As a french, I’m sick about pretty blond girls that ask about everything because they are blond girls… Yes you’re beautiful, no it’s not a pass you can use anytime.
yeah but, like, would you share your joint with anyone? In my culture, if you’re with friends, you puff and pass. But i don’t think that applies to strangers walking up and asking you for a hit.
As a Frenchman who’s really into live music I would, and I do! Yeah I know, COVID and shit but in the middle of a festival, having a blast and surrounded by like-minded people, if you ask nicely and I have some to spare I’ll give you a joint without thinking twice!
If you are in the middle of the festival, the joint won’t transmit that much more Covid than just being together.
Had one last pull a stranger walked up at a Rave wanting some so i blew down bis throat set and setting are important
So you blew a stranger on a festival, got it.
And friends are a maybe, like I’m more likely to just pull another out of my pocket for someone I’d call a friend and just say fuckit here have a full one bud.
In Kentucky the stoner culture is that you don’t light up, unless you have enough to share. That’s the attitude I keep, so yeah, if a random stranger asks me for a hit, I’ll probably just give them the rest and roll a new one.
I live in California now, but I started weed in KY
Yeah I’d rather just smoke, share and just let it be, that’s the whole point in my mind, its just weed and not really worth getting mad about
Tiny bit of backstory: I work in Spain so there’s a lot of kissing on the chicks when greeting someone. Spanish people kiss twice, in western countries people kiss 3 times so sometimes there’s a bit of confusion. Anyway, once a girl from Romania met a French co-worker next to my desk. Typical greeting and she says:
- How do French people kiss?
The guy got a little bit confused and says:
- Trust me, you don’t want me to show you how the French kiss…
Not really related but I found it extremely funny.
cheeks I hope?
Haha true
Which ones?
All of them ;)
Spread them cheeks, kiss incoming!
It depends on how well you know the chicks.
We in Chile we kiss only once. Right side of the face. The fist time I greeted a spanish woman I was confused as hell.
This could be used as a pickup line or something lol
In France, they kiss between one and four times depending on the region, it’s infuriating. I’ve just decided to not kiss any more. It’s a stupid tradition, and it’s a great way to catch colds anyway.
Of course not, it’s a cultural means of sharing germs that quite literally saves everybody by helping share in the herd immunity.
That was a thing before Covid. Nowadays, ehhh… it’s more of a Typhoid Mary thing.
No need to be phobic, it’s barely worth worrying about considering your phone probably carries germs too hahaha
Come to the UK, we don’t do any of that shit here. In Yorkshire we just nod and say “Alreight?” or “How do?” and that’s it, job done.
I’m french and the only 3-time country I know is Switzerland
Dutch/I think some Belgians also do 3. I’m sure there’s some random place in France that would do that also.
Somehow it’s always the romanians
Every single European stereotype is true.
Sounds like something a fat stupid American would say.
I see what you did there, but fyi I’m from middle Europe
There’s no such thing as Middle Europe. Oder river separates Western Europe from Eastern Europe. That’s it.
I think we found the Wise Old Fat Man of the River
Central Europe: a term invented by the less eastern eastern europe so they stop getting called eastern europe
As a less eastern eastern european, can confirm
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London would be in Central Europe.
Just a joke mate :) x
fat stupid American
AKA an American.
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how many layers deep is this? the stereotypical european would say something like that. Or is that the joke and I’m just too simple to understand?
Haha it’s absolutely the joke mate.
I, a European, objected to being stereotyped in any way so I proved the point by being oblivious to myself doing the exact same thing.
I don’t think all Americans are fat and stupid. Some are actually pretty thin as it goes…
Absolutely! I actually met the thin one at a conference once
Hey, I also met the thin American once. Small world…
as a fat stupid american, thank you for explaining the joke, mate
No worries you adorably chubby simpleton you :) x
Now if you excuse me, I have to get back to not visiting the dentist and having a more advanced sense of humour than you.
Plus public healthcare
Just barely these days unfortunately…
It’s almost as if stereotypes are based on some truths… 😅
Oh boy, you do not want to say that
he did tho, and I agree
especially as you go more and more to the east
No, most Lithuanians are not gangsters or hookers, we just exported those abroad.
This gets bad quickly
𝕯𝖎𝖊𝖘𝖊 𝕶𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖘𝖊𝖐𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖎𝖘𝖙 𝖓𝖚𝖓 𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖚𝖒 𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝕭𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖗𝖊𝖕𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖎𝖐 𝕯𝖊𝖚𝖙𝖘𝖈𝖍𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖉
My brain changed the second word to Rammstein.
I’m just imagining Germans running around shouting “Du” at each other.
Do hats
Do hats fit
Do hats
Do hats fit
Do hats
Do hats fit
Do hats
Do hats fit
Do hats
Do hats fit
Do hats fit
Do hats fit my frog?
Do hats fit my frog?
Do hats fit my frog?
They do. His name is Zog!
I’ve been going to the store
How many hats should I buy for him?
Ahhhhhh, NINE!
Ahhhhhh, NINE!
I’ve been going to the store
How many hats should I buy for him?
Ahhhhhh, NINE!
Ahhhhhh, NINE!
Do-do-du-loot-doot-dinna-lunna-loot! Dinnuna-oota-loot!
+1 für Kreativität
Thanks! It’s an old creation of mine, but not totally mine.
The re-write was inspired by a comment that read:
Do hats
Do hats fit my frog?
I saw that and wrote the rest.
What he was trying to politely say is “I’m not sharing my joint with vous”
fuck why can’t i live in europe. almost every day i have the opposite experience where a well meaning midwest person tries to be friendly and my brain just…stalls and does something like this
come to berlin nobody here is friendly
Have they finally rebuilt the city since the war?
It’s mostly shitty pre WW2 buildings… They do look nice and give the city character I guess.
Lot of east-block stuff from after the war too.
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Barlin ist atzenplatz1
Oh that’s Ohkay, yoo know we all have days like thiat
Which stereotype refuses punctuation?
Same stereotype which has a bad school system.
Punctuation doesn’t grow on trees!
(I realise that would have worked better without the exclamation mark)
Every middle-aged German man is named Thomas. No exceptions.
Lol, the French one is true and I had no idea
They’re almost an equivalent price now, thanks to taxes on cigarettes.
Was gonna say, I don’t smoke but I was in upstate NY and a guy gave me a $20 to grab him a pack of smokes from a corner store while I was running in to grab a snack, and I thing I got like $1 and change back. I was appalled.
Yup. Gotta say though, it works. I’ve backed down from impulse buying a pack on several occasions because I didn’t want to drop $20 for 30s of satisfaction
UK here, I used to smoke Joints with tobacco mixed in. Gave up tobacco but still liked a joint.
I moved to a dry herb vape, and now only smoke a Joint very occasionally when someone offers me a cigarette, which is very rare because of the price.
I go “Yeah thanks” and put it behind my ear and tell em I’ll get 2 joints out of that later.
Can people be banned from buying cigarettes?
My cigarettes cost me $0.04.21 each, but when I smoked I rolled my own with a Top-O-Matic. An entire month worth of smokes still would only cost me $42.
only $42 / month
jesus christ as if i needed even more reason not to be addicted to nicotine
That’s … not that much tbh. If you were to go to the bar with your friend once a month you could easily pay double, the cost of like two movie tickets and popcorn, etc etc
That’s really cheap. A pack a day can cost you over $300 month depending where you live
Meh, I spend that on weed, and more on rum
$0.04.21? But at 1:05.21, how much more expensive would they be?
What’s the inflation like in your location?
Well, the inflation is the same as it is everywhere else in California, but I actually already inflated the price.
When I quit, the price was $0.03.42 per cigarette or $35 a month. I tended to smoke and give away around 1000 cigarettes per month when I smoked.
At $0.10.521 per cigarette, that would cost me $105.25 a month.
Any about Romanians?
fuck you, I’ve never had anything stolen in Romania
Me neither. Not by Romanians, anyway.
I had my heart stolen by a Romanian girl.
Absolute monster hahaha
Happened to a friend of mine, terrible.
romania (and the rest of eastern europe) have almost non-existent theft rates compared to literally all of western/northern europe, except for spain and portugal because everyone in those two are poor so there’s nothing to steal anyways
generally the more prosperous/capitalist the people in a country are the higher the rates of stealing are. this says a lot about our society
It’s nice they’ve kept the stealing abroad.
Give us back our copper!
romania (and the rest of eastern europe) have almost non-existent theft rates
That’s because all the thieves went to steal in the west
Blasting music in public, especially the genre called “manele”
Romania just out there pretending to be Latin America.
Well both have Latin culture mixed in them so…
Magyar ?
Hit me with some polish ones, i want to know
Once at a railway station in Krakow some polish guy asked me if I would like to cum in his mouth.
Did you?
No, I was young and stupid.
Ah well, you live you learn
to cum in people’s mouths when the opportunity presents iteself.
Sure, I guess I just imagined it will be easy to find people to cum in their mouths later in my life so I simply ignored this one random opportunity. Had I known how much time will I have to wait to actually cum in someone’s mouth… And how difficult it is to find a random person offering this. It pretty much never happens.
Not my experience though i think i do remember hearing rumors or memes about something similar few years ago.
I happened about 20 years ago. I would be nice if it become a meme though.
I don’t know any Polish stereotypes, but I do know a Polish joke.
Why does The New Polish Navy have glass bottomed ships?
::>!So you can see The Old Polish Navy!<::
Wow, so original and new! Did you learn that on the playground… in the early 1970s?
That’s not true. Poland don’t have any new ships.
Well one patrol boat but we build it something around 19 years so i doubt it count as “new”.
Glad you appreciated it, lol
That said, that joke was probably invented around 1590 about Spanish
I once was hiking in the Tatras and upon reaching a part that was more difficult, heaved a sigh and said “Pizdec”. Everybody laughed, even people from further away.
Well depend on which side you were, in Czech it means iirc “fuck”, in Polish we have related word “piździec”, usually used in “ale piździec” or “ale piździ” which means roughly “it’s windy as fuck here” - pretty relevant in Tatras.
Stealing cars
That was stereotype, also now we have cities where there are 2+ cars per capita.
Because so many were stolen?
Nah, partially because we were buying all the German crashed cars for years, but mostly because Poles after 1989 eaten up the car culture especially the part of car being status symbol.
I know, I was joking
Respond, yes they are the same price. This place doesn’t sell cigarettes, I will sell you at same price as beer.
I would totally see myself doing that. You do me a favor I‘ll do you one. Simple as.
Sometimes true but not always. I’ve had coworkers from the UK all the way to the middle east who were always happy to buy drinks and were more generous, I suspect many from across the commonwealth, and greco roman world tend to take gifts of food more fairly.
Much of China having gone through multiple famines tends to have a different food culture though which probably makes people come off rude to each other
Yes, because no other country experiences famine
Why did you make up a reason to be offended?
Nobody said no other country experience it, so calm down.You seem otherwise cool so I’m just gonna wish you the best of luck with your pregnancy and happy weekend!