Steel Jaw
Obviously, your jaw and teeth consists of steel.
But it weighs more than your musculoskeletal system can handle, so it just hangs open and you constantly have a dry tongue.
This sounds like a job for the snowball kisser!
Yellow faceclapper
He’s powered by the color yellow, the more yellow that is surrounding him, the stronger he gets
However, the stronger the effect, the stronger their urine body odor.
You can see people’s deepest desires
If you ever try to talk about it, everyone will assume said desires are yours
The ability to ignore the facts around him.
But the ability can only be used for 12 hours a day or you’ll explode
Jaén Mármol
It’s oddly specific. During regattas you develop the ability to walk on water. That makes you perfect to bring supplies to the participants.
But only when the Olympics are on
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