That one brain cell realizing mistakes were made.
“oh right, I dont have a brother”
Long live the king.
skipped the tutorial.
I think my grey girl secretly has some orange brain cells, because she tries to get up her cat tree the same way. Even though it has several nice low to the ground jump up points and a little ramp. Nope, rocket straight up the side with nothing on it and desperately pull yourself up to the top level!
Same with my cat. Many nice and easy jumping up points but he chooses to jump at the round post and then scale up the rest of the tree.
It’s cute, but I cringe whenever people refer to a dog or a cat as “my child”
I cringe whenever someone can’t stand others enjoying life in a different way.
“no u”
You missed the memo. Children are too expensive, so now pets are the new children, and plants are the new pets. Goldfish are the new plants.
Sure, but we don’t actually call goldfish plants now, just because the cost of ownership changed! Words have meaning, dammit!
My plant died today so I flushed it down the toilet.
Did it meow?
you fool, you’ve revealed your weakness to me and… my child
Personally I cringe whenever people have children.
Sympathy pain, I get it
Mistakes were made
I think that cat already had too many pickles.
Does he not have claws? :(
No amount of claws is going to stop that gravitational force.
Becos he fat