Any. At all. I’ve been itching to play for a few years now!
Well you just need one more person and a DM and it looks like you two just started a group!
Warforged Bard, Unit #69420, Designation: JAMBOT
JAMBOT comes equipped with seven different musical instruments, an ale dispenser, a confetti cannon, a heater core, and a subwoofer big enough to rattle Pelor’s china cabinet
JAMBOT was originally built mostly as a way to get his owner free drinks at parties but since the death of his creator, time and alcohol damage have scrambled his circuits and he has confused his definition of “party”. When apprehended by an adventuring party he readily joined their ranks.
That sounds brilliant! In case you don’t get your chance to boogie through a game, your idea reminded me of Party Pal in Wasteland 3 - a bringer of joy to my many battles!
JAMBOT was initially inspired by Fallout 4’s “Drinkin’ Buddy” so Party Pal is in excellent company!
I’m stealing this.
You are more than welcome, I wouldn’t have posted him otherwise! He deserves life!
I want to try a non evil necromancer, maybe druid-like but I think the best mechanical class is wizard. Have a family skeleton follow me around and buy it nice clothes and jewels as offerings.
Also want to play a fallen aasimar, like a former angel. The church used pieces of their god’s aasimar as relics, and they don’t care that the against are immortal after a fashion and can feel themselves in pieces. The god doesn’t care about the well-being of the angels as long as he is worshipped so it’s up to the PC to fight the church and rescue the angel bits.
A necromancer with an undead honored ancestor is such a cool idea. You could then save spells like Raise Dead for corpses you consider particularly deserving of the honor. Noble or formidable does usually, but sometimes beloved NPCs
I’m so glad you appreciate it!
My thought for the backstory was a remote or hidden village where this is a common practice. Not everyone can do it of course, but like the real groups that bring out grandpa’s mummy and give it cigarettes and whisky, I imagine on some holy day the dearly departed are brought back to receive the thanks of their descendants or remaining friends.
Maybe the village was destroyed or the practice outlawed by the regional power, and the character is sort of on the run trying to keep their ancestor safe and the practice “alive”. Not many places look kindly on necromancy of any kind, so maybe Grandma needs to go in a bag of holding sometimes and gets extra gifts as an apology.
“One of my fists is hanging from my arm, while the other is enshrined deep in our Fortress-Monastery the Phalanx. Each new Chapter Master crowned has the right to engrave their heraldry upon the hand as tradition. I do not want that hand back anymore.”
I want to play a wizard/barbarian that treats rage like another, different spell
Rage mage
I played a Hobgoblin Barb Bladesinger who did this as a higher level of blade dance. Lots of synergy actually.
“I cast throwing a goddamn tantrum”
If you ever play Pathfinder then Bloodrager is a great class
Lizard Blizzard Wizard
What in the nine hells is a lizzard blizzard glizzard wizzard?
He’s your King, boy!
Didn’t know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collective.
@ThisIsAManWhoKnowsHowToGling @DScratch
Yer fooling yeself. We’re living in a dictatorship! A self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes—
#MontyPythonHelp! Help! I’m being oppressed!!!
There you go bringing class into it again.
King Lizard and the Blizzard Wizard?
Way more than I have the time for
The well never runs dry. I play one shot games every other weekend and I still don’t ever seem to run out of character ideas.
@No_Money_Just_Change @ThisIsAManWhoKnowsHowToGling
Want to share?A lunar sorcerer changeling that changes appearances and personality with the moon phase:
A small girl with playful cruelty on new moon.
A genderless adult who loves to mediate between parties at crescent moon.
An old man who values justice and helping others above his live at full moonAn evil princess (secretly a necromancer) who tries to be known for as many good deeds and heroic acts as possible because that increases her chances for the throne
A palladin who served a fey in the forrest but now has to interact with humans and big cities for the first time, he wants to help nature reclaim as much land as possible but needs to stay on the city lords good side to get their support against whatever evil is afoot
“Unbreakable”, the Warforged. A warforged made for manual labour, but who wants to be a hero that protects people. Not very good at it, but he’s trying, and thankfully he is hardy enough to fall down a few times and still keep going. Basically the robot from Real Steel.
My next character is going to be a Tiefling College of Whispers Bard, using the new 2024 Tiefling, since they can be Small. They’re an impish investigative reporter for a Westmarch setting I’m starting with some friends. Their goal is to make sure the governing body in the setting isn’t able to have any secrets from the people, through espionage and the newspaper they print, so they’re going to be stirring up a lot of trouble.
Someday I will get to play them. Setting up a Westmarch is a big undertaking lol
Bear form druid/barbarian is pretty vanilla, but oh boy do I enjoy being able to tank a troll attack at level 5 while my party does the damage. Bonus points for method acting a shamanic, substance assisted trance…
A former wizarding college student who got in a magic accident that scrambled his brain and awakened sorcery magic within him. But he thinks he’s a wizard, so he carries around spellbooks and components and magic foci (they’re all just non magical junk). Actually got to play him in a one shot but he’s campaign-worthy
Literally just me transported to Faerun and I’m a 4 hp commoner, just to see how long I can survive with bullshit shenanigans. IRL I have 0 fighting and weapons skills wish me luck lol
A gelatinous cube who ingested a Headband of Intellect. Wants to become a professional philosopher.
An evil lich who is so incompetent at being evil that he keeps blundering into doing profoundly good deeds. (Overthrows a monarchy, monarchy turned out to be an oppressive vampire family. Causes a famine, agricultural reform prevents monoculture that was destroying the ecosystem. Necromances a dead goblinoid tribe, saves them from the hellish afterlife of subservience to Maglubiyat. Etc.) This one is probably better as an NPC however.
If’n I had a group to play with, I’d be keen to try a character with some sort of handicap relevant to their class: a one arm fighter or a mute caster or some such. Would be fun to learn how to workaround things like vocal spell components cannot be used or only one hand weapons.
Dyslexic wizzard
accidentally casting Tasha’s Hideou Slaughter and everyone in the world with the given name Hideou instantly dies
More characters that don’t rely on magic. Rogue was awesome. Doing a monk now.
I was actually thinking about a high elf rogue that has high wisdom and uses True Strike every round. 2024 True Strike is great.
Self reply to share that I did this in a one shot and it was great! Level 3 character with expertise in Perception and Insight and 14 WIS, 16 DEX for decent AC and rogue skill checks, 18 INT for Investigation and True Strike. All 16 passives. Big fun.
I think I would dig playing one of a part of a multi-country collective of paladins that congregate when there’s a threat to the realm, very much in the vein of Mighty Morphing Power Rangers.
@ThisIsAManWhoKnowsHowToGling @dnd
Bugbear rogue with Polearm MasteryAn highly religious elf out on their Rumspringa.
Any long lived race will work, I just think elf is the funniest. And long lived so that the rumsprimga can last for the entire adventure/campaign.
I had to Google what that was