order tab
I just tripled my productivity
I don’t to look like a weirdo…. I’ll take a Mumu.
Aw no, the corn! Paul Newman’s gonna have my legs broke!
I just wanted to watch Honk if You’re Horny in peace!
Hey buddy, I gotta movie for ya. A Fridge Too Far!
Towel rack.
Give me a Y
Where’s the ‘any’ key??
I’ll take a Tab
Ope! No time for that now, the computers starting!
Looking at some of the other comments here. This episode was a banger.
It was. I started work from home today and it made me think of it. I never did get the Tab that I ordered.
Eat around the bananas, those are just empty vitamins.
The fingers you have used to dial are too fat. To obtain a special dialing wand, please mash the keypad with your palm now.
To start press any key
I’m just amazed that for once dad’s butt prevented the release of toxic gas.