CNN article “Making toilet paper, eating less: How one single mom plans to weather inflation.”
Oh cmon. No-one’s making their own toilet paper.
Someone might think they’re going to, but they won’t.
Just get a bidet shower addon to your faucet.
We’re making toilet paper. “Richest” country in the world, and we’re making toilet paper.
Someone has to make it!
You can be a millionaire if you stop drinking lattes, eating avocado toast, and start making your own TP.
richest country in the world
I wish people would stop spreading tropes like these. While the USA as a whole has the highest GDP globally there are better ways of measuring how rich a country is.
Even per capita is stupid. In the US, 500 people have everything, and it skews the average even still. If you go and cut the top 2% off and re-average, the US wouldn’t even be in the top 50.
I’m sorry what?? Ireland??? Ireland is the richest nation on earth if you exclude micronations? How?
edit, oh its just another tax haven like Luxemburg. lol this list is as meaningless as the original claim. “places where lunchmeat store their capital, listed inversely relative to population size”
Any measure to compare the wealth of nations is shit compared to the only metric that matters: happiness
Pretty sure nordic countries would have the richest citizens in the world
Happiness can vary greatly even within a country. But there’s a yearly ranking of the happiest city in the world, and it’s almost always Vienna, fwiw
The real treasure is the friends we made along the way.
Absolutely… no measurement that doesn’t calculate an index on a per capita basis can be taken seriously. Meanwhile, noone mentions that the USA has the highest incarceration rate per capita in the so-called free world, and they call themselves “Land of the Free”. The constant propaganda has completely disconnected Americans from reality.
If we weren’t so rich, we couldn’t afford to imprison so much of our population!
But think of the prison stocks’ shareholders!
(yes, this is real. For-profit prisons)
I told my parents that by learning to refurbish old things and learning skills like how to sew my own clothes, I was actually gaining necessary skills
They still think I was joking
Hilarious to me they think that way. Im a dude in my 40s and when I was a kid it was ingrained in me that I needed to know how to sew because repairing clothes was a necessary skill. At minimum I needed to be able to make a shirt and pants and to fix buttons. I took two years of home ec my last year of middle school and first year of high school to learn to sew and make clothes.
I learned to sew in middle school.
When I enlisted in the navy, I was handed a sewing kit and told I better learn how to use it because uniform repairs were my responsibility.
Still I hear grown men mocking any male why knows or wants to learn a basic skill.
Clothing really is a thing we have an overabundance of and you can very easily dress yourself with affordable thrift store items or even donations. Of course sewing can help getting more out of it, but it‘s not exactly a cheap alternative. Refurbishing interior or even simple electric devices like lamps is pretty easy to learn though and a very useful life skill precisely because we throw away so many things that still have value to others.
Darning socks and replacing buttons/zippers are absolutely cost effective unless you’re making money money. Depending on the size/shape/location of tears in other pieces of clothing it might be, but it takes approximately one minute to sew a button back on and once you get the hang of it, under ten for socks or a zipper, working without a sewing machine.
Sewing your own clothing is a totally different ballgame. There you need patterns or significant planning time, and fabric is not exactly cheap. I’m sure people still do it by hand, but that’s hella time consuming and much more difficult than with a machine, which is also an investment (though you can often find them second hand at very affordable prices).
I run a cut/sew shop. Clothing is a small section of the trade of sewing.
Next step is eating toilet paper and shitting less.
Lol just saw that in my strange addiction.
Spoilers: it doesn’t end well if you eat half a roll a day.
I’m sorry, but that’s disgusting. Who eats half a roll of toilet paper every day?! You’ve got to commit to the whole thing.
Wat happens?
Oh stopped half way through the episode I never finish them. I got to the part with her talking about all the medical issues before in dozed off. They are free on tubing.
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Americans need more fiber in their diet.