• SomeAmateur
    3 months ago

    Gonna get credible for a minute, all made the fuck up

    There are two Christmasses in my eyes. “Corporate Christmas”, with ever expanding Black Friday sales and Mariah Carey hitting FM radio before Halloween is even over (no really it was a thing in my area one year). Widely seen as a big cash grab, companies are seeing what they can get away with. It’s super annoying but people can’t really do a lot about it other than saying it’s too soon and vote with their wallet, but it takes time to change things that way.

    Then there is the more traditional “Jesus Christmas” which has been about the same over the years but has recieved some pushback from secular people. You can put Santa everywhere to represent Christmas but not a nativity scene because it’s considered religious. It has legal precedent so it’s easier to do something about it but it doesn’t stop Corporate Christmas people.

    And that pisses traditional people off because depite disliking Corporate Christmas more than most they get targeted anyway. So they say there’s a war on Christmas and people respond with “what are you talking about (Corporate) Christmas is as big as it’s ever been” and they’re both right