker set to make a couple bucks more an hour than I did at Walmart but they always try to keep it competitive.

        • @[email protected]
          622 days ago

          I saw a documentary that talked about how they did this to Rubbermaid once. I don’t have a link but that might be a good starting point for research.

              • BarqsHasBite
                022 days ago

                I thought you meant they did it Rubbermaid once. As in Rubbermaid didn’t let them do that again.

                • @[email protected]
                  321 days ago

                  As in, “once, because it basically bankrupted Rubbermaid”.

                  They played those games with everyone, like Clorox, book and magazine companies, General Mills, etc. But most towns have a Walmart and don’t have a lot of other options, so if you want sales you play ball with the Waltons :(

                • @[email protected]
                  222 days ago

                  From the sound of things in that documentary Rubbermaid got bent over on that deal and was almost bankrupted by it so I imagine it’s been an ongoing thing.

    • Who knew?
      522 days ago

      Nah, it used to be back in the days the logo had a smiley face, it was the place for affordable abundance. Ever since I worked there 5 years though I see the whole body of the beast for what it is, and the parts you’re not seeing are super ugly on like every level from produce bags chopped by prisoners in Salinas to sexual harassment of stockers by good ol boy management on the overnight team

    • @[email protected]
      422 days ago

      It’s got everything. It’s great for that. Way more options than elsewhere.

      Its shit quality but if you want a X and want it to last for your two week trip. Walmart is the place to go.

  • 10_0
    1023 days ago

    Walmart employees have to be fake nice don’t they, such a mind fuck