They deserve extra credit for this
In my meta-analysis of this paper I will propose that the writer being honest and vulgar to the reader in a professional setting is actually a treatise to demonstrate the effect of the language of “doublespeak” within 1984. in this paper I will…
Jesus fuck, you censor the word “motherfucker” but leave the author’s name intact?
Well she’s the one that publicly posted it and her tag is her name.
Zoomers just don’t care about doxxing themselves.
does people associating their name on their twitter account count as doxxing?
in that case i have some huge news on who owns the @elonmusk account
Well? Don’t leave us hanging, who owns it?
Holy shit, they should ban it
They want to be able to cash in on algorithmic fame. That’s also why they sensor swears. Because the advertisers don’t like them and then the algorithm drops posts with naughty words.
The water mark makes me believe whatever BoredPanda is got some rights to share the tweet and they censored mother fucker, but maybe the tweeter didn’t care to have their name censored.
I’m curious how 1984 is AP Lit. We read that years before AP classes were even available… Does that mean they get college credit for reading Orwell now?
The difficulty of texts from AP literature versus my honors English courses prior to it weren’t very different. And no, you got college credit for completing the AP exam which involved reading passages and writing essays, not merely reading Orwell lol.
Because I’ve seen this sort of thing happen several times in various contexts, I’ve long said that you should never write something you don’t want to send. Not even as a joke that you plan to immediately delete. It’s amazing how your brain will unexpectedly hit “send” instead of “delete.”
My takeaway is different. It’s bad that teachers force repression of honest, raw expression by punishing stuff like this.
That was funny. That was a well written intro in any context where bumsticks are optional.
These teachers and their consensus in style is like the old suburban “keeping up appearances” types of academia.
“No, my students aren’t struggling mentally, they’re just doing their work diligently.” There’s no excessive stress or dysfunction under the surface, everything is as it should be.
I’ve never had this experience. Almost all of my professors and most of teachers would have seen this, chuckled, accepted my apology, and then requested a better intro due the next day.
Most of my professors explicitly recognized that we would finish things last minute, cram the night before, be sleep deprived, or otherwise not be great with our schedule. And they did not discourage us with that information but rather tried to aid or alleviate it. I had professors say “I scheduled this exam to be due at 5:30pm on a Friday so that you can enjoy your weekend and not worry about completing this at midnight at a party.”
I think many teachers are much cooler than their students realize, they’re just people and while they have expectations, most teachers won’t spit in your face when you’re expressing yourself genuinely or trying in earnest.
Enh. Depends on the program. I have a diploma in TV production.
First step is knowing who’s marking it, their personality, and if they’re going to be bored reading 100 of these or if they actually love punishing students.
I threw a couple jokes in my final essay and got 100% :)
No good teacher at the college level would punish this. They might get dinged for profanity at the high school or lower levels, but it’s still a great intro.
My work email account has a 2 minute delay before sending any email. I’m not taking chances
I have that feature turned on but sometimes I don’t know how to actually cancel it lol
Unplug the computer, set it on fire, and never come back.
You should be able to go into your sent folder. Click open the email in a new window (not auto-preview). Then File > message recall. It might be different depending on what you’re using, but most of the time you look around the sent folder.
I just wanted to say your avatar just sent me back a quarter century; I was not expecting that XD
For projects like this (longish and a product of several sessions) including levity for the sake of your own motivation is fine.
What isn’t fine is missing proofreading steps before sending.
Imagine proofreading after a 4am caffeine fuels writing extravaganza
Give us stories!!!
I write everything (that might be important) in notepad first, then adjust and send, so I don’t slip any "motherfucker"s or "dumbass"es in there
I had an english professor that actually demanded an intro like this. He said write ANYTHING as long as you can hook the reader and link it to a thesis statement, and there is no bar to that link.
That would… TRUE
self hatred fueled writing extravaganza. sounds familiar
NGL, I want to read the rest of this paper now.
A good intro captivates the reader, drawing them in and leaving them wanting more. This is functionally a masterclass in good writing.
Same, that was a banger intro
I used to write intros like that as placeholders because I always wrote the real intro once I was sure where I was going with a paper. I learned to make placeholder text red and all caps after almost making that mistake.
That’s an A grade intro if I’ve ever read one.
Came here to say the same, I’d just read the intro, flick through it a bit and give her an A
I had to stop this because if I sit down to just write whatever comes to mind, I’ll be writing for 3 days straight with an ever increasingly chaotic storyline that is beyond incoherent after a certain point once the sleep deprivation really hits. If there ever was a good idea in it, it’s now impossible to find even when edited down.
And suddenly your comment count makes sense
Edit: no judgement, not that I’m in any position to anyway
Ngl, the intro would make it an automatic pass for me. The rest could be shit, and I’d still give then whatever the bare minimum grade to be a pass because it’s succinct, accurate, and honest.
Are you kidding, they wrote eight pages in one night, the rest is guaranteed to be shit.
Not really. I’ve seen people in my various writing groups do that and it be anywhere from meh the awesome.
Writing extemporaneously for 8 pages about whatever you want and writing 8 pages of an academic paper for an AP Composition final are two very different activities. Trust me, I pretty much exclusively wrote my papers the night before and there’s just no way for to shit out that much bullshit and have it all be coherent, well-constructed, and engaging. It’ll either be a confused, wandering mess or it will be unbearably repetitive. Or both. And no matter what, I’m certain it would be overwritten.
Have you ever been in a writing group? If so, our experiences have differed.
It isn’t all fiction. Depending on the group, it may not be fiction at all. Part of the point of doing them is to hone your skill and your craft (which are related, but not exactly the same). When you’re doing research and reporting, or working for a magazine, you’ll often need to quickly absorb information, translate it into language appropriate for the audience, and crank it out with short deadlines.
Now, I didn’t personally do any journalism at all, but I did do some research and reporting as a side gig. Ideally, you take notes and have references and all, but the core of what you do is hoovering information and regurgitating it, much like when doing a book report, or an essay for a class. There’s some of that, that you get better at with practice, where the results are going to improve over time, but the core ability to think on the go, start typing to crank out the basics and then refine, that’s something you have to have a baseline with.
The intro they had reads like someone that has the knack for it. They’re making a coherent statement that informs the reader of what they can expect, while conveying the limitations of the project itself. Someone that can do that, can type out 8 pages and it be a solid first draft. Might not be something that merits a top score, but it’s definitely going to be worth a passing grade, imo. And, as I said, the bare minimum of passing. If the rest is junk, that’s all they get.
I’m not even that good at it. But that didn’t stop me from essentially cranking my papers out in high school and college like you did. Just suck up the reading, then churn it out. Never got below an average grade, and usually got respectable scores. Wouldn’t pass muster in a post-graduate setting, or professional one, but it’ll do for everything up to that level.
See, I could edit that comment down to one paragraph easy. There’s no way to write 8 pages of a book report in one night without being unendingly repetitive and unnecessarily verbose.
You just have to dump a few bullshit paragraphs and stuff it with big words that make you sound smart and hope no one actually reads it.:
Are you kidding, yes you the reader, are you having a chuckle at this tomfoolery of an essay. This paper is eight pages. E I G H T fucking pages of rambling bullshit. I’m in fact so sure that you have scrolled past this section without even firing a single reading neuron as I have not fired one writing this. The claim of one night is also highly inconstant. One night is defined in this station 6-12 hours of uninterrupted writing. I assure you I spent as little time as possible stringing incoherent filler together to pad out this essay. I can in fact write out an entire page of convincing words that are truly barren and hollow as the hope I have in the future. I think that if you write more pages of text than is necessary to covey the idea, you are only fulfilling an arbitrary requirement. I am hoping that you found my writing agonizingly empty and intellectually hostile both in a meta and literal level offending both the fiction reader and the physical reader of this comment. That arbitrary requirements will only demand and necessitate filler and inflate a precise and well written idea to the size of a boated pig in a McDonalds dumpster. Perhaps that pig will by chance encounter this very essay.
In conclusion, I have no strong feeling on the topic and do consider all opinions on the topic trite and trivial. I also do observe, against my best temporal interest, that this writing task assumes I am a man too deluded to break a topic down into 2-5 coherent sentences…
The woes of having an AuADHD brain that enjoys language the way some people enjoy math.
Can relate, diagnosed ADHD in early adulthood and the older I get the more apparent it is that I very likely fall on the spectrum.
Wish I had that, my brain used to love math but no longer anymore. Now I am left with empty despair
if i was her prof id give her the full 35% for that intro.
At least “self hatred” and “caffeine induced” should be hyphenated there. See me after class.
Ok, but where’s the rest of it?
You can’t just have an epic intro and leave it at that.
Yeah seriously this is a great intro, i would read the fuck out of that essay
Contact your prof and explain the mistake. When I was a prof, I would have been amused by your brain fart and probably wouldn’t have docked you much, if at all, if you explained what happened.
An extra scoop for cunning.
This is how I code
//bucket your seat belts
/* buckle up, buckaroos */
/* do something that shall not be named */ mov rax, 60 mov rdi, 0 syscall