• @[email protected]
    528 months ago

    Anyone just get mad emotional and low key ready to cry when you are heading into work because you are so exhausted working 8 hours a day? I wouldn’t work 8 hours for myself if i was self employed so why am I doing it for someone else?

      • @[email protected]
        118 months ago

        I fucking wish, I’m stuck doing 11-12 hours a day. It’s bullshit.

        I don’t mean this as some shitty “my job sucks more than yours” flex, more just to point out that we’re all getting fucked a little differently

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          What would you prefer 5 x 5 hour days or 3 x 12 hour days? Or or 4 x 6 hour days? Keep in mind you get paid for your 5 x 11/12 at the moment so you would have less money

    • The Picard ManeuverOP
      258 months ago

      I think of this comic frequently. Lol

      Uploading comic below for anyone who doesn’t want to follow the link.

      (I’m also using Voyager. I know your instance has strict size limits on uploads, so that may be the culprit.)

      • @[email protected]
        88 months ago

        Thank you so much for the assist. Yeah, this comic gives me a mixture of feelings. From sad to mad to sad again to disappointed to scared then sad again. Dead serious. lol

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        I wasn’t having an issue with posting a link, I couldn’t upload a photo from my phone as comment

  • Chemical Wonka
    158 months ago

    Klaus Schwab approves your commitment to further helping the economic growth of the bourgeoisie while throwing your life away and accelerating environmental degradation.

    • @[email protected]
      88 months ago

      And what galaxy-brain take would you offer if it were a man in the photo with an identical caption?

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        Is it just me or does it smell like whataboutism in here?

        Women DID fight for the right to be able to do this. That’s not a conspiracy theory. They insisted on it.

        • Chetzemoka
          78 months ago

          This person is just a dumb troll, I’ve seen and reported them on other posts. Everyone ignore please.

            • @winterayars
              48 months ago

              That’s not a novel or interesting idea. Having low grade shit shoveled onto the platform has no impact on “echo chambers”.

                • @lingh0e
                  28 months ago

                  Why don’t you make an actual argument instead of calling mine “low grade shit”?

                  Because your statement really is low grade shit and you’re obviously not interested in an actual discussion or debate.

                  Just because you found what I said offensive…

                  Lol, you’re giving yourself too much credit. I doubt anyone is offended by your shitheel low effort trolling. Don’t confuse people calling out your stupidity with people being offended by your stupidity. You’re not that clever.

                  doesn’t make it any less true.

                  “women fought for the right to work” may be a factual statement on its own, but it’s entirely irrelevant to the context of the OP.

                  This you?

        • @[email protected]
          68 months ago

          Who gives a shit. This meme is for everyone. Men, women, fucking everyone. Your idiot shit take is meaningless, is what I’m trying to say, because there was no intent to make it about women. You made it about women, and nobody fucking asked.

        • @[email protected]
          68 months ago

          Women fought for equal rights - for being allowed to do the same things men were, without restriction. Have careers, live their own lives, be equal before the law, not be relegated to the role of housewife/childbearer by default and without being given a choice.

          This meme is not about that. It’s not even about women. It just happens to have a woman in the photo. This meme is about big businesses routinely and with impunity exploiting their workers. Nobody ever fought for the right to be exploited. Of course, I don’t expect someone with a user name like PepeLivesMatter to understand that kind of nuance.

          • @[email protected]
            08 months ago

            No, I do understand that nuance, and I appreciate your ability to explain it without resorting to name calling or insults.

            You and others are upset not because what I said wasn’t true (it was), but because it’s something you’d rather not talk or even think about. Okay. Point taken. She did indeed not blame men for her situation, at least not directly, I will admit that. Although I’m sure there’s already a feminist somewhere waiting to explain to me how shareholder value is a tool of the patriarchy that was designed for no other purpose than to oppress women.

            • @[email protected]
              18 months ago

              You’re not digging yourself out of that hole out of your own making.

              And no, I’m not upset about anything you said. Truth has nothing to do with it. What you said was nonsensical, baseless, and not very intelligent. B most people’s standards, you’re trolling. I’ve long gotten over being upset by trolls.

                • @[email protected]
                  18 months ago

                  If you aren’t upset, why spend all this time and effort trying to make me regret what I said instead of simply proving me wrong?

                  I have explained where you’re wrong, to the point that you thanked me for it in your previous post. But you still insist on being right. I can’t help you with that, and am not going to either.

                  Other people have at least managed to point out that they found it inappropriate

                  And yet you’ve replied to them in the same vein as you have to me: whining that you’re right but being insulted.

                  Yet here you are still heaping abuse over my head and trying to convince me you’re not upset.

                  If you’d care to point out which part of my response was ‘heaping abuse over your head’, then maybe we’d get somewhere. Then again, ask me how much I care. On second thought, don’t. You’d just whine about the reply.

                  Sorry, but I’m not buying it.

                  Wasn’t selling anything. Go in peace, but go.

    • The Picard ManeuverOP
      58 months ago

      I think most people would still find freedom with downsides more desirable than a comfy cage.

        • @winterayars
          28 months ago

          The cage did not appear to be that comfy even.

          Though situations were better in terms of wages. Once women entered the workforce they cut wages to account for that. Turns out they weren’t paying an individual what they could get away with, they were paying a household what they could get away with.

          That’s not on women, though.

          • @[email protected]
            -38 months ago

            Not quite. They didn’t cut wages, they just didn’t raise them as fast, and it wasn’t a conspiracy, but just the result of vastly more people entering the workforce. If you have more people competing for the same amount of jobs, you can get away with paying them less.