is it a cop out to say assist trophies? i just love seeing all the different reps from different games
Same. I love the silly ones like the Nintendog and the Art Academy painter lol
Pokéballs by far. They’re like handheld guerilla reinforcements.
Unpopular opinion: All of them, but on the lowest setting.
Smash Bros is supposed to be chaotic
I have them set to high for maximum chaos. If I want less chaos then I’ll choose a more plain stage
Gotta love Daybreak - what a blast
I love stealing an already assembled daybreak 😫👌and turning everything around
The paper fan, it’s the most annoying/fun because it’s so easy to stunlock other people
I miss that fan, the cracker launcher, and also the rumble falls stage from Brawl. Everyone is here, but everything isn’t here, and everywhere isn’t here either. 0/10 unplayable
The hammer, it breeds fear in my enemies hearts.
The hammer is pure chaos, I love it!
I love using the golden hammer and mashing A to float. No one expects it and are so smug camping past a gap.
Baseball bat. Baseball bat.
Motion sensor bombs setup in a sequence and ray gun to help ease enemy into them. Its all about the process and journey of easing them home