The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) rescinded a memo Wednesday that had ordered a “temporary pause” on federal funding and unleashed major confusion across the country.
Why it matters: It’s an astonishing reversal by the Trump administration, a day after top officials defended the funding freeze — which a judge temporarily halted on Tuesday — as necessary to ensure all government spending was aligned with the president’s vision.
Probably helps that Dems yesterday in an Iowa special just flipped a state senate district. That district voted for Trump by a 21% margin in 2024. A dem just won it by ~3-4%
There also was an overperformed by 14 points in a Minnesota special election (getting 90% of the vote) yesterday too
His horrible actions have fired people up
I just wish him telling the world what he was going to do would have fired people up in November.
People were really fired up for the generic democrat against Trump. People were not fired up for the geriatric democrat that actually was running.
People were really fired up for the generic democrat against Trump. People were not fired up for the geriatric democrat that actually was running.
Harris was a geriatric?
Many people drew a direct line between Biden’s weaknesses and the Harris campaign, and Harris didn’t really try that hard to differentiate the two. She might have if there was an actual primary, but we’ll never know.
“People including myself saw what we wanted to see despite efforts to appeal to us”
What efforts? “Not Trump” was factually “Not enough”. Wish it was, but unless you deny the electoral results, Harris need something other than “Not Trump” to win.
Controversial I know, but I think saying “hey we’re not going to recklessly break the country and sell off the peices to our rich friends” does make you better than the person who will just break stuff.
Either way the protest votes still had 0 effect on the results of the election.
She was missing the most important thing to defeat Trump… a penis.
Well Bernie would have probably stolen the show and you can’t have that…
He ran twice and lost twice. Average democrats are too indoctrinated and don’t want radical things like education or healthcare, let alone Republicans from the church of fox.
The DNC admitted that they threw it to Hillary the first time. And the second time they had to beg Biden out of retirement to find an alternative to Bernie. It’s infuriating, Bernie has never been given a real chance.
I think you missed a few months towards the end there…
Na, people had hope Harris would be different. Then she quashed it.
You, and everyone like you, let perfect be the enemy of good and progress.
You, and the ones like you, are fools.
I, and people like me, want to be able to vote on our party’s nominee instead of it being decided for us. If people like you think wanting democracy is the enemy of good and progress, then Trump and his kingship worldview has already won.
Hmm… it’s almost like you can’t just one issue a problem away. It’s almost like being a one issue idiot is the cause of what we are seeing right now… Hmmm…
It’s almost like progress takes time, while dismantling shit takes a week… HMMM…
It’s almost like we, unfortunately, have to work for progress brick by brick… HMMMMMMMMM…
It’s almost like you and everyone like you being complacent about the takeover of the USA is why we are where we are now… HMMMMMMMMMMM…
It’s almost like you and those like you will now never get what you say you want…
Who would’ve thought, right?
Put your best jester outfit on, because the new king of the USA has fools like you to thank for his reign. I’m sure he would clap for you to do more of your silly little dances. You know… “for democracy”.
His horrible actions have fired people up
I like how Americans can only get fired up while actively being abused. Once the abuse wears off we just re-elect our abusers.
So, assuming we’re allowed to vote in 4 years, we’ll probably put a Democrat in office, only to put our abusers back in 4 years later.
I highly doubt those had any affect on the decision whatsoever.
The Trump administration is not the type to rapidly reverse course just because of outrage. It depends on outrage. Whatever spurred this is part of a larger play.
You can find optimistic lessons in those elections, but the White House is on its own shit now.
Trump himself wouldn’t care, but other Republicans sure as hell would. They can certainly increase pressure after things like that
Almost certainly Republicans of power (money or political) didn’t like the order, because it would have economic impacts for them or their constituents. It was an insane order that would have harmed everyone everywhere. Those are the only people that matter to him.
Let’s keep that same energy for the midterms
There was similar energy in the mid terms after RvW was overturned, but it seemed to have dried up by the time of the election. I’m always hopeful, but it’s not a bet I would take.
Never, ever place any bets on the intelligence of the American electorate.
Well, unless you’re betting against it.
I’d rather bet on the bear if it could vote.
The economy is going to crash and burn like a crack-ho driving a Pontiac Sunfire when he “saves it” via tariffs, and grocery aisles are going to be empty of produce because they deport and scare the workforce that picks it.
Be prepared for him to declare martial law just after the midterms because it’s going to be an epic loss.
“Yeah, so we’re going to hold off on elections because we’re declaring a state of emergency and we’ll let you know when that state of emergency is over.”
Absolutely guarantee they’ll try it.
It’ll piss Americans off and we’ll get a Democrat back in office, then 4 years later we’ll have completely forgotten Republican’s traitorous actions and re-elect them.
I think this is still optimistic, even considering how much harm this would inevitably cause. I think they’re going to get around transferring power somehow
They’re not letting go of the power to destroy the United States. November was the last semi-legitmate election we will ever have.
I sure as hell hope so. I get people have things going on, but not voting is just letting us get fucked.
“This is NOT a rescission of the federal funding freeze. It is simply a rescission of the OMB memo.”
They’re still freezing the funding, they just don’t want to tell anyone about it.
But like, that’s how you freeze the funding… Agencies operate as normal until there is an official memo saying not to.
“Sorry guys, the spending freeze wasn’t supposed to be announced yet! It’s supposed to be part of a larger plan later this year meant to kickstart a ‘The Purge’ type situation which we think will be really great for the American people! Stay tuned and we’ll have more info in the coming months! Be on the lookout for Armageddon 26, and let’s make America GREAT again!”
The only backlash that matters in the end is the one that sees him hanging from his ankles in the middle of a town square. Until then, he’ll just try something else.
This matters though. It means my cousins lab gets funding back so they will be able to pay for power without which they would have lost millions in samples because the refrigeration would have died.
I don’t disagree that it matters. But I can’t help but think of every block of Cheetolini’s agenda as just temporary because he’ll simply keep taking it higher and higher until it hits the supreme court, and gets his way anyway.
That was his entire plan from the beginning. He knows that literally everything he tries to do is going to get challenged. And he knows that if he sticks to his guns and it gets to the SC, he wins every time.
If the SC was unbiased, I wouldn’t be so brazen about it. But we are at the point where nothing will make a permanent difference except dragging him and his cronies through the streets and damn the personal consequences.
The tree of liberty and all that jazz…
Edited to add: I should point out that I’m not American. I’m a Canadian who is terrified of your shit spreading north and dragging us into a fight we don’t want and literally begging you guys to fucking do something about it.
The rest of the world
What a mook.
Don’t worry, it’ll be resumed in a month or two.
I’ve hit rock bottom once: I lost my job, went into bankruptcy, had to move back home with my folks, car was undriveable, and my girlfriend had gone back to her ex. It was, for all intents and purposes, the worst time of my life. I even failed joining the Army to escape my misery.
But, the beautiful thing about hitting rock bottom is that the only way to go from there is up. It was hard, and I had to rely on family and friends. But eventually I made it. I went to college, got my first developer job, got into a great (at the time) relationship, and moved out of my parent’s house and back on my own. I am better for it.
All of that to say that maybe (yes, I’m being optimistic) Trump is what this country needs to hit rock bottom, do some self reflection, and pull ourselves back up to a better place.
The biggest takeaway I learned way back when is that no matter how bad things get, the world keeps spinning. We can either we could sit out and watch the world move on without us, or get up and keep moving.
Rock bottom for a country means millions of people a year dying preventable deaths.
These kind of “experiments” have a name — “genocide”. Atleast that’s what the social engineering in Camodia and China ended up being called, due to the immense human loss resulting from them.
It sounds like you don’t understand that most people don’t have the safety net you had when you needed it. He wants to make it so nobody can count on the govt to provide that safety net for those people without other options. You’re not just being optimistic, you’re being naive and uninformed and ignorant, and frankly, harmful.
Given the level of responses I’m getting, I believe you’re right. 🤷♂️
But, the beautiful thing about hitting rock bottom is that the only way to go from there is up. All of that to say that maybe (yes, I’m being optimistic) Trump is what this country needs to hit rock bottom, do some self reflection, and pull ourselves back up to a better place. The biggest takeaway I learned way back when is that no matter how bad things get, the world keeps spinning
These are unfortunately contradictory ideas. It sounds like you had a positive journey in the end, but there are many individuals - especially people struggling with addiction - who will tell you that there is no rock bottom. The world does keep on spinning. And as long as you are alive, you can go lower. There is no point where you go so low that you hit bedrock and the world stops spinning.
Plenty of people think they hit rock bottom and later discover that what they thought of as their lowest point eventually became a time they now think of as “the good days”.
There is nothing inevitable or guaranteed about hitting rock bottom and climbing your way back up. It is hard work, and it sounds like you know that personally. Whatever comes next will be a terrible struggle for all of us, and there is no guarantee of success. But we do have to try anyway.
All of that to say that maybe (yes, I’m being optimistic) Trump is what this country needs to hit rock bottom, do some self reflection, and pull ourselves back up to a better place.
That presumes the part of the country which allowed this is capable of self-reflection.
That presumes the part of the country which allowed this is capable of self-reflection.
It also presumes that the pulling back up will be done by the same who are responsible for hitting the rock bottom.
Not necessarily. If enough of them die drinking raw milk…
crosses fingers
This “it’ll be good for us” optimistic bullshit often doesn’t correctly conceptualize what “rock bottom” looks like for an entire country
I thought we had learned the first time, but impressively the bottom has gone much lower.
Okay, there’s one (well more than one) problem with this: America ain’t anywhere near rock bottom, and Trump won’t get it anywhere near rock bottom. If you want to know what rock bottom looks like on a country-wide scale look up developing countries in central Africa or pre-war Syria. If y’all don’t manage to put a stop to the American downward slide you’ll find yourselves in free fall towards the third world. And no I don’t mean the “America is a third world country” third world; I’m talking about the actual, ruled-by-military-dictatorships third world.
I’m guessing your rock bottom did not involve a concentration camp,
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