Within moments of Tuesday night’s debate ending, Trump began to suggest that he wasn’t interested in another face-to-face with Harris.

Donald Trump, who tried to push Kamala Harris into debating him by publicly accepting multiple invitations while her campaign insisted on first negotiating the terms, is now casting doubt on whether he will agree to another face-to-face meeting with his Democratic opponent.

Within moments of leaving the debate stage on Tuesday night with a performance that some Republicans were quick to pan, Trump began dismissing the idea he would participate in another debate — a reversal from his previous talking point that he was willing to do several debates and it was Harris who was hiding.

Trump’s campaign said before the debate that he had already accepted debate invitations from Fox News and NBC News, and that Harris had not. But in post-debate interviews, Trump was noncommittal. He claimed victory on Truth Social, saying, “Why would I do a Rematch?”

  • @[email protected]
    17 days ago

    Trump says shit all the time that he doesn’t mean. He’ll probably lie and say he never asked for more debates, then go and whine at his rallies that Harris refuses to debate him more

  • @[email protected]
    8 days ago

    I don’t blame him, didn’t you see how mean she was to him last night!?

    She kept making him say wrong things, stupid things, lies, and bumbling rants by letting him talk!!!

    What a fucking meanie poopoo-head Kamala was by letting Trump be a moron out loud. She cheated!

  • Snot Flickerman
    558 days ago

    This guy is so transparent it would be hilarious if he wasn’t so god damned dangerous.

    He’d be doing us all a huge favor to disappear and shut up until the election, honestly.

    • @Lucidlethargy
      87 days ago

      Oh no, I think he should talk more. His dementia has reached an alarmingly obvious stage.

      • Curious Canid
        17 days ago

        I’m with you. If everyone in the country could get to know Trump personally, he would get fewer votes than he has immediate family members. The best thing he can do for Harris is to go out there and be himself in public.

  • @[email protected]
    408 days ago

    I’m enjoying the fact that, weeks ago, he tried to say she had scheduled some and her campaign’s response was “we’ll see how the first one goes”. Which now can be read as “Maybe baby won’t wanna play any more after we kick him in the nuts.”

    • @Kecessa
      128 days ago

      I’m sure they now regret not scheduling a second one so he has to actually pull out

      • @[email protected]
        77 days ago

        Yeah. How much worse would it be if they had a NBC one setup in 3 weeks only for him to cancel it.

        I’m sure it would be something stupid like arguing over the rules too.

        No fact checking!!

  • magnetosphere
    328 days ago

    One was enough. Harris embarrassed him (or, more accurately, she let him embarrass himself). If he had any backbone or self control, he’d want a second chance. If he wants to let Harris focus on other things while he ends the debate phase on a low note, that’s fine with me.

  • @[email protected]
    8 days ago

    I had the best debate in the history of debating. Many people, tears in Their Eyes said Sir that Was a Perfect and Beuatiful Debate. Maybe I can Beat Perfection? It was Rigged and she had the answers, and I still Had a Perfect Debate. Should I do Another Debate, we will See, but let me tell you, The Crowd outside of The debate was Tremendous. They were all holding Trump Sigmas.


  • @Peruvian_Skies
    188 days ago

    Did anyone expect any different? Bragging like he’d already won before, making an ass out of himself during, downplaying it after. That’s par for the course with Trump. It’s how he dealt with every single one of his court hearings as well.

    • @hydrashok
      47 days ago

      Off topic, but I love your username. Dream Theater rules!

      • @Peruvian_Skies
        27 days ago

        Thanks, people don’t usuallt recognize it! They’re one of my favorite bands.

        • @hydrashok
          37 days ago

          Well call me Vanessa because I’m going to wait! (But not regretfully.)

  • @[email protected]
    148 days ago

    She can easily bait him into another debate by talking about how small the crowds cheering for him were. I’m sure Grandpa will come running to tell us about his wholesome stories of transgender aliens performing surgeries on American cats and dogs.

    • @pastermil
      48 days ago

      immigration officers performing gender surgeries on cats and dogs eater aliens

  • notsure
    98 days ago

    After he went in to the spin room looking as lost as an abandoned puppy…

  • @[email protected]
    58 days ago

    I trust someone who’s better with puns and all the latest politics than I to do it justice, but I feel like there’s a rendition of “Brave Sir Robin” as “Brave Sir Orange” that could be quite good.

    • @[email protected]
      57 days ago

      Craven old Sir Orange
      Rode forth from Florida
      He was not afraid to lie
      Craven Sir Orange
      He was not all afraid to be nasty in his ways
      Craven, craven Sir Orange

  • @[email protected]
    38 days ago

    Two pump chump with failing stamina and a refractory period longer than the expected lifespan. We’re done with the shitgibbon…