Probably talking about (often obscure) horror movies, generally the more psychological, disturbing types. Either that, or chemistry.
My ability to use as little energy as possible for stuff.
My unimaginable stupidity… It could also be my home made fudge
Suggestions for TV shows.
That my blood, my immune system made a giant leap forwards in fighting cancer cells to the point it defeats most cancerous cell and saving hundreds of millions of people.
Love the most primal form of it
Dreadful puns, and obscure references to movies, music and TV shows. It’s what the world’s been waiting for.
If they’re desperately seeking me, then shit must be really fucked up. Might as well start a new religion and pull a Gobind Singh before I die - he was the last sikh guru and named their holy book as the eternal guru, an equivalent would be the pope stepping down and claiming no more popes are needed, because people have the bible.
Not being able to turn your brain off and stop thinking. Nobody wants it but people are gonna learn how to suffer from this autistic beaver whether they like it or not.
Well people want my opinions on current events obviously.
That or my renovation services.
What’s your opinion on current renovation events ?
Pretty good. Literally just finished my biggest job ever.
I have that elegant style when picking my nose!
that’s presidential material
Snarky commentary on internet posts, at least, based on what I do now.
Love. With all it entails.
Critical thinking