This is some kind of blursed attempt at both fake Omegle and fake text messaging. However, dude, Hunter was trying to be nice. Just go with it.
It’s Snapchat, an app that was popular a decade ago
I only respect Tamers12345
Once again people are creeped out by the MLPFIM thing not because it’s pervy (it’s really quite wholesome despite there being some R34), it’s because of the intensity of the fandom.
What this reveals is common society only respects otaku to an upper threshold before it gets marginalized and the right-wing starts pushing sexualized stereotypes.
Sociology is fun!
Society is whack, yo
My gender is PonyRider and you can call me Pony
Top Tier Pony Pics
Nuuuu everybody has to be unwillingly part of my fetishhhhh you’re ruining itttt
Honestly this comment is more telling about you than anything
K bud
Fetish?! lol
I’m not interested in any of that, but liking a certain art style is not a fetish; if you like anime and send anime pictures, that’s not a fetish either.Both now and in the MLP heyday it was either a fetish or a NSFW heavily ironic in joke about pretending to have the fetish.
You might not know that, but normal people simply found that cartoon silly and funny.
I’ve been on the internet for over 30 years, extreme doubt here
I will still 100% ask someone to not force me to be involved in any “interest” that I so please, whether it’s a child’s cartoon, anime, or what have you. If you can’t hold a conversation without bringing your “interest” into it, you have a fucking problem.
Even without the picture, it still is cringe.