• @[email protected]
    206 hours ago

    NYT has normalized Trump and has continued to spread a significant amount of misinformation and bigotry, including platforming known transphobic bigots. I doubt they’ll change anything because you have to “be fair”. I’m just glad my mom has stopped supporting them.

    • @[email protected]
      6 hours ago

      “In our efforts to not express what could be conceived as bias, we have decided to bend over backwards to make Trump look as best as we could with the material given.”

      Any organization doing this out of greed, for the desire to obtain new conservative viewers, are failing at their jobs and don’t deserve the protections of the first amendment. It’s not there for you to profit off of at our expense, it’s there for you to protect and inform us.

  • @[email protected]
    8 hours ago

    Trump released his economic agenda last night in an interview with Fox News. When asked about the policy Trump confirmed the size of his hands and suggested that all of his enemies would regret the day they mocked his crowd sizes. “You just don’t do that, because we’ve got a lot of numbers, so many numbers,” Trump said.

  • Optional
    4110 hours ago

    “That they even asked this question is evidence of the bias — the agenda — in their poll. Who made age an ‘issue’? The credulous Times falling into the right-wing’s projection. This is not journalism. Shameful," Jeff Jarvis posted on Threads. He’s currently the Leonard Tow Professor of Journalism Innovation at the CUNY Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism, Darcy pointed out.

    Complaints grew more recently after the Times paraphrased Trump’s rambling non-answer while speaking to The Economic Club of New York. In the report, the Times reshaped his language to make sense of what he said. The reality of the comments was that none of it made sense, according to critics.

    They were accused of “sane-washing” Trump’s comments.

    Fascinating and predictable that the Times (or anyone else) hasn’t mentioned it. Linked posts show pictures etc.

  • Optional
    3110 hours ago


    Readers left online complaints and cancelled subscriptions before direct protests began. Their demand, according to one civil rights lawyer, is to stop “sane-washing” Trump.

    The activists had bright yellow signs with words the Times has avoided using in reports such as “lies,” “convict” and “felon.” The group had one large black banner across the group reading “stop normalizing Trump.”

    Fucking beautiful.

    • @[email protected]
      1111 hours ago

      True, although it’s reasonable to think some things orobably have changed in the last 80 years. Everyone involved in the thing you’re talking about has long since died.

      It doesn’t mean they don’t currently suck for other reasons, but because someone(s) working at the same place 80 years ago did something isn’t a great one.

      • @[email protected]
        710 hours ago

        NYT played a key role in justifying the Iraq war for liberals. Not a single one of their op-ed writers who spread false propaganda that led to hundreds of thousands of innocent deaths was punished or fired.

      • Todd Bonzalez
        39 hours ago

        I think the issue here isn’t that it happened long ago that they’ve had a chance to change.

        The issue is that they have not changed…

    • @jballs
      299 hours ago

      I’m glad they’re doing it. This sane-washing shit drives me crazy. You constantly see headlines saying things like “Trump proposes new policy making guaranteeing sunshine and rainbows for everyone” when in reality, a Trump supporter asked him about lowering food prices and he went in a 15 minute rant that included him saying “and I am the best at sunshine, the sunshine loves me… and don’t even get me started at the rainbows… my communist opponent hates rainbows but not me, the rainbows said ‘sir, you are the best at sunshine and rainbows, more than anyone has ever seen’.”

      • @[email protected]
        99 hours ago

        I don’t know if “sane-washing” is the right term. It seems more like they are working as campaign staff to spin a message out of his ramblings.

        If they were interested in journalism, they’d say that Trump’s plan to lower food prices is to love rainbows and receive love from sunshine. You know, just stating the facts. The term “sane-washing” to me infers that the entity doing the sane-washing is a journalist and not a campaign staffer.

        • @[email protected]
          129 hours ago

          Making incoherent ramblings sound like campaign messages is the exact meaning of “sane-washing”.

          • @[email protected]
            14 hours ago

            That definition goes with “spinning” the story. However this goes beyond just spinning and it’s much more than just whitewashing over a couple imperfections. This is completely rewriting his words and campaigning for the man.

            This is taking spinning a story to a new level and “sane-washing” just doesn’t convey the weight of their actions. With these actions, the New York Times is more like Trump’s A-team campaign management. It’s almost like a reverse Dunning-Kruger Effect, where they attempt to make him look like he has ideas and substance when there isn’t any.

          • @jballs
            68 hours ago

            Yeah I had a Facebook friend say “This will be unpopular, but I disagree with the two tax breaks being proposed by both candidates.”

            It had me scratching my head. I’ve yet to hear Trump propose an actual policy about tax breaks. I heard him ramble about shit and then the media sane-washes it into a policy.

            For example, not too long ago Trump said to some CEOs that he’d like to get the corporate tax rate to 20% because it sounded like a “nice, round number”. That is an absolutely insane way to set a tax rate.

            But the media took it and ran with it and you saw headlines all over the place about Trump’s super serious tax policy. Saying “20% sounds nice” isn’t a fucking policy!! There was no thought or planning to see the impact of such a rate. Just “yeah that sounds nice”. Fuck this guy and people that cover up for his ramblings.

  • EleventhHour
    -5219 hours ago

    Are they also going to protest outside of every other media outlet that ever existed?

    • Tiefling IRL
      6819 hours ago

      While I fully agree with you, NYT has been exceptionally bad in its normalization of Trump

      • EleventhHour
        18 hours ago

        Other than NPR, who hasn’t?

        Singling out NYT seems pretty myopic.

        • @[email protected]
          1614 hours ago

          There’s no “singling out” NYT. I don’t even have to explain that. And I’m not equipped to provide sources, but NYT has been unreasonably sympathetic to Trump’s rambling. They’ve also published some wild exposes of his tax frauds and silly criminal dalliances.

        • vortic
          4217 hours ago

          How about you go organize a protest in front of another news room? They’re doing something. They can’t exactly go protest a bunch or organizations at the same time without a ton more people.

          Why are you letting the perfect E the enemy of the good?

  • @[email protected]
    19 hours ago

    Imagine this being your biggest critique of the nyt 😆

    Also this protest had about 15 people, lmao

    • Lenny
      2415 hours ago

      Imagine being cool with pedo felon weirdos being normalized in the news.

      • @[email protected]
        12 hours ago

        Yeah it’s a news outlet that’s been celebrating and endorsing the slaughter of children for decades. “Oh no they normalized orange man”!!!

        • @Awesomo85
          36 hours ago

          Oh no, sweetie. You didn’t get the memo. Genocide is totally ok as long as it’s Democrats that are arming the effort. Actually: don’t even mention this fact. Like, EVER!

          You see, it’s more important that Democrats win than it is to protect the innocent in another country. You don’t even see those horrors in person! Don’t worry about it!! 🤣

          DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT!! 😠

          • @[email protected]
            4519 hours ago

            I can’t remember but it was very specific. Something along the lines of “I love watching liberals protest, they’re always boring blah blah blah… It was just a bunch of boomers and wine moms.”

            Kinda along those lines. It was super cringy.

            • @[email protected]
              19 hours ago

              I was talking about the handful of protestors that showed up. Wine moms, boomers, cable news addicts. They’re not the young folks in that photo.

              • @[email protected]
                2915 hours ago

                Wine moms? What a weird thing to say.

                Why are you Trump supporters so damn weird? Is it because women don’t want anything to do with you guys? Have you tried not being so fucking weird and cringe?

                • @[email protected]
                  -1812 hours ago

                  It’s just funny to me when the media reports on tiny little conservative or liberal protests. I’ve been to protests with thousands that get zero media.

    • @[email protected]
      1320 hours ago

      Do you remember when we used to be able to be friends with people of different political beliefs instead of insulting each other over trivial bullshit? And I mean both sides. You know this is exactly what they want, right? If we’re busy fighting each other then we won’t have enough energy to fight actual problems with the system.

      • @[email protected]
        10 hours ago

        I’m not from the USA, but it’s common knowledge you shouldn’t talk about politics or religion if you want to stay friends/couple… Which is weird, like, why would I want to stay friends with someone who doesn’t support things like having better working conditions or better healthcare or eating the rich? I guess it was one of those weirdos that said that to prevent being questioned and exposed.

      • @[email protected]
        19 hours ago

        No? Growing up around conservatives I remember them talking a whole lot of shit. If they thought you were a liberal that shit would get directed at you. Things weren’t quite as bad back then compared to now, but they were still whiny hateful assholes.

      • classic
        519 hours ago

        Yuuup! It’s that ‘Watch out mate, he’s after your cookie’ meme over and over again

        • @[email protected]
          18 hours ago

          The fact that the SCOTUS can basically do whatever the fuck they want, the electoral college making elections basically pointless if you live in the opposite area as your political views, Gerrymandering, a legislative branch that never gets anything done, a government that shuts down whenever people don’t agree instead of solving issues, and a two party system that just gives people two shitty choices just to name a few.

          I shouldn’t really have to list all the problems with the system when we all deal with the consequences on a daily basis regardless of which party you are affiliated with. We are all getting constantly fucked but spend all our time bitching at our neighbors about which side of the political spectrum they are on when it’s just as fucked no matter who is in charge.

          • @[email protected]
            -1812 hours ago

            No please keep listing the problems :)

            What did Democrats do about these systemic issues when they controlled Congress?

    • @[email protected]
      -4020 hours ago

      Hey now, don’t sell those wine moms short. They have a lot of built up rage, especially if they haven’t spoken to a manager in a while.

      • Cethin
        2719 hours ago

        This has to be one of the dumbest comments I’ve ever seen. Imagine being so entitled to insult people who are complaining, which is itself just you complaining. If they’re “wine moms who need to speak to the manager” then how sad must you be? At least they’re complaining to people with power. You’re just complaining about people who are tired of this shit.

        I think you need to do some self-reflection and try to understand why you’re angry at these people. They aren’t the ones who have harmed you. Find the real issues rather than your bullshit of being angry at “others.”

          • @[email protected]
            29 hours ago

            Usually a joke includes, you know, a funny statement that is wedged into something truthfull.

            Saying all these people are basically ‘Karen the wine mom’ becauss they’re protesting a newapaper laundering the image of somebody who promised to be a dictator and has frequent lapses in sanity… Idk man, maybe jokes aren’t your strength

            • @[email protected]
              -28 hours ago

              I’m not the one who introduced the wine mom. I’m just the one who made a second joke. I assume you complained to the original comment?

          • Cethin
            2019 hours ago

            No, you didn’t. You just found the person who would call out how sad you are. I know it’s easier to just say it was a joke, but we all know better. You’re complaining about the wrong people.