Applied during COVID (2020), had to call in and provide more information. Aight. Waited on hold for hours and hours, over and over again, gave up. In the meantime, Florida said, “You legal to own? You good to conceal carry.” Aight.

Got a license in the mail today. Very legit looking. Holographic pic under/on-top of the state seal, top quality, etc. My pic looks like Rob Zombie, not sure where it’s from, but it’s clearly me.

The hell just happened?!

EDIT: Compared my pic to my DL, not even close. Maybe I sent a selfie 4-years ago? Maybe, can’t remember?

This guy is named and is legit:

If I can conceal carry as-is, WTF does this do for me? State reciprocity? Make me more legit if I have to fuck with cops? Asking the next pig I see.

  • SomeAmateur
    1 month ago

    If its anything like Ohio laws it is proof that the govt gave you official permission to carry a gun in public.

    If a cop runs your plate they will know you have a concealed carry licence and will assume you have it so keep that in mind if you get pulled over.

    Also it would probably look better in court if you ever had to use a gun for defense. You’re not just carrying on a whim, you went through some effort to be legit and got a licence when you didn’t have to.

    Reciprocity is a thing too. Your licence is probably recognized in other states so you can cross state lines with a concealed firearm no problem. Just research it first before you do because different states have different rules.