• @[email protected]
    7010 months ago

    To be fair most education oriented YouTubers that I’ve seen completely blow every single one of my schoolteachers out of water.

    • enkers
      3610 months ago

      I sure wish I had access to 3blue1brown when I was in school.

    • @[email protected]
      3310 months ago

      This is definitely mostly true, with several reasons applying.

      • The best rise to the top. You don’t see the bad ones on YouTube.

      • The can teach in a variety of ways. Some will mesh with your learning method, others won’t (but mesh with other people’s methods).

      • You only need 1. Schools need 1000s of teachers, and they each only teach a few students. An online YouTuber can teach 1,000,000s, if they are good enough.

      • No paperwork. 80% of a teacher’s job is paperwork. 15% is playing nanny to a bunch of kids, 5% is actually doing the teaching.

  • reflex
    1910 months ago

    Can’t wait to see how this guy has an affair.

  • @[email protected]
    1510 months ago

    Did op learn? Or did he just memorize the answers for just long enough and forgot them next week?

  • @MeDuViNoX
    310 months ago

    I just stored all the information they taught me in my head and used it when the test time came.

    Fuckin’ suckers never figured it out and it worked all the way into college… YMMV

  • @[email protected]
    110 months ago

    With AI soon literally every kid on the planet will have access to the the smartest, most attentive and most patient teacher to ever (not) walk the earth. ChatGPT is already insane, but not perfect and not specifically meant for teaching atm.

    These next generations will be so crazy intelligent. Developing countries will equalize with developed countries at a much faster rate than previously thought possible.

    The future will be crazy, I hope we can make it work out that we all profit from AI relatively equally.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Man, I remember when we all had high hopes for the infinite knowledge of the internet…and we see how that’s turned out.

      • @CancerMancer
        110 months ago

        The biggest problem with the internet isn’t even bad actors, it’s people who legitimately believe they’re doing the right thing.

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago

          I disagree.

          That dream of the internet was killed by the apathy of its users. It doesn’t matter if you have almost the entire knowledge base of humanity at your literal fingertips if you can’t be bothered to actually use it to learn anything.

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            I don’t think that’s true. I spend most of my time on the internet learning and my boomer mom who is only on Facebook, is mostly on the same page as me most of the time.

            The biggest issue is that information isn’t free to flow organically anymore, but now silicon valley tech bros decide what you can and can’t see. We need total transparency how information flows in social media.

            But as I see it their monopoly is slowly crumbling. So things will get better sooner or later. They have already massively improved compared to just a few years ago anyway.

            • @[email protected]
              10 months ago

              There was always someone deciding what the public did or didn’t see, it’s just a different someone now.

              The difference is with the internet you have the ability to instantly verify information, but most choose not to and instead just let their information be served. Its not that black and white, but most people are gonna believe what’s served to them without much question, especially if it reinforces a bias.

              • Aa!
                110 months ago

                The difference is with the internet you have the ability to instantly verify information

                This is missing a lot of nuance. Let’s face it, verifying information on the Internet is not only a learned skill, it also takes time to do, particularly when it’s the latest news with very limited available information.

                Granted, we are usually talking about 10-30 minutes of time, depending on what you’re verifying. But let’s not pretend it’s instant or even necessarily easy. There’s a lot of information to sift through, and if you aren’t practiced in spotting misinformation (and even sometimes if you are) you won’t know to reject some of it off hand.

                I don’t blame people for not knowing they should verify news. I do blame people who believe everything they want to hear, and none of what they don’t.

    • @Chakravanti
      210 months ago

      That won’t happen like that unless the AI is written Open Source. Some asshole will profit exclusively and make “your” computer do whatever they want just like any other closed source software.

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        well good news, the open source community is only a couple months behind the commercial models, at most. that is honestly completely unprecedented when it comes to FOSS. AI model are just that simple technically. There is no real magic behind it that isn’t public knowledge.

        • @Chakravanti
          10 months ago

          Right. Closed Source was never anything precedented. Just secret. And the notion of persuading anyone to run YOUR secret instructions on their computer was always just ludicrous. And yet the masses somehow suckered it up like little girls on Bill Gates cock.

      • @CancerMancer
        110 months ago

        The sheer number of models being openly published gives me some hope. The massive scale LLMs being used by big tech are cool but also prone to being misinformed, requiring very selective data curation… which is the whole problem of Wikipedia and its biased editors all over again.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      Alexa proudly informed me the other week that Ray Parker Jr was white, so lets not get up too much hope on our AI overlords.

      Garbage in, garbage out.