• @[email protected]
    19 days ago

    I will potentially not buy it then.

    How many times do we have to teach these companies this lesson? Anti-piracy DRM never stops pirates, it only causes harm to legitimate paying customers. Pirates get the objective better experience playing a game with DRM removed because they not only get the game for free, but it performs better than the version people pay for. Why pay money for something that is objectively worse than getting it for free?

    • @[email protected]
      7219 days ago

      Nobody’s teaching these companies any lessons. They keep using Denuvo because it works, and the games keep selling because the number of people actually bothered by it is pretty small.

      • @[email protected]
        3619 days ago

        Source needed for it actually working to reduce piracy. It’s possible, but I’m gonna need sources since we know from history that simply providing a better product does more to increase sales and reduce piracy than anything else. People are willing to pay when they get their money’s worth. The ones that don’t, weren’t going to pay anyway, so there’s no actual lost sale.

        It just makes the bean counters feel better and help justify their position.

        • @[email protected]
          1219 days ago

          It’s not really clear if working DRM increases sales. But most Denuvo games don’t get cracked, so it definetly prevents most piracy.

          • @[email protected]
            719 days ago

            Denuvo specifically is only cracked consistently by like three people. A turbo racist, a trans woman, and a dude who only cracks the newest sports games.

            • @[email protected]
              619 days ago

              Oh has she been confirmed to be trans? Last I heard she was full insane terf. Unless I’m thinking of the turbo racist and missed some scandals.

              • @[email protected]
                18 days ago

                Idk if confirmed trans but she’s also not had the best political takes recently …

                It seems cracking denuvo comes with some insane change to your psyche cause nobody that can do it is normal lol

              • @[email protected]
                18 days ago

                Empress? Turbo racist. There is another person who cannot crack it as consistently but can do it pretty well.

          • @[email protected]
            1119 days ago

            That only goes to show that that most of the people capable of cracking a game aren’t privy to most pre release channels. First day buyers and pre order simps most likely wouldn’t pirate the game at all.

        • @[email protected]
          118 days ago

          The fact that there currently is no one cracking Denuvo? Empress was the only one cracking and posting new denuvo releases and they’ve been completely silent for months(possibly over a year? I forget). The only other people cracking denuvo lately are a DRM developerdoing so for the challenge(and not releasing the crack, because they’re a DRM dev…) and like one other guy cracking much older versions of denuvo.

      • DarkThoughts
        619 days ago

        Yep. Most people have no spine, or even care about it. Whatever, I can waste my time and money on other games. It’s not like there’s a lack of them out there, even outside of Denuvo, EA & Ubisoft.

        • @[email protected]
          119 days ago

          I think most people aren’t even aware of the different forms of DRM and whether or not their games use them. For the majority of players, there’s no discernible impact to their experience so they have no reason to question any of it.

    • @[email protected]
      19 days ago

      To be fair denuvo is really effective.

      It usually takes a long ass time for denuvo games to get cracked if at all.

      Last I checked there were only two people cracking denuvo, one who only likes football games and one really crazy lady.

      Also the lack of piracy is most important for publishers around launch and that’s reflected in denuvo’s pricing which IIRC increases substantially after a year or two (this is a fairly recent change)

      So more games have started to remove Denuvo after a while after launch.

      Before they changed it, I believe the publishers got to keep Denuvo at no extra cost if they didn’t change the game or something but now it gets more expensive the further from launch you go

    • @[email protected]
      218 days ago

      It’s wild, I’m one of those patient gamer types but there are certain games that I’d make an exception for and buy as soon as they came out, and Civ has been one of those games as far back as I can remember. But this is gonna be the first one I’m not going to bother with. Between this and the absolutely bonkers price, I really can’t justify it. Maybe in a few years when the Denuvo is removed and you can get the full thing for like $40 or so, but no way am I paying $167 CAD for the full edition on day one.

  • @[email protected]
    9119 days ago

    i mean civ is never really worth buying until they put out a complete edition with all the features they removed so they could slowly sell them back to you as dlc.

    • @[email protected]
      118 days ago

      I don’t think they really do that. I remember Civ 6 launching with everything 5 had as DLC in base game and the DLCs added new things 5 didn’t have.

      • @[email protected]
        1018 days ago

        I don’t think 6 had religion or a bunch of stuff originally, it had less content than 5 at launch (forget the civs, just the mechanics). That was fixed in the first major update.

        I’d expect a year or 2 before we can start seeing 7 become the full game it needs to get to to pass 6.

        • @[email protected]
          18 days ago

          it was diplomacy that was stripped then re-added this time. in base civ 6 there was no diplomacy. that’s ridiculous. that’s like one of the most core mechanics and win conditions. then when they did add it it was so busted that you’ll often accidentally get a diplo victory on your way to any other victory.

        • @[email protected]
          318 days ago

          6 definitely had religion at launch. IGN actually declared “This game will go down in history as the most fully-featured launch version in the 25-year series.”

          • @[email protected]
            18 days ago

            that’s a weird thing to say about a game that came out without diplomacy or diplomatic victories. but ign has a long history of overating games from waelthy companies.

            edit: but also, the way that ign feels the need to praise it for being fully featured at launch when it was still missing a base mechanic really helps my point. they always do this. this may actually be the least bad one they’ve ever done. that’s just a low bar. like the 4th least bad release.

            idk man… i guess In today’s market this behavior has become less bad by comparison to everyone else, but I’m not going to ignore the rising temperature of the water in this pot. the whole industry is getting worse. I’m not going to give this company ground to legitimize their greed because the rest of the industry shot past them in shittyness. this was one of the first series to explicitly be scummy with dlc. they helped create the modern landscape of battle passes and gacha bullshit. they were once some of the worst out there…

            • @[email protected]
              218 days ago

              Sure but the fully fleshed out diplomatic victory in Civ V was only added by DLC, it’s not that crazy that the equivalent was a DLC in VI. Beyond that, things like religion, archaeology, and espionage were all DLC features in V but were base game in VI. It was a clear step forward on the whole.

        • @[email protected]
          118 days ago

          Fair enough, I forgot it didn’t launch with the world Congress stuff. It has enough other new stuff and a bunch of features from Civ 5 that at least for me it made up for that being left behind at first.

        • @[email protected]
          118 days ago

          Eh I don’t really count civs I guess. I was just counting features like religion and stuff like that. The civs are usually pretty cheap and they don’t really change the game that much.

    • @[email protected]
      -2018 days ago

      I find this argument really annoying / entitled.

      Are they supposed to increase the scope of every iteration in the series and take an extra few years to make each one, or are they supposed to never release DLC? which would make you happy?

      • @[email protected]
        1618 days ago

        I don’t think you accurately read their comment.

        They’re not spending years in development planning and creating new, exciting content. They’re holding back basic features from the beginning and selling them to you over time for many times the base game’s price.

        • @[email protected]
          -1718 days ago

          Yes because it’s a new game, putting all the features they developed in the previous base game and years of DLC would take them a long time. This is how software development works. They don’t just have everything feature toggled off…

            • @[email protected]
              -1618 days ago

              Many core mechanics are different in each game, and even if they kept the code identical for the DLC mechanics the bulk of the work is asset creation, balancing, etc.

              There’s no universe in which you’re right

      • @[email protected]
        18 days ago

        I would like it to come out with the same number of win conditions that the previous ones had. diplomacy was a base feature in at least the last 2 games before it. it wasn’t a dlc feature before. they removed it this time, then added it back as dlc. they do shit like that every time.

  • DarkThoughts
    8619 days ago

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand there it vanishes from my Wishlist. Thought after Civ 5 it might be actually something potentially worth buying, but nope. Removing the Launchers just to add Denuvo… What an absolute dumbass move.

    • @[email protected]
      2219 days ago

      But they’re preempting a problem they’ve never had. Certainly you can understand that, right?

  • hitagi
    5818 days ago

    I’m gonna wait for the platinum ultimate mega collector’s anthology edition at a 90% discount after 7 years.

  • kbal
    5319 days ago

    That’s one way to get people to turn to piracy.

      • kbal
        1319 days ago

        That was true for a little while around 2016 I think. If it’s temporarily true again now I don’t expect it’ll last very far into the lifetime of a civ game.

        • @[email protected]
          318 days ago

          Maybe, maybe not. HiFi Rush hasn’t been cracked, even after Microsoft became theevillain of the week for the whole internet, because they closed down Tango Gameworks.

            • @[email protected]
              418 days ago

              Nah man, she’s gone. She hasn’t cracked anything in over a year, and the “one game” she’d be interested in cracking she won’t crack?

              Until she actually releases a new crack, I’m not going to believe that post was even actually from her. Either that or it is her and she’s unable to crack the newest denuvo and is blustering to keep her cults attention.

      • @[email protected]
        119 days ago

        Is that really true? I guess I’m not up to date enough, but I think most modern games make their way to the modern seas.

        • @[email protected]
          418 days ago

          It’s true. There was only one person willing and capable of cracking denuvo, and they’ve been a total ghost for a year now. Possibly a literal ghost now, considering they’re Russian.

  • Rentlar
    4319 days ago

    Oh. Well I was excited about Civ 7 right until this moment.

    Anti-tamper = no mods worth your time = only worth playing a handful of times. Also may have trouble working on Linux.

  • AwesomeLowlander
    4219 days ago

    Guess that’s gonna be the first Civ game I’m not buying.

    • LordWarfire
      118 days ago

      I’ve also removed from my wish list - hopefully they reverse the decision and I can add it back.

    • @[email protected]
      2119 days ago

      Unciv is an open source version of Civ V that works on Android and PC, if you really want to lose some hours

      • @[email protected]
        418 days ago


        A real Civ game that runs on my phone? Well, damnit, my poops are about to become 3 hour marathons.

        • @[email protected]
          218 days ago

          I realized it had community mods available that fill in all the missing tech and countries from the expansions/DLC, installed them, blinked and suddenly the sun was rising?

    • @[email protected]
      219 days ago

      Maybe have a look at ARA that’s gonna release some time soon. It’s made by the civ5 devs and I’ve played the alpha playtest - so far it looks great

      • DarkThoughts
        119 days ago

        The one title of that type of genre I’m looking forward to. I hope they don’t fuck it up.

  • @hakase
    1819 days ago

    There hasn’t been a need for a new Civ since IV so I already wasn’t gonna buy it, but now I’m gonna not buy it even harder.

    • @[email protected]
      419 days ago

      I play freeciv (an open source civ 3.5 clone) much more often than civ 5 which I bought. I’ll agree with you. Newer civ isn’t all that attractive.

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        318 days ago

        Civ 6 seems kind of dumbed down to me from previous versions. Besides, I’ve been having more fun with Crusader Kings 3 lately.

    • @[email protected]
      218 days ago

      Yeah… Civ 1, 2, 3, and 4 were all good - for different reasons. Civ 5 was where the design decisions stopped being about gameplay and started being about maximising profit. Making the game functional and fun was lower priority to making paid DLC. Players buy the buggy and unfinished game… then pay more to fix it piecemeal with the DLC. Such is the power of brands and advertising.