Beans this, beans that, when are we going to bring back not pooping for 3 days?
Technically I am a reddifurgee. Can I have the bean? Pretty please :)
What about the Linux and furry porn?
bean there, done that
Are we bring back beans?
no, beef stroganoff.
Oh shit we making beans again?
Janet, no!
Tf happened at Reddit now?
EDIT: LOL What a shitshow! Thanks for the responses. So glad I stopped using it after the great migration to Lemmy last year.
I got perma banned for “doxxing” the techs that work for Elon. Even though all I did was post a picture with their names that was included with a daily mail article.
He’s spreading cheeks to the muskrat with both hands, and in the process, “accidentally” banned a ton of NSFW subs. This made at least some people realize that their future is not guaranteed on reddit, that an off-service backup is needed; then a r/piracy post mentioning Lemmy reached the front page.
banned a ton of NSFW subs
That’s a great way to make Reddittors furious.
They’ve said it was a “bug”.
However I can’t help but feel that it was an accidental “test” of a way to mass ban NSFW subs to be more advertiser and investor friendly.
Yup, and even if they never use it, now their investors and advertisers know they could do it as soon as it’s commercially preferable.
This is a goon safe space.
Enshitification proceeds apace. Welcome to the Lemmiverse!!
Like Tumblr before them
They also banned some subs that were critical of Elon.
Don’t forget the potash.
A bean and a void to enjoy in Saddam’s spider hole while not pooping for 3 days.
Tis a silly place
I loved that the first mass meme of the rexodus was “how to not shit for 3 days”
It’s that spider wearing jeans by chance also?
I’d much prefer an egg
In this economy?!
Now that you mention it, offering someone an egg went from “wtf?” to “hell yeah, free egg!” real quick.
Plot twist its balut
Faberge or local cage free?
They’re the same price, but one is less crunchy.
We’re crab people now
Yooo, this ni🅱️🅱️a eating beans!
Welcome Reddifugees!! Don’t mind the dust, we’re building a whole new Fediverse. If you see it in progress, add in. If you see it hasn’t been started, get to work. This thing is OURS!
Whoa whoa let’s not throw around the OURS’s like this is .ml too hastily, let them get acclimated first.
you know what goes good with beans? hot dogs
Jian Yaaaaaaaang!
How’d you get the beans above the frank?
The bean era has long passed
The Bean shall never pass! Only it’s gas!