• @[email protected]
    5 hours ago

    EA and Ubisoft, some kernel level anti cheat, and typically speaking, i dont enjoy games that have tower defense mechanics (and i hate when its shoehorned in, e.g Monster Hunter Rise). Korean MMOs. Mobas in general

  • @[email protected]
    55 hours ago

    99.999% of them. I don’t desire variety. Give me one good game and I’ll waste infinite hours with it for the next 15 years. The newest game I’ve played is from 2018

  • @[email protected]
    35 hours ago

    At the moment basically anything competitive/ranked. I don’t want to compete online anymore because I know that I’ll have to go on an insane grind to get good. Only exception is trackmania because it somehow doesn’t upset me quite like other ranked online games. But even then I only play the “arcade” mode and not ranked

  • DarkThoughts
    339 hours ago
    • Anything from EA.
    • Anything from Ubisoft
    • Anything Epic exclusive.
    • Anything with Denuvo (or whatever is the next intrusive DRM).
    • Anything competitive PvP multiplayer.
    • Anything “free” to play.
    • Probably almost all general multipler & live service by now - or otherwise full of dark patterns to keep me “engaged”.
    • @[email protected]
      46 hours ago

      I don’t find myself “engaged,” I find myself wanting to spend money for something that will bore me the next week.

      There is a reason I’ve mostly played single player games for the past decade.

      I was tired of the “seasons” and micro transactions when I just wanted a story. If the story was good, I’d be ok with purchasing an expansion upon it. I remember my first expansion pack, Warcraft 2, played over a phone line. It felt worth it.

      For more modern games, The Witcher 3 DLC felt like proper expansion packs. I have no bad feelings about those.

      But just adding a few cosmetic items? Fuck off.

  • @[email protected]
    46 hours ago

    I echo a lot of the sentiments expressed by others about avoiding games from bad publishers or games employing milking practices, avoiding multiplayer and toxic people, overly hard games, and many other points already stated.

    My two things that are different are that I enjoy hard games so long as the reset is instant or near instant. Like Katana Zero and Hotl8ne Miami. Without that I don’t want any part of a hard game. I get it, I died, let me try again already. So fuck games with long reset times.

    And more unusual is I really don’t like most isometric games but especially clicky isometrics. If I can’t wander freely with WASD, fuck it, I’m out. Not going to sit here going clickclickclickclickclickclick just to go half a screen and open a chest. Fucking hate overly clicky shit like that with a passion. I also dont like how up is more like diagonal up and left is diagonal up etc. It’s just annoying. My only exceptional has been project zomboid.

    • @[email protected]
      99 hours ago

      There are so many interesting games I see that require internet multiplayer and voice chat. I would love to play them with friends but do not want to interact with random people in a game.

  • @hoover900
    179 hours ago

    anything that is a “Game as a Service”

  • Adderbox76
    139 hours ago

    Standard 3D shooter/War games like your Call of Duties, Battlefields, etc… It’s not that I’m a prude per se, I’ll happily play a single player campaign similar settings if they respect the material. Though I prefer science fiction where what I’m killing is aliens, or Fallout raiders and Super Mutants, or Zombies, etc…

    But (and this is MY OPINION only…I don’t judge anyone who feels differently) there’s something creepy and wrong about using very realistic modern-day set human-to-human war shooters when the end result is to tea-bag your friend when you kill him and have 13 year old kids calling out slurs in open chat. It just denigrates and cheapens a subject matter that I think should be treated with a lot more solemnity and respect.

    • Rhynoplaz
      24 hours ago

      As a teen, I was told that playing Mortal Kombat would turn me into a serial killer. Now, as an adult with kids (one of which is an adult) I’m happy to report that I’m probably one of the most docile people you’ll meet.

      (Unless someone seriously hurts my family and/or cats.)

      I used to have fun with Call of Duty, and I never saw it as “I am a soldier and I must kill these people.” Every game needs a theme, and that just happened to be it. I just saw it as a competition of dexterity and strategy. Whether it’s soldiers with guns or a yellow circle munching on ghosts, it’s all just tapping buttons at the right time.

      The reasons I quit playing CoD were because I got sick of buying the same game every year, and as I got older, I couldn’t keep up with the kids. During the 12-25 year old range, your reaction time is WAY better than any other time.

      • Adderbox76
        23 hours ago

        Oh no no. That’s not what I mean. Its not about that old chestnut of “It’ll make kids violent!” (It won’t)

        its just realistic, modern war games against realistic depictions of contemporary humans is just something that I find distasteful to be used as “goofy fun with friends”

        Its like playing paintball in a church.

        • Rhynoplaz
          144 minutes ago

          Its like playing paintball in a church.

          Not gonna lie, that sounds pretty cool.

    • Bahnd Rollard
      36 hours ago

      Agree, the suspension of disbelief is important when your are emulating conflicts similar to the way that people do in meat space.

      Playing as a realisticly depicted person shooting another realisticly depicted person cant be good for your mental health.

  • @[email protected]
    68 hours ago

    sports games, always online games, games with denuvo still on, mmo, party games, shooter games where the main focus is PvP, picture-puzzle games, find-in-picture games, games with 30% or more QTE that is not rhythm games