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Conservatism is a plague long overdue for a cure.
“Conservatives” are not that conservative about themselves.
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Me, I frankly can’t wait for an excuse to kill some Christians, and I really sincerely mean that. But I won’t be the first to fire.
Oh, ok. That last sentence totally makes you sound like a less awful human being (not).
Conservatives chose me/us as their enemy. No matter how kind I am to them, how patient I am, how polite I am, they still see me as their enemy. They are proudly calling for a civil war if they cannot legally oppress or kill us.
I have been polite in my demeanor with them for over 50 years. I don’t have much time left on this earth, so when they finally start this war they crave so badly, I plan to be as prolific as my body will allow. The sooner the better.
Don’t worry, we’ll rig up a rascal with some extra batteries and a couple high capacity rifles, you’ll be great.
Wot mate?
Funny how bible thumpers are always focusing on very specific portions of the bible to justify their hatred, but completely ignore the tons of other horrific bullshit that they are also guilty of.
Meanwhile complaining that atheists are cherry picking specific portions of the bible
Nothing makes me roll my eyes harder than amoral Evangelicals telling me that I can’t have values and morals if I’m not religious.
Listening to a hate-preacher denounce and proscribe their list of enemies is not self-improvement, but the conservative persecution fetish is the secret sauce of Christian Nationalism. Following a prescriptive list of rules is not morality either, but it’s much easier to control people by reducing gradient situations to black-and-white “abortion is murder” style slogans.
I’m pretty sure straight married people have sex like that too, what is the problem?
What is that sign even trying to convey? Pretty sure stick person is just spotting a squat.
(I mean I get it- they’re being raised as bigots. Apparently by illiterate bigots.)
The dude on the right threw his back out trying to flip over that upside-down flag and his buddy is just trying to help him up.
And they accidentally forgot the L in flag.
Kids do struggle with spelling. Good thing we cleared that up.
did you say… Flag Marriage?
Brought to you by the same death-cult cranks that claim to care about kids being groomed.
Been hearing a lot about grooming, that sure looks like it. Psychos shouldn’t breed.
Conservatives, the real groomers.
God does hate fags. Seriously, quit smoking, and stop throwing your butts out your car window. It’s bloody disgusting.
Hey that isn’t fair! Some of us smoked unfiltered
Or buy biodegradable filters for rollies
Oh but its the “gay parents” who would “spread gay agenda” on their kids right?
I’d rather a kid get adopted into a family of gay/trans/queer people rather than a family that is religious. In one, they will be actively or passively taught acceptance of other people, in the other, they will be indoctrinated.
What the heck is the girl’s shirt? Sign Movies Net?
They’re just smashing words together at this point.
Good old PMD
I need to find some evil genius around here lol, you reminded me of how much I love that beer
When I googled it, the first result was a godhates[bundleofsticks] site. So still not sure what it means, but it’s related somehow.
Talk about grooming, right?
The same people that bring you “books that even mention homosexuality need to be banned to protect the kids” also bring us this.
Yesterday’s Behind the Bastards was on How Christianity Got Eaten By Capitalism which fills in some of the colors on why Christians don’t go for Beatitudes or camels and needles.
During the Great Depression preachers and minister we left-wing like Marx (typically)
Enter James W. Fifield Jr. ( on Wikipedia ) co-founder of the First Congregational Church of Los Angeles, in substantial debt in 1937 for having built a massive chapel (essentially the first megachurch). He found he could make a killing appealing to rich people and telling them by his interpretation they can shit on the poor all they want. Fifield became The Apostle to Millionaires.
Part two of the BtB rolls out tomorrow.
The message is utterly confusing. An LMM level of confusing. That seems like it’s generated after learning on conservapedia. Do this boy promote marriages, what’s with them staying on their recolor of the US’s flag? It’s so, so damaged.
The boy is holding a sign that has the US flag upside down, a sign of distress, utilizing a slur on the poster to denote that gay marriage is an wrong and therefore causing the US to be in distress. The US flag with pride colours, which are to show acceptance, being stood on is a sign of disrespect.
Now imagine if one of those kids is gay… I’m so happy that my parents aren’t human waste.