Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., repeatedly suggested a leading Arab American activist is a Hamas supporter when she testified Tuesday at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on hate crimes, and he told her she should hide her “head in a bag.”

The activist, Maya Berry, said repeatedly that she did not support Hamas and was “disappointed” by the minuteslong exchange toward the end of a hearing called “A Threat to Justice Everywhere: Stemming the Tide of Hate Crimes in America.”

“You are the executive director of the Arab American Institute, are you not?” Kennedy said at the beginning of the exchange. She said she was and agreed with Kennedy that she is a Democratic activist.

“You support Hamas, do you not?” Kennedy asked, referring to the militant group behind the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks on Israel. The question prompted gasps and surprised laughs from the audience.

“Senator, oddly enough, I’m going to say thank you for that question, because it demonstrates the purpose of our hearing today in a very effective way,” Berry responded. Kennedy then cut her off and insisted he needed a yes-or-no answer.

  • @[email protected]
    1 day ago

    This is one of the dumbest motherfuckers that I have ever had the displeasure of hearing speak. Every single time I’ve seen this moron speak, I’ve walked away stupider.

    It is absolutely shocking to me that this man graduated high school, let alone college or fucking law school.

    Mind boggling.

    Just seeing his photograph in the thumbnail, I can hear his stupid fucking voice…

    • Optional
      211 day ago

      Turns out law school isn’t that hard, it’s just really, really annoying and expensive.

      • @[email protected]
        610 hours ago

        As a dear friend of mine likes to say “Someone had to graduate at the bottom of the class.”

    • @[email protected]
      91 day ago

      You can be intelligent AND evil. You are forgetting they just ignore the evil part cause it supports their motives

  • @[email protected]
    301 day ago

    Gotta love how he completely ignores her answers and asks follow up questions that imply she said the opposite of what she actually said. And how he repeatedly criticizes her for unequivocally stating her position in complete sentences instead of just saying yes or no, which would be less clear and easier to take out of context.

  • @[email protected]
    111 day ago

    Looking at his Wikipedia page, it looks like at one time this guy wasn’t a complete asshat like he is today.

    Age gets us all, but I hope I don’t become an asshole before I kick off.

  • @[email protected]
    1112 days ago

    Grandpa Munster keeps getting worse.

    Fun fact… he’s one of the first Republicunt traitors who traveled to Moscow on the 4th of July to kiss Putin’s ring.

      • @[email protected]
        1 day ago

        He was also allegedly a lawyer at some point, but I find that difficult to believe.

        It’s like something happens to a boomer’s brain when they hit 40 that just drains any intelligence or empathy the person might have once had, and it’s replaced with selfishness and cruelty.

        Lead really did a number on this country.

  • hopesdead
    322 days ago

    Headline: Old White Man blames racism on non-White People for existing.

  • @[email protected]
    -822 days ago

    A) Fuck this racist piece of shit.

    B) Anyone who says they support Palestinians but not Hamas are intentionally being ignorant, since the vast majority of the Palestinians in Gaza support Hamas and their attack(s) on Israel based on decently reputable local polling (not sourced by Israel)

    People need to take their head out of the sand and realize that this isn’t just an Israeli invasion, it’s a war that both sides want to keep fighting. It’s just a stupid war since Palestine is significantly weaker and getting their ass handed to them. The only reason Hamas is even still able to keep fighting is they’re being heavily funded with money and weapons from outside countries that want to weaken Israel. Gaza is dirt poor, they have no militarily exploitable resources or weapons production ability.

    • Todd Bonzalez
      10 hours ago

      My support for Palestinians isn’t automatic support for everything they support. I don’t give a shit if the majority support Hamas in some way, even if I strongly disagree with that support.

      But that disagreement doesn’t mean I’m going to stand back and watch these people get wiped out in a coordinated act of genocide. I can disagree with a culture’s values without being complacent as members of that culture are mass-murdered.

      There are a fringe minority here who want to see the roles reversed and a genocide committed against the Israeli people, but those people are psychopaths, and they are outnumbered. Most of us just want to see a stop to mass civilian casualties, and you can’t both-sides that issue right now because, even including the Oct. 7 attack a year ago, Palestinians are suffering orders of magnitude more than Israelis right now.

      Also, You’re a J.D. Vance Supporter

      • @[email protected]
        -59 hours ago

        First off, I’m not even American so I don’t support Vance or any other American politician.

        Secondly, you support the American government, which killed around half a million middle eastern civilians in retaliation for 9/11.

        Thirdly, if Israel was trying to wipe out Palestinians they’re doing an absolute shit job of it. They’re barely killing them faster than the birth rate and it would take centuries to wipe them out at the current rate.

        Finally, no you can’t say you support Palestinians and ignore what they stand for. You either don’t actually support Palestinians, or you support their war. Say you support not killing instead, and drop the Palestinian conditional.

        • Lightor
          8 hours ago

          “You support the American government”

          What a brain dead thing to say. Yeah, we do, because we live here and have to pay taxes. We only have so many things we can do as normal citizens, only so many people we can vote for. Seeing you say all these bad faith statements constantly makes you look like a troll.

          Also, you don’t have to live in America to support JD Vance. Plenty of non Americans support Harris or Trump, wtf are you on about?

          • @[email protected]
            04 hours ago

            “it’s not my fault my country killed a half million civilians, I can’t do anything about it.” -You

            “I demand my government force another country to stop killing civilians immediately” -Also you

            You seriously don’t see the problem with the way you’re thinking?

            Why the fuck would I support American political candidates as a non-American? Just because plenty of people are stupid, doesn’t mean I need to be as well. Plenty of people think that most Palestinian civilians are innocent, but it doesn’t make it true.

            • Lightor
              3 hours ago

              “it’s not my fault my country killed a half million civilians, I can’t do anything about it.” -You

              And what exactly can I do to stop it aside from vote? You act like you have all the answers so please tell me what the average low income American can do to stop a war half way across the world. I’ll wait for the how to guide.

              “I demand my government force another country to stop killing civilians immediately” -Also you

              Never said I demand anything, I said I vote. You seem to make it a habit of putting words in peoples mouths to fit your agenda. You own a farm? Because you’re building straw men like crazy lol.

              Why the fuck would I support American political candidates as a non-American? Just because plenty of people are stupid, doesn’t mean I need to be as well. Plenty of people think that most Palestinian civilians are innocent, but it doesn’t make it true.

              I dunno, it is a very odd thing for you to do. It’s also very odd to tell citizens of another country how to behave and interact with their government. What country praytell are you living in? Are you personally making an effort to stop every bad thing their doing or do you just embrace your hypocrisy full force? Oh no, I bet you’re a “wait till people start dying to care” kinda guy.

              • @[email protected]
                11 hour ago

                You vote… great. You realize there’s more options than just voting right?

                Am I personally making an effort to stop every bad thing my Canadian government is doing? I’m not sure, I don’t see any bad things they’re doing at the moment (including supporting Israel) despite the government being made up of people that I didn’t even vote for.

                I don’t see a lot of things that they do as bad, I understand in that most of the things people get mad at them for aren’t really their fault (inflation), are necessary even though they upset a lot of people (immigration), are simply due to the limits of finite resources (healthcare), or are limits based on how our electoral system works and who’s voting (house inflation).

                Do I encourage them to do better? Yes. I vote (lol) but I also regularly communicate with my provincial and federal representatives, and I participate in various activities to influence and affect the policies they implement.

    • @[email protected]
      842 days ago

      You are arguing in bad faith.

      My support for Palestine means wanting Israel to stop killing Palestinian civilians. This does not indicate my support for Hamas.

      You have multiple unbelievable claims that are not cited.

      • @[email protected]
        -452 days ago

        I am not arguing in bad faith. The fact that you think my claims are unbelievable is part of the problem, you’re clearly uneducated on the situation along with the vast majority of Palestinians supporters. Here’s the sources.

        71% support for the Oct 7th attack as of March 2024 both in Gaza and the West bank 91 English press release 20 March 2024.pdf

        PCPSR is the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, an entirely Palestinian organization.

        Support for the attack has deteriorated since then, but they were very happy with it until the real consequences started.

        Only 5 percent of Palestinians think Hamas’s massacre on October 7 constitutes a war crime.

        As for the funding…

        Last February, the State Department(US) said that Hamas raises funds in other Gulf countries and gets donations from Palestinians, other expatriates and its own charities.

        • @[email protected]
          252 days ago

          The October 7th attack was seen as a retaliation for a wave of settler attacks all summer on multiple Palestinian towns and the invasion of Al Aqsa. It doesn’t necessarily mean support for Hamas. Same way Israelis may support bombing Gaza but not necessarily supporting Netanyahu.

          • @[email protected]
            -101 day ago

            They still support an act of mass violence against civilians, so it makes them hypocritical when they condemn the current mass violence against their own civilians.

            • @[email protected]
              61 day ago

              No, and you’re making a helluva lot of assumptions.

              Roughly 1/3 of the deaths on October 7 were of soldiers. Many of the rest were friendly fire. Israel claims that such a ratio of civilian deaths is “acceptable” in wartime. The Israeli government frequently claims that there are no civilians in Gaza, and many Palestinians say the same about Israelis. What’s galling is that Israelis have been pushing these excuses for violence for years and are outraged that they’re now being used against them.

              If you can’t see the parallels then you’re hopeless. For the record, it’s unacceptable that either side is doing this.

              • @[email protected]
                -51 day ago

                Outraged that they’re now being used against them? Israel spent literally tens of billions of dollars on a missile defence system to reduce the effect of rocket attacks. They’ve been pissed off at Palestinians and other terrorist groups for attacking them for a very long time, in fact literally since the day after they declared independence and got invaded by 5 of the neighboring countries.

                Your logic in no way helps your argument. If it’s actually a war that both sides want, then what the fuck are we doing complaining about civilian deaths on one side being lopsided? Should bigger countries always have to deal with smaller groups with kid gloves on? That’s just stupid, wars aren’t about being fair.

                You can want them to stop fighting, but both of them want to be fighting right now. You aren’t going to pull them apart like in a bar fight, there’s no way to physically separate these two groups.

                • @[email protected]
                  41 day ago

                  And there you go, going back to the mindless false narrative.

                  Israel went to war against neighboring countries because those countries were upset by the active ethnic cleansing that Israel was engaging in. Ever heard of Deir Yassin massacre and Ben Gurion’s orders to the military to evict all Arabs from the cities? And yet Israel still takes their frustrations over the war out on Palestinians who didn’t take part in it.

                  Your clinging to false ahistorical narratives in no way helps your argument. Like I said, you’re hopeless since you can’t seem to learn from history and instead look for excuses.

                  This fight wasn’t inevitable, the Israeli extremists made it happen; killing Rabin and rejecting multiple peace deals for the last 30 years. Netanyahu and Likud wanted this fight.

    • NoneOfUrBusiness
      362 days ago

      People need to take their head out of the sand and realize that this isn’t just an Israeli invasion, it’s a war that both sides want to keep fighting. It’s just a stupid war since Palestine is significantly weaker and getting their ass handed to them.

      Uh… Sorry Palestinians don’t want to be occupied and ethnically cleansed from their land?

        • NoneOfUrBusiness
          61 day ago

          Yes, because Israel insists on colonizing Palestine. Zionism has always been a settler colonialist project.

          • @[email protected]
            -81 day ago

            How exactly do you “colonize” a region that your ancestors been on for 2000+ years?

            Remember, the first massive waves of Jewish people moving to Israel literally came there from concentration camps, refugee camps, and other displaced locations because of what happened around the world wars.

            Of course it was a settler project, around 6 million Jewish people were killed in the holocaust, you think they all wanted to move back in next to the neighbors that had ratted them out to the government? They got absolutely fucked, and the UN had given them their ancestral homeland back when it broke up the country that had been in that region and lost in the great war.

    • SilverserenOP
      232 days ago

      They’re also heavily funded with money from Israel, who wants them to keep fighting. Per Netanyahu’s own admission, Israel has been covertly supporting Hamas so that the PA can’t gain enough power to actually make a viable Palestinian state.

        • SilverserenOP
          21 day ago

          And? The point of Israel funding Hamas is that they would be able to continue attacking and thus let Israel continue disrupting the lives of Palestinians in both Gaza and West Bank, including expanding their illegal settlements. The entire point was to get excuses to keep destroying anything the PA tried to build as a government.

    • @[email protected]
      2 days ago

      It only took almost a year, but reputable articles saying the willingness of Palestinians to be martyrs is wavering are finally starting to come out. There needs to be more of this because the perception of many is that the ‘civilians’ are actually terrorist sympathizers, or children being jeopardized by terrorist sympathizers.

      • @[email protected]
        -71 day ago

        They lost support when they saw the consequences of their choices. That still makes them terrorist sympathizers, they had to support it initially in order to abandon support.