• @Quacksalber
      9 months ago

      The Earth is constantly accelerating up at a rate of 32 feet per second squared (or 9.8 meters per second squared). This constant acceleration causes what you think of as gravity.

      HOOO BOY,
      that is so stupid, Hexbear might actually try to convince itself that it is true.

      • @[email protected]
        489 months ago

        I almost left Lemmy because of the crap I always had in my feed.

        Then I realized all the bottom of the barrel content and takes were all from the hexbear instance. I started blocking any community from that server. It’s like a whole new world

        • @Quacksalber
          9 months ago

          We at sh.itjust.works can proudly claim that we out-hexbeared the hexbears. They defederated from us before we did from them.

          • @[email protected]
            89 months ago

            I’ve never had or heard of any issues with shit just works users, why did they defederate with you?

            • @Quacksalber
              9 months ago

              We fought fire with fire. If you want to know the way in which your average Hexbear user conducts themselves, you just need to recall that they have their pig shit image linked to their instance for convenient use: https://hexbear.net/PPB (NSFW!)

              Edit: You can also check out [email protected], if you want to get a glimpse at what was going on a few days ago.

              • @[email protected]
                39 months ago

                Dw, I don’t need a reminder of how hexbear users are. I grew tired of arguing with them and their bad faith arguments when scrolling through all and blocked all their communities I came across a week or two ago.

                And I’m even very left wing. I’m just anti-authoritarian before I’m left wing. I would rather live in a right wing anti-authoritarian place than a left wing authoritarian one.

                Thanks for the community suggestion, sunscribed.

            • 🍹Early to RISA 🧉OP
              29 months ago

              I don’t know either, but it’s really nice not seeing their posts. I think it was a “you can’t break up with me if I break up with you first!” thing.

      • @logos
        59 months ago

        I sure hope a hydrogen atom doesn’t get in our way and destroy the multiverse with the collision.

      • @[email protected]
        39 months ago

        I like how they take into account special relativity by saying, that earth will never reach the speed of light because of it. But then they forget, that this will lead to less acceleration as earth gets faster and faster (and heavier and heavier).

    • @[email protected]
      279 months ago

      Not just that. In order for the sun to be visible 24/7 from Antarctica during its summer, the light from the sun would have to morph from a circle into a right going around the whole earth. I have no idea what could cause that.

    • Dr. Coomer
      239 months ago

      Why did we ever put lead in gasoline? Now I have to live in this reality.

        • Dr. Coomer
          59 months ago

          But why lead? The creator even knew it was toxic and still allowed it to be used.

          • @[email protected]
            109 months ago

            Because the alternative was adding ethanol, which wasn’t patentable. The creator even got lead poisoning while developing it… then held a press conference where he washed his bare hands in it claiming he could do that safely everyday.

            • Dr. Coomer
              19 months ago

              But what doesn’t make sense to me is how he not only suffered lead poison multiple times in his life, but he even did extensive study on the effects of lead gas on the planet, mainly in how far it traveled and its levels in areas. INCLUDING THE ARCTIC.

              • @[email protected]
                29 months ago

                Now that you mention the Arctic… he’s also the guy who invented Freon, as in CFC, the stuff that depleted the ozone layer and caused a hole in it over the Arctic.

                If you’re ever looking for a candidate for Lizard people, he’s a good one. 🤣

                But otherwise, the simple explanation is: $$

                • Dr. Coomer
                  19 months ago

                  I don’t know. Yes it was about money, but something just doesn’t sit right about it with me.

    • @[email protected]
      179 months ago

      So the world is flat so we can’t fall off, walls of ice keep the water from falling off its edges. Okidoki.

      But the sun, moon, stars and planets don’t fall out of the sky? They are kept up there magically?

      It’s great to read, as is most fantasy.

      • @[email protected]
        69 months ago

        They consider them “luminaries” whatever those are supposed to be. Not actual objects. Cause that makes sense.

    • Lev_Astov
      159 months ago

      I’m trying to figure out how they think the sun can ever pass below the horizon in that model and it seems like their explanation is… magnets???

          • @[email protected]
            29 months ago

            Magnets have small amounts of gravity in them, duh. They come from the ground which has lots of gravity in it. I didn’t even graduate elementary school and even I know this. \s

      • @[email protected]
        49 months ago

        Basically, there is no flat earth model. Every time they present one, there’s an easily observable fact that blows it apart. This from the people who constantly bleat “believe your eyes!”

    • @[email protected]
      99 months ago

      shouldn’t have clicked that link on my normal browser. now my “personal” ads are going to flood me with far right conspiracy bs, adult diapers, “oWnEd tHe LiBs” content, lifted trucks for sale, truck nuts, “silver nitrate”, and trump hat bs.

      • @starman2112
        39 months ago

        Hell yeah, siphon that money out of them

        Every time you see one of those ads is one time that someone else won’t see it

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          Most of the time, I would rather have the company requesting the ad keep the money rather than Google. This is one of the rare instances where I would rather have Google and Facebook get the money.

        • @[email protected]
          29 months ago

          There are folks that dedicate a good amount of effort into wasting these ads, I hear you can even automate that.

    • @[email protected]
      79 months ago

      Have they explained why pictures of the moon taken from Sydney Australia are upsidedown from pictures of the moon taken in NYC?

      • Zagorath
        9 months ago

        Wouldn’t you sort of expect that in a spotlight-style moon?

        I say sort of, because what you’d actually expect, at least if I’m picturing it correctly, is that the moon would be rotated by about 130°. To be fully upside down you’d want to be off the coast of South America. And even then it’d be a rotation of 180°, which is not the same as a reflection.


    • @[email protected]
      49 months ago

      they really think the sun is this small star (not big or bright enough to light the entire Earth), and that spins over Earth. Amazing.

    • PatFusty
      29 months ago

      Dont you love it when you use a light bulb outside and it instantly becomes day time from all the light you are projecting. Good times.

    • @[email protected]
      29 months ago

      It would be trivially easy to disprove it if it were worth the money to load them onto a plane and circumnavigate the globe in multiple directions, showing that there is no “wall of ice” and you always end up back where you started eventually. But it’s not, so they can continue to be idiots.

      • @[email protected]
        59 months ago

        One of them spent $20k on a fancy gyroscope which proves the rotation of the earth and they ignore the shit out of stuff like that.

        Visible curvature? Fish eye lens or “refraction”. Images from space? CGI.

        At one point a flat earther launched himself into “space” with his homebuilt rocket to prove there was no curve, sadly it failed and the guy lost his life in the process.

    • ThenThreeMore
      19 months ago

      How do they think eclipses work? I couldn’t see any mention of that on the page.

      • Tarquinn2049
        19 months ago

        Not to mention the difference between a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse. Neither one can even happen in their model, let alone both.

        • ThenThreeMore
          19 months ago

          But wouldn’t that mean for the weeks approaching an eclipse you’d not have a moon at night because it was so close to the sun that it was up during the day?

  • @logos
    569 months ago

    As a passenger on an aircraft, how is it I can see the curvature of the Earth?

    Quite simply, you cannot…

    It is likely that those claiming to have personally visually discerned curvature from an aeroplane are experiencing a form of confirmation bias.

    Oh, ok then

    • flipht
      409 months ago

      Ignoring that ancient mathematicians were able to calculate the size of the earth with pretty good results, considering their “world spanning empires” are what we’d consider regional now.

      Also that you can literally watch a ship come over the horizon, seeing it’s sails first before the body actually moves into view. If the earth were flat the entire thing would be visible the entire time.

      You can’t reason people out of positions they didn’t reason themselves into.

        • @[email protected]
          49 months ago

          But I thought water always found its level, that’s why they think water will just flow off a round earth because they fundamentally do not understand gravity or basic, high school, physics.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      They also point out that passenger aircraft don’t fly above 60,000ft, only to ignore footage from other types of aircraft ascending above the stratosphere and clearly showing the globe

      They’re just lying to themselves, doing mental gymnastics, or whatever you wanna call it. Thus no point in arguing with them

    • Tb0n3
      49 months ago

      I mean, technically you cannot descern a curve until you’re very high up but that’s primarily because the earth is so god damn huge and our eyes are not scientific equipment.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      Can’t they take something straight to check if it’s confirmation bias?

      Like hold up a ruler or something against the curve?

      • @MrNobody
        139 months ago

        They did. Can’t remember the name of the documentary done flat earners made but the used a flashlight and two boards with holes in them at x distance and said if the earth is flat they should see the light through the hole. They couldn’t until they lifted the board up confirming the earth isn’t flat. Still had to make up bs to explain it though I think.

        • @jscummy
          149 months ago

          It’s “Behind the Curve”. They do a few experiments, which all prove the Earth is round, but the flat earthers just keep designing more experiments whenever their last one fails.

          • @[email protected]
            29 months ago

            The title of that film is pure genius.

            Flat earthers think it’s about peering “behind the curve “ as in the conspiracy they think exists.

            The rest of us know its actually describing the intelligence of the participants.

            • @jscummy
              29 months ago

              It’s odd because many of the flat earthers don’t seem stupid exactly. The gyroscope experiment was well designed and requires some decent physics knowledge, but then they go and complete ignore the results for some complete bullshit explanation

              • @[email protected]
                9 months ago

                Some are, yes. Their arguments are sometimes clever, and it takes a little doing to disentangle why they’re wrong. For example, the argument that the flat plane is accelerating at 9.8m/s/s, which gives the same effect as gravity. Some people note that this would mean the Earth would soon be traveling faster than light, but that’s wrong. At significant fractions of the speed of light, you no longer get the right answer by simply adding acceleration to how fast you were going previously from second to second. Rather, tt gets you infinitesimally closer to the speed of light without ever getting there.

                However, this model doesn’t account for why we get different acceleration from gravity when we go to higher altitudes. It also depends on Einstein’s ideas of relativity, which flat earthers will often reject in other contexts.

                But then there’s the gate swinging guy, and it’s not even clear what the hell he thinks he’s showing.

                • @[email protected]
                  29 months ago

                  The gate swinging guy reminds me of my cousin, who also happens to be a flat earther.

                  She now thinks I’m in on it because I’m in HVAC, so I “know about pressure” but I don’t entertain her ramblings about how gravity isn’t real and its really the weight and pressure of the atmosphere pushing things down.

                  Notable excerpts from that argument:

                  Apparently pressure can only force things down, the pressure from air under an object doesn’t stop the pressure from above forcing it down.

                  The pressure of the atmosphere apparently isn’t from gravity pulling the atmosphere down, but rather it’s more like a soda bottle, where there’s a dome that holds in all the air and stops it from escaping to space. According to her it’s impossible to have a positive pressure next to a vacuum without the atmosphere being violently ripped away.

                  All satellites are really just balloons that have to be put up frequently because the balloons pop. But the ISS isn’t real. All rocket launches are really just for public amusement, they don’t do anything but provide an excuse to fund NASA, who is apparently in charge of the global conspiracy.

                  Before NASA, everyone knew the earth was flat and there was a dome in the sky, apparently. When asked for a source on this, she said it had all been erased.

                  When asked for the motivation in making people think the earth was round, it’s to make people question there faith.

                  Oh, and planets are actually spheres, but that’s okay because there’s no life or liquid water on them, earth is special because it’s a disk that god put the dome over to protect his creations.

                  When asked why people can’t jump higher on mountaintops, despite the atmosphere being noticeably less dense, I was told the atmosphere is the same pressure, the air is just colder, and people only where oxygen masks at high elevation because the air is too cold to breath comfortably, it’s cold not because of lack of pressure, but because it’s close to the dome, which touches the vacuum of space.(this is where I gave up).

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            I loved the “interesting” quote the guy drops when the board rises up and the results demonstrate a curve. Best thing he could come up with besides “this breaks everything I thought”.

      • @logos
        59 months ago

        Big Ruler is in on it.

        Not sure what they’re all getting out of this but I’m on to them!

    • AItoothbrush
      9 months ago

      Its old tech thats why it takes some time to turn on and off.

  • aeternum
    289 months ago

    holy shit. you’ve made a believer out of me. I’m now a flat earther!

  • @[email protected]
    239 months ago

    The only time I ever see or hear anything about flat earth is when people bitch about it on Reddit and now here.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      My brother is a flat-earther. He talks about it all the time. One of these days I’m gonna throw him right off the edge.

      • @[email protected]
        49 months ago

        I’m very sorry that you have to deal with that. Truly. I hope you are able to maintain the relationship and wish you the best.

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        Is he mentally unstable or unhealthy besides that one symptom? History of mental illness? TBI? What would happen if you took him on an airplane trip around the world from say NYC to London to Tokyo to LA back to NYC? I’ve never encountered such insanity except for online (in more ways than one heh) so this is pretty interesting to me.

        • @[email protected]
          49 months ago

          Because they believe the North Pole is the center of the flat earth, I don’t think this would convince him.

          Taking a flight a long the southern hemisphere, though… flat earthers literally believe there are no flights between South America, southern Africa, Australia, new Zealand etc., because they’re too far apart

    • @[email protected]
      199 months ago

      Netflix has entire documentaries about these clowns. I wish the idea of a flatearth was something that I only heard about on Reddit or Lemmy.

      • Ben Hur Horse Race
        -69 months ago

        sometimes you see the title of documentaries on programs that are available on netflix also! its ruining your life!

    • @[email protected]
      89 months ago

      This is like saying that the only time that I hear people say that the election was stolen is online, which is true. Yet there are a ton of people who believe it. I just don’t associate with republicans / stupids.

      • @[email protected]
        39 months ago

        You must live in a blue state. Or at least a bubble. Those people are everywhere so you should feel grateful that you think they are as mythical as flat earthers. (Maybe I should too I guess idk.)

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        I work with people who most likely believe in that, at the very least that they’re hardline trumpers.

  • @[email protected]
    199 months ago

    Alright, here is my take:

    Gravity bends light. Therefore, there is a tiny black hole between earth and the sun. You see, the black hole redirects the sunlight juuuuuuust perfect to simulate that sphere nonsense you sheeples believe in.

    • @[email protected]
      169 months ago

      Though even then, the sun would never go below the horizon, it would fly off in a stright line and disappear. Going below the horizon only works on a globe

      • XIN
        9 months ago

        The idea is that the light is small and close. It doesn’t need to go over the horizon to disappear in the distance.

        I’m not sure how they explain the random pattern the light would need to travel for different seasons or why it looks so massive as it rises or sets.

        • @[email protected]
          139 months ago

          “it doesn’t need to go over the horizon to disappear in the distance”, but the problem is that it does go over the horizon rather than disappearing, as anyone who’s seen a sunset can attest

            • XIN
              19 months ago

              Well that’s your problem right there: you’re using logic.

          • XIN
            19 months ago

            Maybe not truly logical, but there is definitely an attempt at logic as well as experiments.

            The documentary Beyond the Globe was kinda funny, sad and interesting all at once.

        • @Quacksalber
          49 months ago

          The magic word is refraction. It explains everything.

        • @[email protected]
          09 months ago

          so most visible stars are about 1000 light years away. And they’re still visible. And our sun obviously cannot travel at least over 1000 light years twice a day.

          • XIN
            19 months ago

            For reference a light year is about 63241 times further than the distance between the earth and sun.

      • artisanrox
        19 months ago

        the record’s been playing a lot of screamo since the whole homo sapiens thing happened.

  • @[email protected]
    149 months ago

    It’s definetly dark on the other side of our flat earth.

    And to prove I’m right: dark side of the moon by pink Floyd. The moon is also flat. Someone is flipping all those discs (you prefer ‘planets’) over every 24 hours, just like flat pancakes. How can you ignore all those obvious signs.

    Jeez. Those dumb round-earthers.

  • @[email protected]
    149 months ago

    Well when you want to go to sleep, you just say “flip me over, sky daddy”. Then God flips over the flat earth and that’s how we get to night.