(Go stick your head in a pig!)

Come to think of it, “share and enjoy” is exactly the way I would expect an AI-generated YouTube video to end.

  • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
    2 months ago

    You mean sort of like it wasn’t the death of artisan textile production after the industrial revolution? Except it absolutely was and people literally starved while the rich got richer on the new machines. Sounds familiar.

    • Sabre363
      2 months ago

      OK, fine. Jobs are getting destroyed because AI is the greatest evil in the universe and the only solution is make memes about it scream thats it’s going to kill us all. The kids are all gonna be too dumb to think and AI is going to run everything. No one will be able to live normal, productive lives ever again. The world is ruined!


      AI is bunch of tools that can be used to solve some really weird problems and/ or make life easier and less stressful overall. But also AI is really powerful and can very easily be used in the wrong way and be really dangerous so we as a species need to learn how to use it safely before a bunch of people get seriously hurt. The world is gonna have a few hiccups, but eventually people will figure shit out and move on because AI is never going away and will only ever become an increasingly important part of our lives.

      Which of these scenarios actually makes sense? Look at history and think of Occam’s razor. Is AI actually evil, or is it just a thing we have created (and literally cant uncreate at this point) and now have to figure how to deal with? Is AI really worth being scared of (remember, its a permanent part of this world now), or is it better to learn how to coexist with AI and find ways to reduce the harm and destruction that it absolutely can cause.

        • Sabre363
          2 months ago

          Nothing about this is black and white, that’s my whole fucking point.

          I’m curious what your actual argument is as I suspect even you don’t know what it is beyond “AI Bad”, which from my perspective is the only real black-white argument here. I’m perfectly happy admitting that AI can be bad, I have said precisely this many times now. I’m suggesting that avoiding AI because of that ‘bad’, is a stupid waste of time and doesn’t actually help anyone find solutions the to bad stuff. Burying our head in the sand like this only makes us avoid the problem until, oh wait, its a huge fucking problem and now people are actually getting hurt. Lets face the problems head-on, lets figure it all out together, lets learn instead of hiding.

          • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
            2 months ago

            I’m curious what your actual argument is

            I said it at the very beginning- maybe you should be wary of it. You didn’t like such a meek suggestion, which is why I am saying you are seeing things in black-and-white terms.

            Also, interesting that you never commented on my link about the environmental impact and yet have decided that I don’t know what my argument is beyond “AI bad.”

            Did you even look at the link? What are your answers to the multiple major environmental problems that it brings up?

            • Sabre363
              2 months ago

              Your argument is that I shouldn’t use AI because it might negatively impact my career? That’s not much of an argument considering that is a personal choice with personal consequences and I’ve been refuting that claim this entire time, it’s literally why we are here. Everything you have said since has effectively boiled down to “AI is bad because people get hurt”. Which is completely valid and I have agreed with this point at every single step here. Our conflict arises from having differing opinions about how to deal with the impact of AI as well as the balance between good/ bad that all things, including AI, exist within.

              So, again I ask, what exactly is your argument? What is the ‘truth’ you are trying to convince me of? I believe I have made my ‘truth’ pretty clear in multiple different comments. Now I want to know yours, perhaps we have more common ground than you think and we don’t need to conflict.

              Also, I did in fact comment on the environmental impact of AI. I told you I was choosing to ignore that point because I find the way that you brought it into the conversation to be childish and unproductive. It also has nothing to do with the correlation between the use of AI, careers, and the integration process of AI. Environmental impact is an engineering and sustainability problem, not a moral or ethical one. Different problem, different discussion.

              • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
                2 months ago

                Did you even read what I wrote?

                I said it at the very beginning- maybe you should be wary of it.

                Do you need help understanding what “be wary” means?

                I was choosing to ignore that point

                I see, so you don’t want to know what my argument is and why I am making it. Thanks for clearing that up, I guess there’s nothing more to discuss, but you could have saved us a whole lot of time and told me that a while ago.

                • Sabre363
                  2 months ago

                  When have I indicated that I am not wary of AI? I’m just not scared of it the way you clearly are. Wary should mean be cautious and learn, not shove your head up your ass and hope it the problem goes away (This is literally my only point, stop reading more into it). I recognize that there are good and bad parts of AI. I also understand that AI is utterly inevitable and avoiding it only means the ‘bad’ stuff gets to win and we don’t get to enjoy any of the ‘good’ stuff. The only way we get to have any of the “good” stuff is if we learn how to use it first.

                  I very much DO want to know what your argument is (If not, then why the actual fuck do you think I’m still here?), but you have yet to say anything meaningful to that end. Sure, you say lets be wary of AI (never disagreed here), but it seems to me that you only want to run away or destroy it, and you never really try to back up why that is a valid way forward. If you can link the environmental impact of AI to that argument, then I am genuinely happy to listen. You have something meaningful to say, I know you do, I’m just waiting for you to be clear about what exactly it is.

                  • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
                    2 months ago

                    Well if you know what I clearly am then, again, it’s clear you aren’t actually interested in my argument.

                    Sorry, I don’t believe your claim that you will be genuinely happy to listen to what I have to say when you declare you know what I think.