“In the name of the moon, I will punish you.”
(((Actually, she's wrong -- we'll just simply destroy humanity)))
Good lord what tier meme is this?
I don’t know. Do you like it? Are you saying it sucks?
It’s beautiful. It’s a crossover with one layer of abstraction from original material. You have to have seen bushworld adventures and at least be familiar with Eva to fully appreciate it which is why it’s a tier 3 at least.
A parody of one franchise, using a parody of a parody of a different one.
Oh true, I completely forgot about back to the future. This one goes deep.
And you have to know about Rick and Morty before you even care about Bushworld Adventures ;)
Thank you for your compliment
You can try to hide in older anime, Shinji, but your fucking pushover ki makes it easy to find you. Now, get in the fucking robot.
Random fact, the creator of Sailor Moon is married to the creator of Hunter Hunter.
I prefer creator of Yuu Yuu Hakusho, something he actually finished 😁
Agreed yu yu hakusho is one my all time favorite anime’s along with evangelion.
Lol nope doesn’t matter what I believe, things only get worse
The last time I can remember feeling genuinely happy and contented and at ease was almost a decade ago
I do not know where you are at in life and I hope things get better for you. The way you talk to your self inside you head can absolutely have an impact on your mental health. It takes practice to get into positive thinking, but it makes shitty situations a tiny bit more bareable, which might mean the difference between life and death.
If you have an avarage life span, things WILL get better. It is only a matter of time and, to a much lesser extent, effort. (Not a pull yourself up by your bootstraps statement, but some things will only change if you take action) With time being pretty much the only factor between you and happiness, survival is key.
I know from firsthand experience that I can trick myself into feeling better for a little while. However, I have problems that can’t be solved, and when reality comes into conflict with me feeling better, it makes everything worse than when I started. I was in therapy for a year, my medications just get more numerous and higher dosages, for fucking what. The fact is, everything in my life has just been getting worse and worse, despite and in some cases because of everything I’ve tried to do to make it better. I just wish someone cared enough about me to euthanize me like people do their beloved pets.